Friday, July 17, 2015

Eschatology and human history

Phenomena of the last days and their meanings

People who do not know the Principle think about the Last Days and imagine that it would be an age when the ground splits open and fire rains from heaven; in other words, the complete annihilation fo humanity. However, people who know the principle believe that the Last Days is a very good age when Satan’s sovereignty ends and God’s sovereignty begins, the time when heaven on Earth and in Heaven begins.

At the age when the Messiah comes is the age when Satan’s sovereignty wil come to complete destruction, the root of sin is clearly revealed. Now is the age when there are the worst kind of people who commit evil crimes and good people who follow the Messiah in order to reclaim the sovereignty of God all mixed together. Therefore, this is an age fo confusion where it is difficult to discern who is good and who is bad. The reason that now is an age of confusion is because the Restoration providence / Salvation Providence is the Providence of re-creation. Now that the Messiah has come back in order to finish the providence of re-creation, he has to re-create by creating order in the midst of chaos just as God created all things out of chaos through creating order.

This is an age where people are lost, oblivious about which direction they must go. The world will see a lot of crimes committed by adolescents because Adam and Eve were around that age when they fell in the Garden of Eden. This will become a big problem in society, but we who have no worries about falling into the evil way of life because we who serve and follow the Messiah are truly happy people.

There will be many signs appearing at the Last days. We have learned about this through Father’s words or through learning the Principle. What’s important here is that we understand the meanings of the phenomenon which will happen in the Last Days.

The ancestors of the Korean people went through an incredible course of indemnity in order to allow the birth of Father to take place in this land. I anguished too during the Japanese colonial period and the reign of communism, thinking “what kind of sin did our ancestors commit? Is it just that we are stupid?” I endured those hard times but now, in hindsight, it was the Korean people’s course of suffering in order to allow the birth of the Lord in this land. I believe I have already spoken about the greatest indemnity payment that had to be made by the clans closest to Parents.

The indemnity of the Abel side that is close to Father has all been paid. However, the Cain side who still opposes Father has indemnity left to pay. But Father says that their indemnity will be paid by an even harsher method. Large-scale disasters in Korea or foreign nation such as hurricanes or tsunamis are a kind of indemnity of the Cain side.

These phenomena, on the other hand, work to reveal the glory of Father. How so? When such disasters happen, people will fall into despair, thinking “oh, we can’t trust anything anymore, how will we live?” Won’t the people of the Satanic world look to heaven and yearn for the hand of salvation when such tremendous calamities occur that cannot be overcome by human effort?

The members in the early days of the church heard a lot about how Heaven’s Will, will be fulfilled in three years or seven years. However, Father’s words were not realized. I was so frustrated and I asked Father, “Father, what’s Heaven’s time schedule?” In other words, I asked him “when will the Will be fulfilled?”

Father answered, “Look at the newspapers!” Father meant that the fallen archangel will do things before God does them in the world, so we will know what God will do when we read about worldly affairs in the newspapers. God follow Satan in order to restore the harm done by Satan.

I normally didn’t read the politics section in the newspapers, but after listening to Father’s words, I started reading them, at least the headlines, if I didn’t have too much time, in order to understand what is happening in the world. We can know the next step of God’s work when we understand what is happening in the world. This is also an important thing to know in Eschatology.

There were many Last Days in the history of Restoration Providence, but why did God keep extending the Restoration Providence? Father told us that it took God 6.000 years to set a condition by repeatedly extending the Providence of Restoration in order to find the path that Satan could not invade.

Then will God leave evil alone? No, he won’t. When I was a Presbyterian, I even thought once after listening to Eschatology, “The world must end quickly, I believe in Jesus so I will rise up to the clouds and ascend to Heaven.”

There are still many believers who literally believe that they will rise up into the clouds and ascend to Heaven and are waiting for the day when that will happen. Since the day they are awaiting has not come, they will begin to think that maybe the Lord will come in a physical body. Then the Christians will look around to see where the Lord has come and they won’t be able to help but to believe that rev. Moon, who has accomplished such miraculous things, is no doubt the returning Lord.

Eschatology and the structure of the human body

When we look at Eschatology in the Divine Principle, it says that Heaven resembles a person’s body. Father once entered the spirit world and what he learned by meeting God who did not have a form was that God appeared in the form of a human being. Therefore, there is no entity in the universe that embodies the truth more than human body.

Father knew the infinite value that the human body structure has, and he even told us that the human body is the foundation of his thinking. Father spoke about that often. Also, Father discovered that the Bible was written resembling the human body because the Bible is the word of God. In other words, Father knew which part in the Bible was the head, the body, and the arms and legs. That’s how he was able to unravel the Bible completely.

Theologians in the world still do not know the Bible in its entirety, but only partially. Father said that it is as if a few blind men touched an elephant and gave different descriptions of it. The one who touched its nose said, “elephants are shaped like serpents.” The one who touched the leg said, “ elephants are shaped like pillars.” And the one who touched the elephant’s belly said, “ elephants are shaped like walls.” This is the reason theologians fight over the interpretation of the Bible.

However, after realizing that the human body is the perfect manifestation of the truth, Father used the human body to find God. Father said that when he look at the whole human body, the head symbolizes God, the body symbolizes humans, and the arms and legs symbolize all things.

When we look at the face, the two eyes symbolize the dual characteristics. In other words, they symbolize God. Which part of the face do you look at first when you look at someone? Most people look at the eyes. Father said it’s so mysterious how the eyeballs move around so freely in such a small space.

Father also said, that when we look at just the face, the eyes symbolize God, the nose symbolizes humans, and the mouth, all things. As such, the foundation of all Father’s thought is the human body. God always appears in the shape of a human body when He appears.

In leading business, Father also decide what to do first according to human body structure. When Father originally started Tongil Industry, he said that “Tongil Industry is the key industry that will work like the spine of the human body.” The key industry which makes all sort of machinery was the first business that Father started after offering much Jeonseong. Father’s idea was that only when the spinal industry is firmly founded, can other smaller business attach themselves to the spine, forming an intricate and well balanced body.

Father tries to model his businesses after the human body structure like this. As it is expressed in Give and Take Action as well, our body’s metabolism must function properly. Businesses also have to be done in such way in order to develop. We must realize that Father does not do business irrationally but always in accordance with the human body structure.

Father also said that the last industry that has to be formed is the ocean shipping industry. When the human body is completely formed, it must have blood circulation in order to carry on the function of metabolism. Our body will be healthy only when we have a good metabolism. Father said that ocean shipping industry is similar to the circulation of blood. He said that one day he will have large ships built to bring special goods from one nation to another nation, and then bring the goods of that nation to other nations, and even invite people over to the ship to educate them as well.

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