Friday, July 17, 2015

Abraham's Family

Abraham’s failure to cut his offering in two
Father came to this Earth, found the Principle, and the Principle lectures began. Now, the Principle lectures are being given all around the world.
Whenever their names are called out during these lectures, Adam, Eve, Noah, and Abraham become apprehensive. When he listen to the portion of Principle lecture, which deals with Abraham’s family, Abraham laments, saying, “Oh I see now, it was such a great sin to not have divided the doves into two.”
The central figures of the history of providence realize what their mistakes were after listening to the Principle. They beat their chests, saying, “I know now.” Then they lament, “How great could have it been if I did not make that mistake.” Just as when we speak of the devil, Abraham comes and listens when someone talks about him.
When we were serving Father in Cheongpa Dong there were little reports of witnessing results. It was a time when we were not able to get any results due to so much persecution. For example when a member report to Father “I was beaten by my husband at home. I was persecuted at school.” Father would sympathize with that person and cheer them up. Then people become competitive and everyone reported about how they were persecuted.
Father told us one day. “In the future, those who were never persecuted will envy their elder members who were persecuted so much.”
Moreover, there was much news from the spirit world in the early days. One day, one lady, grandmother Jeong Seog On (the daughter of grandmother Kim Seong Do, the head of Holy Wine Church, she used to have a very bright spiritual senses with the help of her mother, Kim Seong Do.) hastily come to Father, bowed, and said “Abraham says there is one thing he truly wishes to tell you, Father.” Knowing everything about it already, Father said in a big voice. “I don’t want to hear! I do not have time to hear the words of those who have already gone to the spirit world. If I come to know about their situations, I have to start giving them attention and take care of them.” He refused to hear Abraham words.
The grandmother Jeong Seog On however did not back down and kept begging to Father for ten minutes, saying, “I can’t pray about anything else because Abraham bothers me so much, please, Father! Please listen to his plea just once.”
Father then said “What is it?” then she told Father “Abraham says he did not know it was such a great sin to not cut the small dove in half. He only realized that it was after listening to a Principle lecture. Also. Abraham says he went through much hardship to make the offering. However, he says it was not he, who did not cut the dove but was his servant. Abraham wanted me to tell you this.”
After listening to this, Father laughed and said “O, Abraham! You are making excuses in advance in fear of getting scolded by me once I go to the spirit world.” Father told us that servants do not have any power over the making of offerings. Abraham did not tell the servant to divide the dove into half. Father clearly explained that therefore the one who must take the responsibility of the uncut dove lies with not the servant but the master, Abraham.
There is no mention of the servant in the Bible. Father asked us if Abraham would have gone to the offering site alone. He brought many friends and servants. Father then said it is fun to look at Abraham making excuses like this, I still remember Father saying this.
Obedience of Isaac, perseverance and wisdom of Jacob
Father said one day “I envy Abraham. I envy that Abraham had an obedient son like Isaac.” Isaac did not retaliate at all when Abraham took him uo to the mountain to burn him as an offering. Isaac could not have become the sacrifice if he refused to become one and retaliated against his father.
Father said that sheep, goat, or cows could not serve as offerings if they ever had diarrhea or have any flaws. The object of offering therefore must be very pure, clean, and obedient. It cannot become an offering otherwise.
Isaac grew up watching his father Abraham making offerings a lot. Therefore, Isaac knew that he was to become an offering when his father tied him up. However, Isaac did not retaliate even when he knew what was going on. Father told us that this was the reason that Isaac led a comfortable life for a central figure in the providence.
We can find Father’s explanation about the offering of Isaac on page 292 of the 14 volume of Father’s speech.
The blessing God promised to give to Abraham was a blessing on the world level. It was a blessing given to Abraham as an individual but since Abraham received the blessing as a representative of the world, it was the blessing upon which God’s unchanging and eternal Will could pervade throughout the world.
Therefore, within that blessing, the family, clan, race, nation, and the entire world, everything is included. Abraham did not know the meaning of the blessing when he received it. God then later told him to take his only son, Isaac, up to the Mont Moriah an sacrifice him. We should think about this from our own practical point of view.
