Friday, July 17, 2015



The relationship between God, Jesus, and true parents

There are two things, we must know in Christology.

First is the question “is Jesus god himself?” 

The answer is no, Jesus is not God himself.
Christians believe that Jesus is God himself. Jesus is recorded in the Bible as someone who prayed a lot to God. If Jesus is God, how could he have prayed to himself?

I debated on this subject in America with other Christian pastors for nine years. We must explain to Christians that Jesus is the son of God and not God himself.

Christians are angry because we believe Father to be the Second Advent, and they think that we believe Father as God himself too. In other words, Christians have misunderstood that we believe in a different God than the God in which they believe.

Jesus is not God himself but a perfect human being who has the equal value as God. We learned about the value of perfected men in Christology. That is why we explain that, though Jesus perfected himself and became a person who Satan cannot accuse, he is not God himself.

When I meet those pastors in America these days, I tell them that there is no need to fight even though our doctrines are different.

During the 160,000 couple Korean Japanese sisterhood pact ceremony, Father said something very blatant as he was teaching the Japanese women.

“Is Jesus man or woman?”

“He is a man.”
“Do you think he had a male organ?”

“He did.”

“Then he must use that which he has, right?”


The Japanese women had no choice but to answer. Jesus was clearly a man and had the male organ. Father therefore explained clearly that Jesus was to marry a woman. Even when we look at this, we get to realize how great the difference between Christian pastors and father is. Christians keep throwing stones at us, saying, “Why do you say Jesus is a human being and that he is a man?” 

The second aspect we must know: 

Is that God wants human to rise to a position even higher than him because God is the parent of humankind and the humanity are his children. It is just as in our family, where if the parents could not go to school and be educated for a reason, the parents will want their children to succeed. If the children are able to succeed, their parent will be honored too.

In addition, doesn’t a subject partner also want its object partner to become better than itself? Just as such, we come to believe that the heart of True Love is to want others to become better than us.

There was nobody in the history of mankind who said, “human beings are God’s children, and God wants human beings to attain even higher position than Him.”

Father made definition of God in many different ways. Father once defined God as a poor God. On the other hand, Christian churches call him, glorious God, holy God, and omnipotent and omniscient God.

Then, how Father come to realize that God is poor? Father was walking on the street when he met a truly poor homeless grandfather, and Father felt that God was just as poor as that grandfather was. After feeling such a state of God, Father wondered who else could relieve the sorrowful heart of such a God. From this he decided to walk the path of God’s Will.

Mother is father’s great masterpiece

Mother was so spiritually bright that she was able to reduce a topic that I could not summarize in ten words into just one word. When she did, I couldn’t find anything wrong with her conclusion.

Mother is such a great person. Moreover, our great Father educates Mother and she has something that we cannot even imagine. Her greatness can be attributed to the effort of Dae Mo Nim. Mother stands upon Dae Mo Nim’s foundation of faith.

Mother told me recently, “Hey, you know, Father, he keeps calling me, “My half, my half.” That really true. Father can try everything possible to become perfect but he is only a half person without Mother. Mother now stands on the equal position as Father.

Father said that, in hindsight, educating Mother was most difficult thing. His ordeals of receiving tortures were easy, compared to the pain he had to endure while teaching Mother. Father said that he would have said “Sorry, I can’t.” when God told him “you take responsibility of fulfilling the mission of Messiah” had he know that the Messiah, or the perfected Adam, had to find a woman and rise her to become the perfected Eve, and that the task was so difficult.

However, Father took the responsibility without knowing about it and God thoroughly educated Father in self-denial. Father said “that alone was difficult enough but I had to perfect Mother on top of that. It was very hard. How could I express it all with words?”

Father was God’s masterpiece and Mother in turn was Father’s masterpiece. That is why, if we are to go to God, we must go to Father through Mother, and then go to God through Father. We cannot go straight to Father. That is how precious and close to us Mother is.

In 1992, Father appointed Mother as the chairwoman of Women’s Federation for World Peace, and made her proclaim Father’s Words in a world-tour encompassing Korea, America, and Japan.

Father told us at that time, “As we see in the Bible, God created Adam and then realized that living alone is not good. Then God took one of Adam’s ribs and made Eve, a woman well suited for him. This story does not mean to simply say that men have one less rib than women, but the rib bone, which is located close to the heart, symbolize the partner of love.

Father said that this means that God created Adam and Eve was created by Adam. Therefore, God does, not directly guide Mother who is the third Eve, but Father must guide Mother in God’s position.

Also, as Eve seduced and led Adam to his fall in the Garden of Eden, the process of restoration must go through the opposite direction; Mother, who is the perfected Eve, must serve Father and help him become successful. Only then could she indemnify the first Eve sin of ruining the first Adam.

When hearing that Mother’s Words were easier to understand than Father’s, Father said jokingly “Mother is receiving glories like the Queen Elisabeth and I am like Philip, watching the queen from behind the scene, I am declining.”

The Mother told him, “Oh, don’t go down, please stay where you are. I will go up the top and pull Father.” True Parents exchanges joys like that, but it meant that Mother was in the position to serve Father and help him become successful.

We must understand that Mother is in a high position that no one can match from the providential point of view. Even Father cannot complete the providence without Mother.

After Mother finished her world-tour, Father spoke with joy. “Mother heralded the highest heavenly fortune and she ascended to the highest of position.” It was possible because Mother helped Father to obtain that position of Father.

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