Friday, July 17, 2015

Restoration of the elder son’s position

The providence of True Parents

Restoration of the elder son’s position in 1985

The World War Two began in 1939 and ended in 1945. Father said that had Christians accepted Father, heaven on Earth could have been realized in seven years by 1952. This was God’s plan. However, the Christians who had to follow the Messiah did not follow him. Then the providence was extended for forty years.

What is forty years after 1945? It is 1985. Father was in America at the time. Then he went to Danbury prison. Why did Father go to Danbury prison?

Father told the members of the 36 couples to come to America. I went to America in February of 1983, but the men of the 36 couples went to America from as early 1982. I stayed active in America for about 9 months. Then I came to Japan in July of 1991 when Father told me to pack up and go help the providence in Japan. That was an important period in the providence when Father meet Gorbachev and Kim Il sung in order to bring the world of communism into complete subjugation. Then why did Father have to go to Danbury prison? Moreover, why did Father have to go to America?

Many people have questions about this. Why did father have to do his work in America?

There are three brothers in America. These three brothers believe and worship the same God as their Father. The eldest son is Judaism, the second son Christianity, and the third son is Unification Church. America is the only place where these three brothers reside in the same country. That is why Father had to go to America.

Jewish people who were the eldest son, started coming to America in great numbers at the same time of The World War two. It was because Hitler persecuted Jews. Hitler wanted his Germanic people to be recognized as the best race in the world but his dream was interfered by the Jews. Realizing that the Jews were better than his own people, he killed six million Jews.

Judaism walked a painful course for 4,000 years. Father said that the people who received the most persecution were the Jews. It was because all nations around them practiced Polytheism. Jews who believed that there is only one God received an unimaginable amount of persecution that would have been impossible for others to endure. They suffering they had to endure through for 4,000 years in order to be chosen by God cannot be described with words.

So Jesus came upon such foundation. But because of the failure of the Jewish people to believe and serve Jesus and instead murdered him, those who believed in Jesus had to die in martyrdom. That is the 2,000 years period. So 4,000 years combined with 2,000 years make up the 6,000 years period. God’s providence could have advanced and Father could have come as the third son because of the foundation of 6,000 years of the suffering of his two elders’ brothers.

However, these two brothers opposed Father. Jewish think that their crucifixion of Jesus was right. Father however says that Jews have murdered Jesus out of lack of belief. Jews don’t want to hear that. They become angry whenever they hear that. That is why the Jews in America are the one who persecute Father the most. Also, what about Christianity? Christians say that they received complete salvation through the cross but Father says otherwise. So Christians oppose Father.

When he was working in America, Father said, “I have three enemies in America. Two are my brothers Judaism and Christianity, the other is communism. These three enemies try to kill me.” However, his two brothers sent him to Danbury prison before communism lay its hands on Father.

Father however still tried to save his two brothers. It is because Communism is after Judaism and Christianity. Communism is determined to destroy conservatism. Father offered a lot of Jeong Seong in order to save his two elder brothers from the hands of Communism and invested a lot of money in founding a newspaper called the Washington Times. He did this in order to fight the battle against Communism, who were bent on chasing his two elder brothers away.

Father said that he thinks about Joseph whenever his two elder brothers try to kill him. These two elder brothers are the ones who served and attended God for the past 6,000 years before Father was born on this Earth. Father said that this is the reason he must save his two elders brothers even though they tried to kill him.

Even now, Father does not hate Jews and Christians but think that they are two precious elder brothers. Father said that as all three brothers are in America, heaven’s Will must be accomplished in America.

Father made a determination before he went to Danbury prison: “I must not die here, if I die here, it will be the same as the crucifixion of Jesus.” Jesus was not able to fulfill his mission because of the crucifixion.

There were 200 prisoners in Danbury prison at the time. They at first ignored Father, calling him the head of a heretic group branched out from Christianity. Also, they gave Father the light task of taking care of salt and pepper shakers in the cafeteria because he is old. Father however came out in the morning before anyone else to sweep the floor, wipe the tables and make all the necessary preparations for a meal.

The prisoners in the prison did not want to work hard. However, Father cleaned after himself very neatly when he was done eating, and anyone who saw Father’s sincerity was moved. Father became the role model of others in this way.

Father slept from midnight to three in the morning, he then woke up and kept praying in the prayer room. Some of the inmates pleaded with Father that they want to pray with Father in the prayer room. Father, however, politely turned down their pleas because they would not even understand his prayers since he prayed in Korean.

A few weeks later, they began to respect Father, calling him “Father Moon!” then whenever their family members came to visit them; they said, “I am together with this great man called Rev. Moon. It is an honor to be in this prison with Rev. Moon.

Those who were released from prison before Father came to Father and said “I am sorry that I’m leaving here before you, I will make sure I visit you later.” Father completely changed the environment like that. So, there was no one who would hurt Father. However, there is still worries in Father’s heart.

Mr. Kamiyama went o Danbury prison together with Father. Father received eighteen months and he was sentenced for six months. Their sentences were reduced for good behavior however. Father spent thirteen months and Mr. Kamiyama spent four months in the prison.

When Mr. Kamiyama was with Father. Mr. Kamiyama took the night watch while Father slept. As his release date was drawing near, Mr. Kamiyama worried who would stand the night watch after he was released. He worried if Father would sit alone and eat in a corner of the cafeteria.

However, God moved the hearths of one white person and one black person to allow Father at least three hours of sleep. They came to Father and pleaded. “Rev. Moon! We will take turns in standing the night watch so sleep soundly. Father told us “That’s how I was able to sleep at least three hours a day without worries. After all this, Father was able to make it out alive.

What did Father do after being released from the prison? Father said, “My elder brothers tried to kill me but I advanced the amazing providence of saving my brothers. Through this, I restored the elder son-.ship.” Through loving his two elder brothers, Father who was in the third son’s relationship was able to take the position of the elder son.

Father then started asking us every day, “What did I tell you that I did inside?” Yes, you said you ‘restored the elder son-ship.’!” We used to say that, like we say, about God’s kingship these days. When we give three cheers of Eog-mansei, we shout “Eog-mansei for the establishment of God’s Kingship!” back then, it used to be the restoration of the elder son-ship. So we repeated every day, for weeks and months, it is the restoration of the elder son-ship.

Father also told us “Do you know the meaning of restoration of the elder son-ship? Restoration of elder son-ship means that the younger son has now taken the position of the eldest son. The spirit world now cooperate with me. Only the eldest son can achieve God’s Will.” Father came out of Danbury prison victoriously without avoiding the persecution.

The two elder brothers sent Father to prison but many righteous people among the sides of these brothers came to father and said “We are sorry. The people of America have put you into prison for something so trivial.”

The incredible miracle of white people repenting happened because Father went to Danbury prison.

Father also gave special Words below while he was in Danbury prison about Mother who offered Jeong Seong for him.

“I am truly grateful for Mother. I believe Mother has experienced the deepest depth of the valley of shim Jeong with this situation involving Danbury. She met me while she was just a child and she’s been ascending rapidly. Because of her life, her standard has been increasing gradually. She was able to know the heart of a woman who yearns for her husband.” (From True Parents Life course)

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