Friday, July 17, 2015

Principle of Creation, God exist without form

God exist without form
When we read the Divine Principle, there is a sentence that says, “How can we know the divine nature of the invisible God?” Father told us that, during his research about God, he thought a lot why God is invisible.
Apparently, we cannot see God’s form even after we go to the spirit world. Why is that? Father gave us two reasons. The first chapter in the Cheon Seong Gyeong deals with “True God” and many points regarding this are dealt with in details.
First, God would find himself in a very difficult position if He had a form. “no God is mine” etc. …
This is the reason it is better for us to not be able to see God. God as a manifestation of his form creates humans and all the creation. Therefore there is nowhere God does not exist.
The second reason is that if God had a body we could see, like our own, the size would become a problem. How large would God’s body have to be, when there are creations such as lofty mountains and deep oceans”.
Father told us, “Don’t try to see God. That what will happen to you if you try to see God, so don’t try that anymore.” It was revealed later that Father also thought, “I’m grateful that God does not have a form.
God's dual characteristics
God exist as the harmony of Sungsang and Hyungsang and is the Yang type of existence. Therefore, God had to create the Yin type of world.
Give and take action
After researching about the principle by which God created the universe, Father discovered that everything is in reciprocal relationships and that this was the principle of give and take action between subject and object partners.
For everything you give, you will receive. If a subject partner gives something to its object partner but the object partner does not return anything, that object will be destroyed. True love is something that is given infinitely. You invest and invest without looking back. You do not keep an account of what you give. Father was a person of such kind of love.
Purpose of creation
God created humans and all things. God created in two parts: the spiritual body and the physical body. That is why humans now have the spirit self, which is like God’s spirituality.
Also, God blew His spirit into that physical body. This spirit is to grow and become complete before it can have dominion over the spirit world. Humans have a spiritual self and physical self in order to have dominion, on God’s behalf, and as God’s children, over the worlds both visible and invisible.
God made humans as his object partner, as we are unaware of the existence of our mind unless it receives stimulation, God created the substantial body, which can be seen. Since He cannot feel love alone, He wanted to dwell in that body. Didn’t we learn that God was to dwell in Adam and Eve once they were perfected? Then Adam and Eve would live while attending God. Adam and Eve would be God’s home.
Three object purpose
Father told us “Three Object Purpose, it’s difficult to understand, right? In terms of love, this is the unity of love.
For example, the grandfather in a family is in the position of God, then, in the position of unity of love, there is his grandchild , if his grandchild one day asks his grandfather, “Grandpa, give me a piggyback ride”  then regardless of how high God-like a position the grandfather is in, he will still say “yes of course” and give his grandchild a piggyback ride. In that moment the, the grandfather yield to his grandchild request. Here, the grandchild become the subject partner and the grand father become the object partner.
When we look at the relationship between husband and wife, the wife’s original position is that of the object partner and husband’s position is that of the subject partner. However, when the wife ask her husband, “honey I have muscle cramps in my back, please give me a massage”. Then the husband will surely give a massage to his lovely wife, at this moment, because the wife moved her husband according to her will, because the husband did what his wife asked him to do, the wife goes to the position of subject partner and the husband the object partner.
When the husband goes somewhere, the wife follows him unconditionally. She does not even ask a question but follows her husband like a magnet. Then their children will go the same direction because their parents are going there. Then who will follow them? God will follow them joyfully. When we practice Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, and Absolute Obedience, we who are in the object partner’s position, will go to the subject partner’s position and God will follow us.
The four positions foundation
The four positions in the Four Position Foundation are equal in value; no one position is higher than the others are, they are equally same, they are united. In other words, they become one in body. This is how when God is in the subject position, the other three positions become three object partners.
This realization of Three Object Purpose in Four Position Foundation is unity through love.
When the husband and the wife are completely united, they don’t have a reason to fight. Also, as God appears through Four Position Foundation, it become very lonely if even one of these position is absent. It is because God’s love realizes the unity by fulfilling the Three Object Purpose through Four Position Foundation.
Father loved God more than anyone did
Father told us that there were three questions God would ask each of us when we go to the spirit world. These questions are asked to everyone without exception.
  1. First question, how much did you love God while you were in the physical world?
  2. Second, how much did you love people?
  3. Third, how much did you love creation?
He told us that God always asks these questions. This is why Father has been telling us to love God, love human beings, and love creation while we are in the physical world.
First question, how much did you love God while you were in the physical world?
I saw ho Father loved God, I am unable to know about all the love Father gave to God, but I want to tell you some of the things that I witnessed while attending him closely.
Father sometimes says, “I am crazy about God, I am crazy about the Principle. There is nothing I do that deviates from the desires of God and the Principle.” What does it mean to be crazy? It means that a person has no awareness of himself. Father was someone who always asked, “What is God’s will? What does God want? Such desire only got stronger as time passed.
When Father would sit quietly, it seemed like Father had nothing. He seemed to be in a state devoid of thought. He sometimes hummed quietly and looked like he was waiting someone. I sometimes saw Father trying to catch the frequency of God’s will like a rotating antenna, always keeping himself empty. Then, when he would start something, he would move with great speed, like lightening.
Members have asked me, what kind of person was Father. How can you describe him in just one word?
This is a truly a difficult question to answer. I answered it this way:
“He had nothing and he had everything”. I do not think I can give a better answer than that. Also, Father was like the bridge that allowed people to cross the river to escape from Satan and come to God.
A bridge connects two side of a river. However, should ther be an obstacle in the middle of the bridge, that obstacle will hinder people and cars from crossing. Therefore, bridges must be kept clean and free of obstacles, Father was like that.
Father was also like a tunnel that lets people pass through a mountain with great ease. Cars can swiftly drive through a tunnel when the tunnel is clear of obstacles.

