Friday, July 17, 2015

The Parallel Ages

Parallel history is the providential understanding of history discovered by father
When we closely examine how the human history has been developing, we can discover that similar situations are repeating themselves. We can deduce from this that human history is developing in the form of a spiral, repeating the similar situations that had already happened in the past.
When we look at the picture, A, A’ and A’’ represent the historical figures who were called upon for their own respective age. Also the bold lines beneath A, A’, and A’’ in red on the chart symbolize that particular historical even similar to that of their predecessors had happened. 
When similar events occur in different ages, we call these periods the Parallel Providential Periods.
This was something no one else was able to find. When historical periods are recorded, the only mention which periods began at which time and how. Then they mention how the time ended and what each person did along the way. Most of human history is a sub sequential recording of external events. Some historians came up with their own understanding of history but no one was able to come up with the exact providential understanding of history from the perspective of restoration.
God sends a central figure in order to create a foundation to send the messiah, but if the central figure fails, then God sends another. As God has to force the new figure to indemnify and restore the mistakes of his predecessor, God has to make him do similar things. That why history has been evolving in a spiral fashion.
Father used to say “Search from this point to that point. It will be 120 years.” This how the chart that explains about Parallels Providential Periods was created.
Parallels providential periods divided into three stages of 2,000 years each.
  • The period in the age of the providence to lay the Foundation for Restoration (2,000 years from Adam to Abraham)
  • The period in the age of the Providence of Restoration (2,000 years from Abraham to Jesus)
  • The age of the Extended Providence of restoration (2,000 years from Jesus to the returning Lord)
From Abraham to Moses is 400 years, from Jesus to St Augustine is 400 years, and from Moses to the King Saul is 400 years, and from St Augustine to Charlemagne the Great, is also 400 years. Similar events happened within these different periods in history. That is why everything is revealed when we closely examine the Parallel Providential Periods. Just as we discover hidden shells when we dig in the sand, Father pulls out these significant periods. That is why the Parallel Periods in Father’s unique providential understanding of history.
Mr. Eu Hyo Won wrote in his dairy “Chapter 5 of the second part of the Divine Principle is truly mesmerizing and I gets even deeper as I read it and contemplate. Father has found the periods and lengths of the ages of restoration providence that no one in the history could find.”
Israelites are the chosen people who were central in advancing the Age of the Providence of Restoration, which began, from Abraham, and therefore the history of Jewish people became very important material in understanding that particular period in history. Also, Christians were the chosen people who were central in advancing the Age of the Prolongation of the Providence of Restoration. The history of Christianity therefore offers important insight into understanding that specific age. Then naturally the history of Korean people who are the third Israelite's centering on the Returning Lord become an important material for this age.
The dispensation of forty in separating satan for the foundation on the national level
It is very important to understand how the Parallel Periods of restoration history are unfolded in today’s age.
Restoration of Canaan on cosmic level, a national condition of indemnity to separate Satan on number 40
This is a picture which explain that advancement (it will be easier to understand this chart when you read this section of the Divine Principle first)
The most important part in Chapter 5 of the Principle of Restoration is the World Wars. The First World War was a war that prepared the foundation upon which Father could be born as the Messiah. There were also other significant even in the history of mankind that served as the preparation for the birth of one man, which is our Father, such as The Renaissance, The Reformation and Abel and Cain understanding of human life.
From the Principle point of view, Korea had to form a foundation on the national level after the dispensation of forty to separate Satan. This is for the restoration of cosmic Canaan, and only then could Korea become the nation that can welcome the Messiah.
The direct descendants who shared the blood lineage of Abraham and who escaped the persecution of Egypt upholding the Will of God were the first chosen Israelites. The Christian follower who upheld resurrected Jesus, who was crucified after being accused by the first Israelites of heresy and who inherited the work of the providence of restoration, were the second Israelites.
There was a high possibility that the Returning Lord would be persecuted by the Christians just as Jesus was persecuted by the first Israelites, so God had to choose the people who upheld The Returning Lord as the third Israelite in order to complete the third age in His providence. The Korean people who upheld the returning Lord and who had the mission of completing God’s third providence had to become the third Israelites.
In order to create a number 40 foundation to separate Satan to begin The National course to restore Canaan, the chosen people of first Israelites went through the suffering course of 400 years under Egypt which represented the Satanic world at the time. Similarly, the second Israelites as well fought and won the 400 years long battle against the persecution of the Roman empire which represented the Satanic world at the time in order to begin the Worldwide Course to restore Canaan.
Therefore, in order for Korean people, the third Israelites, to create the number 40 foundation of separating Satan to begin the Cosmic Level Course to restore Canaan, Korean people had to suffer persecution under certain nations for a period that corresponds with number 40.
Korea became a part of Japan in 1910 but Korea had already lost its independence in 1905, when its diplomatic rights were taken entirely by the Empire of Japan. Korea became a colony of the Empire of Japan and had to endure 40 years of persecution.
Japan’s colonization of Korea and its subsequent persecution of Korean people was same as when Eve stood on the reverse position to become Adam’s subject. Korea, as the Adam nation where the Messiah was to be born, had to restore through indemnity by the reverse course the subject partner position of Eve in relation to Adam in the Garden of Eden.
From the perspective of Principle, Japan’s 40 yearlong domination happened not purely because of human will but because of the need to fulfill God’s providence of restoration. When we understand the Principle, Korean people must not hate or harbor resentment towards Japanese people. Know that the Messiah has come, Korea can restore Adam’s realm of dominion, and Korea and Japan can become happy together while serving the Lord.
The First World War that started in 1914 ended in 1918, and the Mansei movement happened on the first day of March in 1919. Upon such a foundation created by our people with much blood, Father was born in the next year, on January 6, 1920 (lunar). Then on august 15, 1945 when the first number 40 cosmic period of indemnity ended, Korean people were able to regain their independence.

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