Friday, July 17, 2015

Father’s providence in America


Father’s providence in America

I want to introduce to you a speech regarding Father’s providence in America from (True Parents life Course)

America, which is the fruit of Christianity around the world, is the worldwide nation of Second Israel that will complete God’s Will on the world level.

When the time of Second Advent comes, God will have to choose a Christian nation to become the Second Israel. As the idea of heaven and earth, which God tries to realize, is an idea that must be substantiated on earth. It must start from a focal point and gradually expand throughout the world. In other words, there must be a nation, which can work as a model. That is why America is the nation that was predestined from long time ago to be chosen as the central nation in the last days that can manage God’s providence.

However, America is seeing an increase in many types of problems. Racial tensions between black and white people and drug problem are some examples. Also, there are others problems such as promiscuity of adolescents, breakage of families, and violent crimes. Out of all those problems, Communism, which dubiously seeks its way into America, is the most critical of all problems.

God will surely leave America, which is currently harboring such an individualistic view of life and system of values, and America will fail to realize God’s plan and wish.

The year 1996, Father called upon those who have been with the church for 33 years. The reason Father gathered devoted members around the world is that this was the twenty- first year since Father began his providence in America. Father said that he had gathered devote members around the world with more significance.

I think, it was 1971 when Father took his first steps in America. From my point of view, Father started to pioneer in America from 1971 and 1991; it was the twenty-first anniversary. If we think that Father’s pioneering work began substantially in 1975, then 1996 was the twenty-first anniversary.

This is when Father held bid assemblies. I stayed in America for nine years, from 1983 to 1991. In hindsight, that is when Father started using the method of natural subjugation on Communism and Mikhail Gorbachev. Father went to America and met President Nixon. Why did Father meet President Richard Nixon? It was because President Nixon was a devout anti- Communist.

Nixon at the first wanted to continue with the war in Vietnam. So the Communist kept attacking Nixon with the Watergate incident in order to prevent Nixon from continuing the war. Such an incident should not have caused that much of scandal for a political figure such as Nixon but situation goes out of hand because of Communist.

Following the revelation he had received from God, Father overcame all obstacles to meet President Nixon and told him, “I will use my organization and my followers and do everything to support you, please trust me and do not come down from your presidential seat for the next six months.” Nixon however did not know who Father was. President Nixon in the end failed to withstand the attacks of Communism and stepped down from his seat.

Father made Ronald Reagan the President of America twice. Reagan was a former actor and he did not know much about politics. Then why did Father move heaven and hell to make Reagan the president? There was only one reason. It was to prevent the American troops from leaving Korea. Father said the American troops should never leave South Korea until South Korea can become stronger than North Korea. North Korea even today strongly insists that American troops leave. It is because American troops in Korea work as deterrence that prevent North Korean armies from invading the South.

Father said that it did not matter who become president. Father was looking for a candidate who was an anti-communist and would never pull the troops out of Korea. That was Ronald Reagan. Reagan also was very close to Nixon. We mobilized the power we had and summoned unimaginable power to make Reagan the president of U.S, twice. News World at the time played a great role in realizing this.

In Washington, there was a conservative newspaper called Washington Star that advocated the right wings. However, Washington Star went on business due to the financial difficulties and the Washington Post was the only remaining newspaper left in Washington, the center of world politics. Washington Post is a liberal paper. They walk the course of liberalism and pro-communism. Father then made a determination to make the step and established Washington Times with hopes of surpassing Washington Post. So much money was spent on establishing this company. However, Gorbachev bowed his head low to Father thanks to the Washington Times.

Reagan said that he did not read any others paper during his 6 o’clock morning coffee time. Other papers would attack Reagan; therefore, the only newspaper that could make its way into Reagan bedroom was Washington Times. Washington Times subtlety supported the works of Reagan. Whenever he saw the newspaper, supporting his policies, Reagan become happy, took the paper with him in the bedroom, and read it there.

Reagan could not be always joyous. However, if Reagan does something even slightly wrong, Washington Times would criticize it and Reagan would say “Oh, no! Washington Times criticize me today.” Washington Times had such power to make Reagan laugh or cry.

Gorbachev finally came to America. The Washington Post welcomed him cheerfully. However, Gorbachev came to America with two wishes. One of them was to make a plea not to advance the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

SDI is a type of nuclear strategy umbrella. It is very difficult to defend the nation against nuclear missiles that could be lunched from anywhere. In order to safely protect the nation, the nuclear missiles must be neutralized by melting them completely. SDI is the weapon that can do that. SDI is a weapon that can melt any type of nuclear weapons with strong laser beam.

It takes an enormous amount of money and technology to develop. The Soviets had neither. That is why Gorbachev wanted to plea America not to make SDI. It was because the Soviet’s nuclear missiles would become nothing more than toys as long as America has SDI.

Gorbachev’s second wish was to give a 10-minute speech in the U.S. Capitol. He just wanted to say hello. Reagan was about to give his permission. The Washington Post was immensely happy about it and other small and larger newspapers argued that there was no reason to prevent the leader of communist world from giving a speech. However, Father told Dr. Bo Hi Park to tell them, ‘Do not let Gorbachev speak in the Capitol no matter what. Tell Reagan never to give his permission.’