When we do, we would probably think that God is out of His holy mind. However, the reason why God commanded Abraham to do such thing was to judge the history and judge the age. God could not help but to bestow such command upon Abraham so that Abraham’s descendants could create one standard upon the life and the actions of Abraham even though the rest of history would fail.
If God rules out human beings from his great Will because they are fallen beings, Satan will use that as a condition to attack human beings. Therefore, in order to bring Satan into complete subjugation and prevent Satan from attacking human beings, God had to make such a command….
“The representative’s figures who were chosen for God’s Will as such had on their shoulders the burden of not only taking the responsibility of the age in which they lived, but also the responsibility of creating a historical standard. We must understand that therefore they were always faced with corresponding hardships and persecutions.”
Regarding Jacob
Jacob was born as the younger brother of two twin boys. His mother Rebekah cooperated with him because she received a revelation – Gen. 25:21-25, and the elder shall serve the younger - . Rebekah wanted for her younger son Jacob to be in the position of elder son.
Jacob tricked Esau twice in order to take Esau’s elder-sonship. Jacob tricked his brother once with lentil stew and tricked him again when receiving Isaac’s blessing.
However, that actually was not the correct way according to the Principle. Had Jacob wanted to inherit the right of the elder son, he should have served and behaved well to his older brother. Then, the elder son’s heart would have been moved and he would have said, “Yes, you are not only smarter than me but better in every aspect. So you should be my older brother.” If Jacob brought his older brother into natural subjugation like this, so much could have been saved in the course of indemnity.
Father, knew that this was exactly what Jacob was supposed to do, so Father served grandmother Park Eul Ryong and Mr. Kim Back Moon who were both in the elder son’s position. Father once said, “I even washed her [Park Eul Ryong’s] underwear for her.
If their hearts remained unmoved, then the spirit world would not testify to them about Father and they would receive no revelation. The reason why Father served them so tenderly is that he had to avoid walking the same failed course of the central figures in the providence of restoration. In other words, he had to avoid being accused by Satan.
Jacob then fought an angel and won, father said that this had great providential importance.
After 21 year arduous course in Haran, Jacob sent a reconnaissance to his homeland before returning. He found out that his older brother was waiting for him with 400 servants. Jacob must have been terribly scared of this, 400 is not a small number.
Jacob must have felt that his older brother still wanted to kill him. Thinking that his entire, arduous course of work would turn to nothing, he sincerely prayed to God, ‘Please protect me my older brother who wants to kill me.’ God listened to his prayer and sent an angel in order to protect Jacob.
Jacob wrestled with the angel sent by God all night long. When the angel was about to leave as the sun was rising, Jacob held onto the angel by his ankle and refused to let him go unless the angel would give him his blessing. The angel broke Jacob’s thighbone and gave him the blessing.
The angel needed to give him the blessing in order to restore through indemnity the condition with which Satan could accuse Jacob because Jacob tricked his older brother Esau twice. It was also to relieve the angry hearth of Esau who wanted to kill Jacob. That is why we hit each other’s buttocks when we receive the blessing. It has the meaning of separating Satan from us because Adam and Eve fell by using their thighbones in a wrong fashion. Then the angel told Jacob “your name will be ‘Israel’ from now on.” The angel gave him the blessing as such and left.
Then who was the angel? The angel was identical to Esau’s spiritual body. In other words, Esau was the substantial body of the angel; the fact that Jacob won the fight against the angel made a condition that he could win against the angel’s substantial body, Esau as well. As Jacob won against the angel, the spirit world would prevent Esau from killing his brother even if he had come out with an intention to do so. Esau therefore could not hold his enmity and his intention to kill Jacob for long even if he had such intention. As Jacob made the victorious spiritual condition, Esau could not help but to embrace Jacob.
So Jacob went to see his older brother Esau, limping. Jacob then wisely said one thing that really melted his brother’s heart. Esau and Jacob were twins so they look very much alike. Jacob was scared that his brother might kill him, but as soon as he saw Esau, he bowed down low and said, “seeing your face is like seeing the face of God.”
