Friday, July 17, 2015

Moses Family

The anger of Moses

Moses was truly a brave leader filled a sense of justice. However, his anger was his weakness.

Moses mother became his nanny and educated him to have a great sense of patriotism about the nation of Israel by telling him “You are an Egyptian outside but really a Jew inside.”

Moses grew to be a healthy man. One day, he was passing by a labor camp and saw an Egyptian soldier beating on his fellow Israelite. Moses looked around and saw that there is no one else, so Moses killed the Egyptian. However, the words go out and the Pharaoh tried to kill Moses. Moses fled to the wilderness.

He remained 40 years in the wilderness before he led the Israelites out of Egypt; it was recorded that the number was ‘600,000’ men strong’ means that there actually millions of people when we include the women and children. However, so many millions of Israelite's suffered due to the lack of faith and fell in the wilderness.

When he saw the Egyptian beating down his fellow Israelite, Moses had to hold back his anger and wait for the nighttime for revenge to come.

Moses was in a very difficult circumstance when God protected him. All newborn sons were put to death around the time Moses was born. However, with the help of his mother and his older sister, the Pharaoh’s daughter adopted Moses. That particular princess did not have a son. That is why when she saw the baby Moses floating down in the Nile River in a papyrus basket, she thought, “Oh this is a Jewish child, he looks so pretty, I will adopt him and raise him as my own.” This however was not her own thought. God planted this thought in her.

The Pharaoh did not have any other sons so Moses was next in line to become Pharaoh. Moses could have helped his people once he became Pharaoh. If he told the Egyptians “You have put my people under great suffering and labor, however, we will become the royalty now and you Egyptians will become our slave.” He could have turned everything upside down instantly. However, such things could not happen because of his anger. This is something Father feels very sad about.

While talking about Moses’ fits of anger, Father said, “I am a human being just like you but I have two differences. The first is that I have overcome the self-centered greed, and the other is that I have overcome the self-centered fits of anger. We can accomplish anything if we overcome these two things completely.

It is bad to have self-centered thoughts and self-centered greed. However, Father said that self-centered anger is even worse than that. We can learn this from Moses course. If Moses could have held back his anger, not only would he not have had such miserable fate, but his people also would not have died in such miserable ways. A group with a leader who cannot control his anger is bound to decline.

Father received a lot of training to walk the course of the Messiah. Father said, “I wasn’t a good person from the beginning. I was impatient. I had a strong desire for revenge, and I did not like losing. However, I bit my tongue and trained myself to be able to walk the Messianic course.”

Father said that anyone who can dominate his self-centered greed and fits of hanger can accomplish anything. It is because that person’s conscience respect him.

We may be able to deceive everyone around us but we cannot deceive our conscience. How could we deceive our conscience when it is rooted in God? Pour conscience accuse us, “Hey, you, you did such and such wrong things, didn’t you? Why did you?” When our conscience accuses us like that, we lose strength in our body and we fall flat on the ground.

However, when our one conscience respects us, we can have competence in whatever we do and can achieve victory in anything.

God’s sorrowful heart, was embedded in the stone tablets

Another important thing in the course of Moses is the stone tablets.

There are Ten Commandments engraved on the stone tablets. You will know this too, when you have a chance to visit Israel. I could see when I went to Israel that people there copy their law, called “Torah,” onto a thin sheet of paper, roll it up, and stick it in the doorjamb. Then they make a small hole in the door frame, put the Torah in it, and touch and kiss whenever come in and out of the house.

That is how much importance they bestow upon their law. However, the course that led up to God’s giving of these commandments was also of great sadness.

Father until that time could not speak directly to the sages. In the case of Noah, God only appeared in his dreams and said, “Noah, build an ark in such and such manner.” God was not able to speak to Noah directly. It was because they were still in the position of the servant of servants.

God then found Moses and called him his representative. God was able to talk to Moses directly because the foundation was prepared then for God to be able to talk to Moses directly.

Moses however told God “I am slow in speech and tongue.” Then God told Moses “I know that your brother Aaron can speak well. You will speak unto him and he will move the people’s for you.”

However, Aaron later led all the people on the path of faithlessness when he allowed them to create a golden statue of goat and dance around it, Satan accuses God when Israel people fall into disbelief. Then the Israelite's cannot go to God directly and God’s Will cannot be accomplished. Even though they cannot go directly to God, however, they could still go to God indirectly through upholding the Ten Commandments (the law) strictly.

Moses’ Ten Commandments (the stone tablets) became a stone wall that divided God and the Jewish people who did not believe in God. Father said what is very sad here is that God wanted to speak to the Israelite's directly but he could not because of their disbelief. We must know that there is a sad story behind Moses’ Ten Commandments (the stone tablets) which, in the end, worked to divide God and human beings.

A story about Moses’ 40-day fast

This happened when we were still in the old Headquarters church in Cheong pa- Dong Yongsan-gu, Seoul. There was a woman who joined our church with the guidance of Moses. She used to be Catholic, was very energetic, and prayed very well too. I thought she would be a great addition to our church activities. Then she attended the church regularly for a while. One day she came to the church with a big bag and gave a full bow to Father.

Father asked her where she was going and she answered, “I am following Moses’ direction and going to go to Mount Sangak to do 40-days fasting twice.” Father became angry and said, “You are going to do what?”

The woman started explain, “Moses’ told me that when people lecture the Principle, they only talk about how Moses’ did 40-day fasting twice, received the tablets twice, and went through  so much suffering for leading a huge group of people. He told me that people do not focus on the good things he did. He then begged me to understand and know his heart. He said if I could do a 40-day fast twice, he will give me all the miracles and powers that God gave him.” In other words, it seemed Moses’ in the spirit world had seduced her.

After listening to her answer, Father begin to talk to her, this time in a gentle voice as if trying to persuade a child. “Moses is lying. Even the things that the spirits of highest status say are true only 80 percent of the time. The spirit world is the archangel real and the physical world is the Abel realm since I am still alive. You should not believe the things the spirit world says but instead believe me. Even the spirits with high status sometimes try to satisfy their greed by using the people in the physical world with lies. Moses’ was to do 40-day fast twice not because of his own power but thanks to the power of God. He was barely able to finish the two 40-day fast because God fed him spiritually. You will starve to death if you fast 40-day twice. Also, even the power of Moses were giving to him by God. Moses did not do it on his own. Moses can never give such power to you. Therefore, if you are willing to fast 40-day twice, you should redirect that energy and go pioneer new church twice.” She became saddened and silently went out the door later. She never returned.

There was also another woman who was the mother of a male 777 couple member. She was the kind of person who offered a lot of Jeon Seong to heaven. She started a 40-day fasting and then kept insisting on continuing her fasting even when the 40-day was over. She went beyond 60 day and then, as if a candle would quietly burn out, went to the spirit world quietly.

Father said that it is impossible for a human being to fast 80 days with his power alone. We must understand that it may be possible with the spiritual help from God but our physical bodies have a limit that makes certain things completely impossible.

Father says that Moses is always saddened when he hears people giving a lecture about his course. It is because people normally focus on his mistakes of striking the rock twice and do not talk as much all the sufferings he had to endure after leaving Egypt. This is very uncomfortable for Moses to take.

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