Therefore, Father has the role of a mediator, like a bridge or a tunnel, who connects one side – human beings - to the other side – God. Meanwhile, he keeps no trace of himself in his own consciousness.
Father often said a person must become more humble as his position rises and he takes responsibility. He must be like a fetus in the womb. A fetus in its mother’s womb does not have any freedom. A fetus receives nutrients through the umbilical cord connected to the mother. If the mother lies down, the baby lies down, too. When she gets up, the baby gets up, too and following the mother whenever she goes.
Big and small position that we find ourselves in do not belong to us. Instead of being ours, they belong to True Parents. This is why you must stand in the position of defending what belongs to True Parents.
As we rise in the organization, our position do not belong to us. Heaven has given us the position, so that we may take good care of it. Leader also have to pray continuously, do Hoon Dok Hae, become role models for others, and live for the sake of the members. If you can stick to these rules, you will do well no matter what position you are entrusted with.
Then your heart will be empty, and you will always ask God, “Father, you have put me in this position, what do you want me to do? What shall I do?”
Father once told me, “You must be a happy person.” So I asked him, “why, Father?” then He answered, “you can control your own schedule when you go on s speaking tour, you have that freedom, I don’t.” We may think that Father is the freest person of all, but Father actually has no freedom. He does not have freedom, because he always seeks the will of God and strives to become one with the will.
Father is very sensitive to all aspects of the environment, from the weather to the direction of the wind. Father once said, “I am in a state of complete unity of mind and body.” Father said, this state means there is no concept of separation between mind and body. God’s feelings are within him, because his mind is one with God and he acts according to his mind without a second thought.
When we cannot make up our mind about something, it is evidence of our disunity between mind and body.
That is why Father thinks that things that happen to his body are very important. For example, there was an instance when Father remained in his bed until it was almost time for him to leave for an appointment. Those of us attending him became anxious. We told him, “Father, it’s almost time to go.” Then Father said, “I know that, but don’t go. My legs don’t want to go. I think I should go later.”
When we consider these things, we can understand that Father is someone who is always ready to follow God’s will at any time. In other words, Father is like this, because he is in a state of complete absence of self.
Second question, how much did you love people?
People are object partners of love and teachers of love.
Father taught us there are two ideal ways to interact with people
The first way, he said is to treat everyone, be the children or the elderly, as people sent by God. He would look at people and say: “I will do the best I can for these people. How I will make them happy and joyful?” He would keep thinking about how he would do this. Eventually he would find a way to be good to them.
It is similar to the way we human seek the best ways to make our children happy.
Father said the second way is to think that there must be something, he can learn from each person. Father would treat each person with humility, thinking that he must learn something from that person. He would consider that God must have sent this person to Father to teach Father something. When he thought this way with great sincerity, there was always something that he could learn. Father said it was because every human being is born with one of the twelve character types of God.
Father told us he feels immense joy when he serves a person as his teacher. He said he could live every day and every moment like the first day of school, excited to learn new things and without any sense of boredom.
The richest people are those who strive to live for the for the sake of others, and the poorest are those who may have a lot of wealth but still try to devise plans to use people. Father said that such person, although he may have mountains of material goods, will never feel satisfied because of his greed.
So we have to think seriously about how we will love people and live for the sake of others. We must learn that father treated each person preciously. 
Third question, how much did you love creation?
The level of father’s love for nature.
To learn the answer to this question, I closely watched how Father loves all created things.
First, Father carefully organized everything that he used. He keep his room so tidy that one night when the electricity went out for three hours, he had no problems moving around and finding everything he needed in the dark. It was because he new where everything was, since he kept everything in its proper place. He could still find any item and later return it to its place. That how organized he was.
Father talks to nature like this. Father said that truly loving all things in the world and making them our friends let us experience what it would have been like for Adam and Eve, had they achieved dominion over all creation.
One day, Father went with other church members to the house of a member who raised quails. This person was famous for rising many quails. Father looked at the cage where hundreds of quails were being kept. Then he asked me while quietly observing the cage, “Gil Ja, when do you think quails are the happiest?” I said, “Well, it must be when a male and a female quail make love.” Father told me, though, “No, since all things are created by God for human beings, they are the happiest when they see human’s looks at them with love in their hearts.”
So it is important for you to love all things before you go to the spirit world.
Father also told us to conserve all things. Once Father was training second-generation blessed children to catch tuna. He noticed that they took long sheets of toilet paper with them when going to the toilet. Father told them that if they waste toilet paper like this, their descendants would be beggars.
This is how much Father conserved things. He would say all things become joyful and follow humans only when we practice conservation of things.
Let us keep this in our mind and not waste things.

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