Friday, July 17, 2015

become God’s perfect object partner


Strive first to become God’s perfect object partner

Father said that we all must have spiritual experiences.

I had many dreams when I first joined the church. Spirit world taught me whether the things I was thinking were good or bad. Father said that this was help from my ancestors.

I had quite amazing experiences, too. I have come to have a more developed spiritual senses. Also, Father and Mother are always within my consciousness. It could just be that I have spent some much time with Father and Mother but they are always in my consciousness. When I am doing simple tasks like eating, I always have silent conversation with Father and Mother. As a result, my spiritual sense became sensitive and Father and Mother taught me everything in a very detailed manner.

I worked as the regional director for Texas when I was living in America. Then, I was called by Mother suddenly to attend her for eleven months after Father went to Danbury. The thing is that I have a somewhat good brain but I am at the same time a bit slow-witted. One could say that I am tactless. I have a tendency to analyze things when someone tells me a fact. So I have always been smarter than average people in learning about like geometry but I am slow in everyday politic, so to speak.

One day, a group of members was seated in circle with Mother. Mother was speaking about something when she teased me, saying, Jil Ja still doesn’t laugh” since I wasn’t getting the meaning of the conversation that was taking place at the time. I was hurt inside but I still couldn’t’ understand the real meaning of what was being said. Then Mother told me, “You should pray to God for wisdom.” That was the extent to which I was slow-witted.

I was actually praying a lot already. Mother prayed in her room, and we gathered at the holy ground at East Garden where True Parents used to pray. We offered a prayer vigil from midnight to two in the morning until Father was out of the prison. We were intellectuals who joined the church in its early days after listening to the Principle unlike the spiritual-sensitive people who joined the church through prayers.

But I still prayed very hard because Mother told me to. At first, I would pray “please give me wisdom” and would get no answer. Some when I prayed, I first offered a prayer for the greater purpose, praying for the safe release of Father from prison, and then prayed for my own wish, “Heavenly Father! Mother said that I am unwise and slow-witted; please allow me to have wisdom.”

After some prayer, I felt as if God was telling me, “That’s some foolish prayer.” But I still held onto it like a stubborn child for few months, nagging God for the same things.

Then I felt in my heart that God was telling me, “you keep saying the same thing. This is getting old. You are annoying.” I became sure that God would give me an answer someday. So I kept on praying, “Heavenly Father! Mother says I’m slow-witted, please give me wisdom.” I prayed like a true fool. Then one day I received an answer.

The temperature was so low in New York that we shivered uncontrollably even after putting on many layers of clothing. It felt as if the wind was trying to penetrate into our bodies and we were cold from head to toe.

It was an incredible cold day but I did not feel cold at all when I received the spirit of God. It was as warm as springtime. I heard God’s voice while a mist embraced me warmly in silence.

God told me, “The wisdom you have sought from me with your prayer does not come from you but it comes from me to you in its entirety when you become my perfect object partner. What is mine will be yours, and what is yours will be mine.” In other words, God told me that receiving wisdom is not the important thing but becoming the perfect object partner to God is. I received such a grace-filled and realistic revelation from God.

The Heavenly mother that we must know

We must know that there is only Heavenly Father but Heavenly Mother as well. There is an old lady named Wol Gwang Lee in Daegu. She was very open spiritually so much so that she asks questions to God and God answers all of them. She was the first one to discover the Heavenly Mother, and she had a special ability of healing people since when she was in a Christian church. She used her special spiritual ability to heal others but she refrained from doing it after joining our church and listening to the Principle.

However, sick people kept coming to her, asking to be healed. So she was sometimes forced to heal people, but she would pay indemnity if she healed people.. so she was so sick of it that one day she promised a pastor to participate in a healing prayer service but then broke the promise and didn’t go.

Then God became angry and left her. After God left her, she said that she felt as if she was thrown into a pitch-black void, unable to know whether she was failing or rising, unable to tell which was front and back. She became extremely surprised and called out to God, “Heavenly Father! Heavenly Father! From the top of her lungs. But her plea fell on deaf ears.

Then she suddenly realized, “Right! There’s also Heavenly Mother!” so she started calling from the top of her lungs, “Heavenly Mother” Heavenly Mother!” Heavenly father would normally answer her call with a manly voice, “Oh yes, my beloved daughter” but this time God spoke in a woman voice, “Oh, yes, my beloved daughter” but this time God spoke in a woman’s soft voice. “What’s wrong?” So this lady told God, “Heavenly Mother! Please save me. What should I do now that Heavenly Father has abandoned me?” She begged her desperately.

Heavenly Mother then said, “Then wait, I’ll go ask Father.” After much time, Heavenly Mother came back and scorned her. “Why didn’t you keep your promise? Heavenly Father is extremely angry at you because your mind changes more than a dozen times a day.” Then the lady begged for forgiveness, saying “Heavenly Mother! Please forgive me just this once, I will never do it again.” Then she left after saying, “Ok I’ll go ask him again and come right back.” Then she, came back and said, “Heavenly Father said there was no way for Him to forgive you but He will forgive you just this once because of Heavenly Mother,”

Heavenly Mother was surprised. For so long, humanity has always been asking only for Heavenly Father even though there was Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Mother asked Mrs. Lee. “How did you find me?” and said “Thank you” to her. However, when she listened carefully to the voice of Heavenly Mother, it was the voice of True Mother.

In other words, I felt the God who was more well-balanced and I called out for Heavenly Mother together with Heavenly Father. Even Heavenly Mother said, “How did you know I existed? Thank you.” Please know that there is Heavenly Mother who is so kind and warm.

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