Friday, January 31, 2020

Interview with Mrs. Gil Ja Sa Eu

Interview with Mrs. Gil Ja Sa Eu
June 24, 2011
Peace TV posted interviews with some of the 36 Blessed couples commemorating the Golden Anniversary of their Blessing. The following is some part of the interview with Mrs. Gil Ja Sa Eu, whose husband is Rev. Hyo Won Eu.
"Three couples (Rev. Won Pil Kim, Rev. Young Hwi Kim and Rev. Hyo Won Eu) were Blessed five days after True Parents' Holy Wedding Ceremony. In the following year, 33 couples were Blessed and we together with them are called the 36 couples. One thing I can never forget in my life is my expulsion from my college due to the commitment of my faith with True Parents. At that time Father gave us, who joined the church with such determination, very precious words:
Since your faith is not shaken, no life energy is not consumed, and therefore you always look young.
Since then, every time I faced difficulties, I recalled those words and thought "I cannot fall down until my college is restored to God," and I could carry through until now.
My husband and I have an age gap and so humanistically speaking we would not have been able to be married, but I had been impressed by my husband's utmost love towards God's will and his honest faith in attending to True Parents, and I accepted the Blessing with him.
In my life course, there were lots of difficulties, but because of my determination when I joined the church, I could come through until now. Father always said we must be good role models for the other members when he called all members for mobilization, and although we lived together for 10 years after the Blessing, in reality I was with him only for 5 years. So I have to admit that I did not have enough of a tender period with him. Our family was responsible for Hee Jin Nim, who passed away when he was on his way to witnessing activities. So I understand my husband, following Hee Jin Nim, needed to go to the spirit world to protect him. We have three sons and I always told them 'Never be sad thinking you do not have your father with you. Be proud of your father who followed Hee Jin Nim to protect him in the spirit world.'
14 students were expelled from the college in those days and some of them left the church. Father always remembers us and I always keep in my heart Father's words I mentioned before. Though my physical body has been weaker, I am determined to continue to attend to True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind."

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