So Reagan find himself in a real tight situation. Reagan was about to show the nation’s ability to embrace all. But Rev. Moon was against it. When Dr. Bo Hi Park came after reporting Father’s opinion to Reagan, he said, “Father, Reagan says he is in a very difficult situation. It would be bad for him, since he is already half way to giving his permission. Should we still tell him to say no?” father said “what are you talking about? Of course it’s ‘no”

Washington Times kept insisting that Reagan should decline the request. Reagan did not want to get on the bad side of Washington Times that practically made him the president twice. He walked around in his office room in agony. ‘Oh, Washington Times! Rev. Moon does not know the situation I am in!’ Then he told his secretary, “Go ask him one more time. Does Washington Times really not want me to give the permission?” father told him to never give Gorbachev such opportunity.

At the critical moment, Gorbachev asked, “So what is going to be? And Reagan ended up saying “No.” then Gorbachev became furious. He was furious that he made so many years of preparation for this event but he was prevented from giving a speech because of Washington Times. He let his anger out on the Soviet Embassy in America. “You scoundrels, why did you not become friends with Washington Times?” He went back to his country unhappy.

Then one day, Washington Times received a call from the Soviet Embassy. The operator who took the call was a black woman with a sense of humor. When she picketed up the phone, she pretended ignorance. “This isn’t Washington Post.” She said. You have the wrong number.” Then the Soviet ambassador told her that he wanted to visit Washington Times. So Washington Times told him that he could if he wants to.

So why did Father say no? Father came to know well about communism during his time in North Korea. Father also had a first-hand experience on the inside of communism during his three years in Heungnam Prison. So Father already knew that communist use only two tactics. One is deceit and the other is violence.

Communists use the tactic of deceit only when they are weaker than their opponent. They lie through their teeth. However, they no longer rely on lies when they become stronger than their enemies. They begin using violence. Father was well aware that communist are left with nothing but deceit and violence once their masks are taken off.

However, the leader of the free world and American people did not know that. President Jimmy Carter especially did not know that. Carter used to be a peanut farmer in Georgia and he became the president with many votes from women. It is said that Carter was kind to women, washing the dishes or running their errands. That is why he became popular with women and won their votes. After such a person became the president, twenty nations became communist states. So Carter’s method did not work.

Father’s position was that we should never put forth communism. Gorbachev has a pretty face. American people are easily swayed by mood so they would be tricked by Gorbachev if he appeared on TV and smiled. American people were obvious about communism so if they started to think, “Look at how the head of communism acts. Communism maybe is not that bad. Then, Father’s CAUSA (Confederation of the Association for the Unification of the Societies of the Americas) could not operate in America. We opposed Gorbachev’s public speech in America with everything we had and we won in the end.

Gorbachev worked his scheme many time after that, but his plans were thwarted because of us. Gorbachev was so cornered that he even cooperated with Kim Il Sung and the enemy of Japanese communist to blow up one of Father’s houses called ‘North Garden’ in Boston. their effort resulted in failure when one of our security guard found the place where they had cut the fence in a circle and camouflaged the cut by placing the cut portion against a rock.

Father’s bedroom was so close to the breach that it could have been blown away with just one bomb. North Garden does not have a big front yard. There was also another time when a car filled with guns and explosives was caught by the FBI in New Jersey. The FBI searched the car that they found the address of Father’s house.

There were many times Father avoided calamity thanks to heaven. Gorbachev, who wanted Father dead so badly, lost his nerves when he realized that Rev. Moon was the one who was interfering with his plan. 

In the end, father met with Kim Il Sung and Gorbachev, the heads of communist world, and make a great advancement for the providence.

Father’s miracles are substantial miracles

Father said he was able to find out through his research that Moses and Jesus relied to much on spiritual miracles.

Moses tried to lead the Israelites into Canaan by showing them miracles and wonders, but failed to fulfill God’s providence when the Israelites disbelieved Moses and blamed him for their suffering.

Unable to contain his rage at seeing his people’s unbelief, Moses committed a irreversible sin of ‘striking the rock twice’ and prevented not only the disbelieving Israelites but also himself from entering Canaan and die in the wilderness. Only the second generation centering on Joshua and Caleb, who believed in God until the end, were able to enter Canaan.

Similarly, Father said that Jesus was put on the cross because he showed spiritual miracles. I watched a movie about Jesus a few years ago called ‘King of King’s.’ There Jesus opened the eyes of a blind man and even brought a dead person back into life. The Jews and Pharisees who saw this became extremely jealous of Jesus. They thought ‘We must kill him quickly. People‘s hearts are leaving us and they are leaning towards that guy.’ They became very jealous of Jesus’ ability to perform miracles.

Father found out that Moses and Jesus relied too heavily on spiritual miracles and failed in the end, because Satan accused them.

There were many instances where Father easily brought a dying person back into life simply with a prayer. Father says that he can perform miracles just as well as Moses or Jesus but he does not. Spiritual miracles do not leave its trace. When people begin to disbelieve in such miracles, Satan will accuse and the miracles will not remain as heavenly assets.