I believe Esau’s cold heart was completely melted with that one sentence. Esau did not forget for one moment what had happened with Jacob in the past. If Jacob, who had already stolen God’s blessing had reappeared in front of him with smug attitude, how angry would Esau have become? However, Jacob came bowed to him seven times, and said these words, Esau must have been speechless. How wise was Jacob? Father said that his providence is also like that of Jacob.
We must be thankful about Jacob’s effort to gain the victory. One thing that we must understand from this is that we must obey Father absolutely. Father said, “As Jacob brought Esau into subjugation after first achieving the spiritual victory, if you do exactly as I tell you to do, and follow me with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, you will be able to achieve anything.
Father has already achieved complete victory against Satan so that we may bring great results in whatever we do. Therefore, instead of doubting our ability, we must push forward. If we become one in heart with Father and move, Satan cannot interfere with us and we will accomplish whatever we set out to do.
Father said often, “Even if the things I tell you to do are not achieved right away, it will certainly happen if you hold onto your faith rightly and keep trying.
When we look at it this way, Korean people are much more spiritual than foreigners are. It is because Korean people from the ancient time worshiped not only Jesus, but also Buddha and mountain gods. Korea could not have endured so much suffering of the past if the people did not pray to the spirit world. Korean’s people long history of praying to heaven or mountain gods helped to develop their spiritual senses.
When Father tells us to do something, we do things like all-night vigilant prayers or 7-days fasting in order to create good conditions. It is the same as how Jacob fought spiritually the angel and made the condition for his older brother Esau to come to Jacob and bring himself to subjugation.
I am always reminded of a fun story when I think of the sun Moon University. The landowners will not sell their land to us. I was a good piece of land so Ewha University tried to purchase it but they were unsuccessful. However, we convinced over 300 landowners and succeeded in buying the land.
The Christians among the owners especially were the most adamant in the refusal to sell their land to us. Many of them made an excuse by asking where they would relocate their ancestor’s graveyards. Mr. Park Jung Hyeon, who now lives in America, was the one who spearheaded this purchase at the time. When he was working to convince the landowners. He tried to persuade them by arguing that it is much better for their descendants and this town if a school is built, rather than other things such as factories.
After much persuasion, the town’s people were all in favor of building a university on their land, but they still wanted help in relocating their ancestral graveyards. There were 300 owners in total but the graves they were responsible for numbered in the thousands. Also a big problem was that these grave sites were passed down from their ancestors. This posed a great difficulty. We just understand that Sun Moon University was not built easily.
The foundation of our church invited these 300 landowners along with their wives (600 people in total) to the Little Angels Art Hall. They were fed good food and they enjoyed the performances of Little Angels. Then the people from the Foundation persuaded them “Ladies and Gentleman! Rev. Moon built such a beautiful middle school and school, how even more beautiful it would be if he builds a university?” the landowners however were still unconvinced because of the unresolved problem of relocating their ancestors graveyard.
Since they are using their graveyards, they had an excuse not to sell the land. The members around Ohn Yang, Cheon An, and Asan did a relay of 40-day vigilant prayer condition three times in a row. Father went there also twice and I followed him. Father climbed up the Mount Sambong and offered a very serious prayer, and he gave Words to the members who were offering the prayer condition.
Then as the third and last 40-day prayer’s end came near, one of the member had a very interesting dream.
In his dream. Each grave had a hole in it and the spirits within came out of their graves waist high. Then a spirit who served as the captain among them said “We have to vacate this place and go to a new place, where should we go? The rest of the spirits followed his lead and sang in unison. Where shall we go? The behavior of the spirits in the dream looked as if the behavior of a pack of birds, their heads all-pointing to one place while they move.
The looks on their faces as they were singing ‘where shall we go’ did not look as if they were angry. Rather, they looked happy and looked as if they felt they wanted to move. However, they still thought ‘we are in complete agreement with the building an university here where we rest so that the generations to come can be educated, but the problem remains as to where we shall go.’ This particular member, who had the dream, saw that the ancestors were ready to cooperate. Father was very glad when he heard this report.
