Friday, July 17, 2015


Father strictly applies the principle of predestination 
God’s predestination in terms of His will is absolute according to the Principle of Predestination, and the core of the teaching is that when people fail to fulfill their responsibility, someone else will take their place.
Father taught us that this also applies to Father himself as well and that he feels this very strongly. Father said that this is the reason that he has never been able to loosen the rope in his heart after he’d found out about the principle of predestination.
Father first thought that he must not let anyone steal his precious principle. As the archangel was able to stay one-step ahead of God, because he knew the things that God was going to do in the Garden of Eden. Father thought that it would be imperative not to let anyone steal the Words of principle, lest they use the Words for bad purposes. However, the reason Father can reveal the Principle to the whole world now is that the time has come.
We must remember it in the deepest depth of our hearts that Father tried so hard to endure. It is easy for us to call Father’s name, but Father is very serious about the significance of hearing his name. Father always asks himself, “Am I fulfilling the role of father well? Am I really loving others more than myself? Am I really sacrificing for others?
Father told us: “it’s because you don’t know the spirit world that you are able to play, rest and quit if you want. I know the spirit world, so I cannot do that.” The time on Earth is like a blink of an eye when compared to the time in the spirit world. Father told us, “When we think that our position is determined by our short time on Earth, how could we live comfortably?”
Even now, Father gives direction that are nearly impossible to complete and goes out to the ocean to pray for us. However, the oceans are very dangerous place to be. A storm can suddenly flip the boat over. Father put his life at the mercy of the ocean, in a small boat and spends a thousand, perhaps ten-thousands times more serious Jeong Seong while he offers tearful prayers in order to make the conditions of indemnification.
The principle of predestination also applies to Father. The same rule applies to us as well. 

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