Friday, July 17, 2015


The chapter of resurrection first deals with the providence of resurrection for people on earth.

How will the providence of resurrection of people on earth happen?

Our spiritual selves must attain the stage of divine spirit after going through the stage of form spirit and life spirit. In other words, we must experience the resurrection of the formation, growth, and the completion levels.

The next part deal with the providence of resurrection for people in the spirit world.

Our ancestors who have already shed their physical bodies, along with other spirits, must attain resurrection through cooperating with people on Earth and receive the same benefit.

I originally knew resurrection as “the dead arising from their graves” just as the Christians churches teach. However, I heard that “resurrection means the growth of our spirit bodies” for the first time when I joined the church. I was so amazed by this teaching and asked Father about it to find out more.

“Father, my spirit self must be growing inside of my physical self just as you have said, is there a way to measure, like a thermostat, to know how much my spirit body has grown, whether it can achieve the level of divine spirit?” I asked. However, Father pretended he didn’t hear me that just said “Yes, the perfection of spirit self is the perfection of love!”

However, the “form spirit” has a meaning.

There was a member of our church who died of a carbon-monoxide poisoning and then come back to life. When he went to the spirit world, the path leading to Hell locked easier than the path that was leading to Heaven. There were also people at the other end of the path of hell weaving him, telling him to come and join them. So, when he went to hell, there were beings that resembled serpents, dogs, and pigs. They looked like humans from one point of view but animals from another.

It means that only when we attain the resurrection our spirit self can grow from the shape of animal to become the shape of human being. That is why the spirit self at the formation stage is called form spirit. That particular form spirit develops to the level of a life spirit, and it will ultimately become a divine spirit. A divine spirit illuminates light. So, the purpose of our life on Earth is to perfect our spirit self in order to become a divine spirit – luminous being.

The level of luminosity determines how close we can go to True parents after they go to the spirit world. We will be able to go closer to True Parents depending on the brightness of our spirit selves. We will fall down according to the darkness of our spirit selves and ascend according to their brightness.

Perfection of spirit self is the perfection of love

Father explained to us about resurrection of spirit self as if drawing a picture. Father taught us that God has twelve sungsangs. Then he told us “Everyone is born with one of the twelve sungsangs of God. Therefore, it is easy for you to love and become friendly with people who share the same sungsang with you, but it’s difficult to love the others who have the other eleven sungsangs.

Therefore, you must work for them, sacrifice for them, and love them. In the end, you will have to love everyone who has the other eleven sungsangs. If you can love them all, your spirit self will become completed, and your character and love will be perfected.

Then he told us “Everyone is born with one of the twelve sungsangs of God. Therefore, it is easy to love and become friendly with people who share the same sungsang with you, but it’s difficult to love the others who have the other eleven sungsangs. Therefore, you must work for them, sacrifice for them, and love them. In the end, you will have to love everyone who has the other eleven sungsangs. If you can love them all, your spirit self will become completed, and your character and love will be perfected”.

If we look at the picture here, it has four directions. East means warm spring, South means summer. West autumn, and North winter. Each season has three months.

You have probably heard that there are twelve gates made of pearls in the spirit world. People are all different and they are bound to go through the pearl gate that befits them. Since there are twelve sungsangs and twelve months, there are twelve gates as well.

If we only befriends the people of same sungsang as us on the physical world, we will only be able to enter one pearl gate. We will not be able to enter the others pearl gates. If you hate a certain type of person, then you will not be able to enter the corresponding gate. As twelve months are different from each other, twelve type of people are all very much different.

Our spirit self cannot be perfected and become a luminous body if we cannot unite with all twelve types of people. The twelve pearl gates represent the gates which twelve types of people enter. Therefore, if we cannot love certain types of people, our spirit self will have a shadow cast upon it and be tinted with darkness. We must learn to like all twelve types of people if we are to pass through all twelve months.

That is why the number 12 is important. True Parents gave birth to more than twelve children. The first thing Father asked Mother to do after the Holy Marriage is that she must give birth to more than twelve children. Mother gave birth to fourteen children.

People characteristics are all different just as four seasons are different. You could say “You and I have different characters; we don’t fit well together” but you will be breaking the heavenly law of love if you say “You and I have different characters; I hate you.” How could the spring hate the summer, and the summer hate autumn? We need all four seasons. Therefore, whether people have the same characteristic as you or not, you must love them all.

So when you give birth to twelve children, people you meet will remind you of your first daughter or second son and so on, making it easier for you to be friendly with them.

There is a saying “You must be a child if you are to enter heaven.” It is because children are kind. Children easily play with each other. Adult aren’t able to do that. Adults measure each other up and they take a long time to become friends. That how adults are. Those who transcend everything and just love everyone will be able to go to heaven. We are being trained in that way of love on Earth.

Father said that the principle will become the constitution in the nation of God in the future. The world where people cannot commit sin even if they try, will arrive.

However, who will the people who fails to achieve resurrection until the end? It is the people who never gave birth. The loving heart of parents is something we can only learn through having our own children, sacrificing ourselves for them day and night, and raising them. Therefore, Father said that the people who never gave birth to their own children will have a harder time for resurrection. Then what can they do? They must adopt children. Father’s been pushing the wives of the four saints to adopt children.

Back in the old days, I was inside the room where Father was having a meeting with pastoral leaders. They asked Father “There are members who are avoiding getting pregnant because of financial restraints, would that be Ok?” Father yelled and said “what are you talking about? They should have more children! Do you think Jacob would’ve given birth to a son like Joseph, his eleventh son, if he avoided getting his wife pregnant?” then Father continued “Give birth, Father gave birth to a lot of children as well. You must learn from it. Don’t worry, just give birth. Babies come out to the world with their own fortune.”

Ancestors are directly connected to individual salvation

Father said that everything is connected to our ancestors. Our birth is connected with the ancestors, and the way we live is also connected with our ancestors. When people die, their ancestors come to take them.

The life of people on earth and the good deeds of ancestors

Father once explained to us about how the good deeds of our ancestors can operate.

In climbing the mountain for 6.000 years, some people are still at the level of the Old Testament, some at the level of New Testament, and some at the Holy Testament.

The sun represents the grace of God, which sheds its light equally. Who do you think will receive the most amount of God’s grace? It will be A.

Person A has a easy life since he receive God’s grace during his lifetime. He does not have to live his life so diligently thanks to the good deeds of his ancestors.

Person B is in the valley because his ancestors did very few good deeds. He works hard and diligently but only few works for him. His life is a difficult one. He may be smart and live his life sincerely but still nothing works for him as he wishes. In the valley he resides, the sunshine for a very short time before it disappears, shedding only small amount of light on him.

Person C is in the middle of the mountain, whose ancestors accomplished approximately a medium amount of good deeds.

True father said, “Do you know why God is fair? He is fair because there are rich people and poor people, because of the deed of their ancestors.

When we see one person – A - living well off even though he doesn’t have much talent whereas another person – B - living in difficulties even though he tries very hard, we call it unfair. However, father’s perspective is different. That’s not unfair.

If the person - B - finds the Principle and joins the church, he will realize that his ancestors left him only few good deeds, and he will begin to work harder. His status elevates as he work harder.

Father also told us that such people achieve the most elevation after they find the Principle. As God is the parents of humankind, Father told us that God listen to the prayers and the Jeongseongs of such people more closely. This is why such people achieve astonishingly fast development.

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