This is what I felt when I heard the report. Father sometimes mobilizes the wives of blessed families to go out and witness on short notice. When Father gives such a command, the wives become busy and start worrying about who will take care of their husbands and children. I felt that what the ancestors were doing was very similar to what the wives do when they have to prepare for a mobilization.
As we become busy and start running around here and there once Father gives his command, the ancestors were busy trying to figure out a way to come up with a solution to their problem.
It was still difficult however. It is said, that spirits are very reluctant in yielding their places. For example, if there is a highway construction that has to go through a mountain, some people die in the process of creating a tunnel. When a spiritually bright person looked at such construction site, he could see that the ancestors in the spirit world were holding their arms wide, trying to prevent the construction because they do not want their house to be dug up. Whenever he see such ancestors, people die in an accident. That is how spirits try to protect their graves.
The person who had the dream was sure that the landowners would sell their land since their ancestors came to the agreement to relocate. Truly , all the land owners agreed, ‘Let’ s sell’ and they sold their land to us for a very cheap price soon after the last 40-day prayer condition finished.
The landowners today regret very much about selling the land. They think, “were we possessed at the time? Why did we sell so cheaply? We could have made much more money if we held onto the land.” Our church has many similar stories.
If you run into a brick wall of a very difficult problem in your ministerial work, you must offer much Jeonseong in order to create a spiritual condition for victory just as Jacob put his life on the line and won the fight against the angel. Abraham family teaches us that we can reap victory over all problems with similar methods.
Lesson’s from Joseph course
Father said that he often thought about when he received persecution from Christian church in the early days. Joseph was Jacob’s eleventh son and he was very smart. Jacob loved Joseph and Benjamin more than he loved his other sons. His other sons naturally became jealous of them.
Moreover, the ten brother’s mother was different from Joseph’s. so these ten brothers tried to kill Joseph but ended up selling him to an Arabian merchant, who then took Joseph to Egypt where Joseph spent some hard times. Joseph however was able to become the acting Prime Minister of the nation in a heartbeat because he was able to decipher the Pharaoh’s dream with the help of heaven.
Egypt and its neighboring nations were suffering from a great famine at the time, and this was God’s work in bringing Jacob and his sons into Egypt. Joseph brother’s came to Egypt with empty rice bags to beg for some rice. Joseph recognized his brother instantly. The brother could not even imagine that Joseph would be alive.
Joseph recognized them however; sat them down in order and give them food. The brothers thought something was strange. The brothers asked Joseph how he was able to know exactly the order of the brothers. Instead of answering their question, Joseph came back to his room and started crying aloud. Only after many tears, he came out, wiped his face so his brothers would not notice, and asked them “Is the youngest one still alive? Is your father still alive?
Father explained the heart of Joseph at the time. Father told us Joseph was of course mad at his brothers who sold him to the merchant. Joseph could have felt that now his brothers were in his mercy and he could have made up his mind to kill them, but he did not.
Then why Joseph treated his brothers so well instead of taking revenge? It was because Joseph thought that even though they came from a different mother, they were the ones who took care of his father when he was alone in a foreign nation.
Joseph then brought his father and his brothers to Egypt. It is recorded in the Bible that the Pharaoh gave the grace of giving his chariots to Joseph’s family to bring them to Egypt when he heard that the acting Prime Minister Joseph has reunited with his brothers. Joseph was then able to bring his father Jacob and his brothers and their families to Egypt.
However, Father said that when Joseph invited his father’s family, he had to bring not only Jacob’s family members but Esau’s as well. Father said that then the current struggle in the Middle East could have been prevented and that this is an imperfection in Joseph course.
The American House of Representatives invited Father soon after he went to America. They wanted to see how this man from Asia brainwashed their white children. With that kind of intention, they invited Father to give a lecture in the House of Representatives.
The lecture Father gave at the time included that ‘the Jewish people who were to receive and serve Jesus rather killed him from disbelief; this is a grave historical mistake.’