Father said that his miracles have to be substantial miracles. No one can deny their genuineness. It is like building a mountain on a plain. It takes time to create a mountain on a plain. We need many people, money, and we must invest everything. However, when the mountain is created, who can steal it? No one can deny its existence. Everyone passing by will be able to see it.

Isn’t that the kind of miracle, Father has been creating so far? The 160,000 couple’s Korean and Japanese sisterhood pact was one such amazing blessing ceremony that took place as an example. Blessing does not appear simply like a dream and then disappear. As blessings are given, those blessed couples have given birth to fine children.

Creating such miracles is father’s way. Father says that his uniqueness aspect is the spirit world. Father said ‘I must teach about the spirit world when I go to Soviet Union.’

Many intellectuals came to our church in the early days. Listened to the Words and the Principle, and received a lot of grace, but there were also many spiritual people who received revelations, spoke in tongues, and received the holy fire. That is why we were able to withstand the harsh persecution.

When we taught about the spirit world to college students from Soviet Union, they became very interested about the spirit world. It was something that they did not know before. One professor even confessed that “When I see my grandmother in my dream, I feel happy, things work out for me, and unexpected good things happen to me in that day.”

Father also said, “The reason why people become interested about stories of the spirit world is that they are true and their original mind is attracted to such stories.

Father told us to read from “The message from the spirit world sent by Lee Sang Hun after he ascended to the spirit world whenever there is a church even or a gathering of some sort. Thinking that we normally do not have enough time to go through the schedule and that not many people will be able to accept it easily. I asked Father “father, do we must read from that message from the spirit world? Father said, “Yes, because it is right. The original mind feels that way. Even though we may not be able to accept it right away, that message will remain in their heart.”

The spirit world is an eternal world. It is a world of mind with relation to the Physical World and it stand in the position of subject partner. It is a world that cannot be touched with the commonsense or theories of human beings.

When educating pastors in America, I read them from “the message from the spirit world” as Father had instructed. American pastors became saddened at the fact that they could not understand the reality of the spirit world and they left the education center one by one. However, those pastors who were not able to understand the Spirit Message came to Dr. Yang Chang Shik later and said “Rev. Yang, we are constantly reminded of the “Message from spirit world” that you used to read to us. We want to know more.” I heard Dr. Yang giving such a report to father.

Father is a very spiritual person but also a very practical person at the same time. Father has both extremes on each side. It is because Father’s heart can embrace infinitely. Isn’t that why people from all backgrounds are empathizing with the Principle and come to serve Father?

True family and I

I will explain to you about Father’s Words, ‘True Family and I.’

These are important Words from Father’s speeches, which he gave in his 40 years course of realizing God’s Will.

The conclusion of these Words is that ‘Eve and the archangel fell through false love, their mind and body were separated as a result, and this world became sinful. Therefore, all problems can be solved only when we receive the blessing centering on God and True Parents’ love.’ Father reads this himself every day.

Father wrote these Words himself. The original context was about 40 pages long but it was reduced to a smaller size. The conclusion in the end is that the contradictory love of Adam and Eve is the origin. This was the source that has interfered with human history and the event that became the seed of all human suffering. We must know this clearly and be able to explain this to others.

On the page 7, it explain about ‘The Essence of Conscience.’ As you have already learned from the Principle, the innermost nature is even more fundamental than conscience is the Original Mind and Spirit Mind.

Father spoke while putting conscience in the highest position. He said, “Conscience comes before God, before teachers, and even before parents.” So I asked Father, “I think the conscience spoken here is different from the conscience explained in the Principle. In the principle, isn’t conscience explained as susceptible to being persuaded by human policies and thoughts?”

Father quickly caught on and answered “Yes. Will the people of this world understand what original mind and spirit mind are? So we have to call them conscience!” Father gave us ‘True Family and I’ while thinking about the human fall, the principle of restoration, and the principle of creation. When Father was talking about original mind and spirit mind in our terms.

If we look at middle of page 8, we read that God is the root of conscience. The sixth line of this page talks about fulfilling all greed and desires. I asked Father about this line. “Father! Don’t we normally consider greed to be a bad thing?” Father then answered “No, the greed we are talking about here is not the bad kind of greed. It is the desire within us that makes us want things!”

“Then what does the desire here mean?” I asked him again. Then Father said, “It is the state of our mind that has gained what it wanted with relation to another person. In other words, the concept of desire comes with another person in mind.”

‘Fulfilling greed’ sounds a bit strange. Don’t people normally say that greed is ‘harbored’ and desire is ‘fulfilled?’ The distinction was unclear so I asked Father again. “Is greed, then an internal thing and desire external?” Father said, “Yes, that’s right.” In conclusion, greed refers to ‘human’s original nature of wanting things’ and desire refers to ‘the state where our mind of wanting things has been fulfilled with relation to another person.’

Therefore, greed and desire is in the Sung Sang and Hyung Sang relationship. Since desire exists after greed, they are in the Sung Sang and hyungsang relationship.

In conclusion, greed does not necessarily mean something bad.

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