It is difficult to live in America once you incur the wrath of Jewish people. It is because Jewish people control the politics, economy, academic, and the banking industry. Many important positions in America are filled by Jews. When Israel comes into conflicts with neighboring nations, doesn’t America normally help Israel? America middle and upper class mainly occupied by Jews. If you get on their bad side in America, it becomes very difficult to live there.
There is another story that explain this point well. There is a place called Mount Kisco at the outskirts of New York. It has beautiful sceneries. We purchased a building twenty years ago, that was used as a dormitory of Catholic nuns. There were many Jewish people living there, and there were upper class folks such as doctors, lawyers, and professors. These people collected signatures and filled petitions to prevent Moonies (the members of the Unification Church who follow Rev. Moon) from living there. It is such a good building but it has been left vacant for over 20 years.
The reason why father is so hated by Jewish people is the lecture he gave at the House of Representatives. People who were close to Father at the time urged to Father to take out that line because it would be impossible to settle in America if we get on the bad side of Jewish people. Father however ignored everyone and said, “I put my life on the line already when I come to America. Whether I go to prison, when I am shot, such things do not matter. I cannot hide the truth and I cannot bend according to other’s will.” Father picked the moment and proclaimed his Words in the house.
Jewish began their work of killing Father once Father made such a proclamation in the House. Jewish people received much persecution throughout history so they do not take their revenge on the superficial level. Instead of charging from front, they persecute their enemy from behind in the shadow.
Father told Jewish people who firmly believe that nobody can be the Messiah because Elijah did not come to Earth riding on clouds, but the Jewish murdered Jesus. He furthermore said that the Nazis killed six million Jews as a payment of indemnity for the Jews. There was no way Jews would be favorable towards Father. Jews defined Jesus as an anti-Christ and then therefore proceeded to kill him. Their pride was scarred when this Rev. Moon fellow talked about how their ancestors had sinned.
Christians believe that they were save through the crucifixion of Jesus. They naturally become angry and think of Father as their enemy since Father says that the crucifixion of Jesus meant that Jesus was not able to fulfill his mission while on Earth. Communist also hate Father because they are atheist.
Father say that there are three great archangels in this world. One is America, the other is The Soviet Union, and the last is China. These three nations have one thing in abundance that other nations lack. America is an archangel nation because it has many Christians, Soviet Union is an archangel nation because it is most abundant in land, and China is an archangel nation because it has a large population.
Father said that these things originally belongs to God and they are only entrusted with management. The archangel’s role is not to own but to manage.
Father does not care about the opinions of Jews or Christians but he still admits to their good works. Then he tell us to look at Joseph.
Father says that Jewish people worked so hard throughout the history for 4,000 years in order to protect monotheism, their God Jehovah. In the past, everyone believe in polytheism. However, Jews were the only people who believed in monotheism at that time.
Jews believed and held onto their one and only God for 4,000 years without changing. Therefore, just as Joseph gave credits to his brothers for taking care of his father Jacob when he was away in a foreign nation. Father gave credit to the Jewish people for serving God in the position of the eldest son. Christianity, the second son, and the Unification church as the third son. Father say no one can match the great work of Judaism, who endured 4,000 years of suffering in order to serve God. We must understand that and give them their due credit.
Then Christianity held onto Jesus in heaven and served God on this Earth for 2,000 years while going through exactly the same kind of difficult course as that of Jewish people. Christians shed much blood and many died in martyrdom. Father says that when he thinks of such pain that had to be endured by Christians, he cannot help but to forgive them.
Father sometimes throws curse words at Christians but he says he thinks of Joseph when he became really angry. Just as Joseph forgave his brothers instead of taking revenge, fed them, and embraced them. Father says he also makes determination to be God’s third son. We should understand Father’s tearful heart.
My eyes fill with tears whenever I think about Joseph embracing his brothers in reconciliation. I gave many lectures in America with this story.
So what kind of person is Father? We can summarize that Father is like Joseph who does not take revenge, who does not repay his enemy with enmity, who rather sacrifices himself for his enemies, and who brings his enemies into natural subjugation.

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