Friday, July 17, 2015

The realm of Parentship

the providence of True Parents

The realm of Parentship was restored in 1992 by establishing mother

It was 1992, when the 40 years extension from 1952 ended.

Father put forth Mother in the front of the whole world in that year. Father had to accomplish an important task before being able to put Mother in the front of the world. It was regarding Communism. So Father met Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990 and Kim Il Sung in 1991. These meetings did not take place by coincidence.

I talked about Panda Motors Co,’ before. Father made a tremendous amount of investment in China, a communist country, and enemy country and protected China economy until the end. The Communist world watched this, and they were incredibly surprised by Father’s ‘Panda’ providence. They thought ‘Hey why did Rev. Moon, who opposes Communism, help China?’

Father at the time said that 5,000 KGB agents were working in America to collect information for their Russian intelligence agency. He said that these agents collected information about the activities of Father and reported them back to their government. After closely monitoring Father, they realized that Father’s works were truly sacrificial works. Father’s genuine sacrifices and his works for the sake of his enemies moved them.

Father asked to meet with Gorbachev after holding the Media conference in Moscow and Gorbachev was willing to meet Father since he already knew about Father Sacrifice for his enemy country, China, through KGB.

When he was with Father, Gorbachev asked Father, “Re. Moon, I’ve done my research about you and you are not our enemy. I have been successful with my policy but our economic foundation is still very weak. Please help us with Rev. Moon’s worldwide organization and economic power.”

Father told Gorbachev, “If I help you financially, it would only be temporary help. If you truly want to make Russia a great nation, you must believe God. Creating a great nation cannot be done through only human mind. Give your people the freedom of religion.” Gorbachev then guaranteed the freedom of religion in the nation.

Father also told Gorbachev, “Please guide Kim Il Sung. Please tell him that the unification will not come through physical violence but it needs to come through God’s eternal truth and love and through service and sacrifice.” Gorbachev upheld Father’s request.

Father then made a suggestion: “You should allow me to educate your youth so I can train them to become the leaders who will usher in the eternal advancement and prosperity of your nation.” Gorbachev entrusted with the education of a number of college students. Gorbachev followed Father’s guidance.

At first, we looked for 200 students who could speak English well, and we realized that there were many college students in Soviet Union who could speak English very well. When I asked them how they were able to speak English well, they said they had to study hard because they had to know about the language and culture of their enemy nation in order to beat them. So many students volunteered and the initial number of 200 became 4,000. They came to America in groups of 200 to study.

I was working as a preacher for CARP while also working as a pastor at the time following Father’s command. So I was able to participate in the education sessions about three times. The students from Soviet Union loved the things they were being taught and said “Christianity teaches that corpses will arise from their grave and that Jesus will return on clouds but we do not believe such things.” They said that the Principle was much more scientific, logical, and practical, and it was easier to understand. They said “No problem! This is very truth.” I saw that Atheists were absorbing the Principle even faster than Christians. I was very much surprised.

One professor from Soviet Union said during the farewell party, “When we learned about Communism, we were taught to hate, kill and wage bloody revolution, and we thought violent revolution was the best. However, after listening to Rev. Moon’s Principle, we realized that the best thing to do is to sacrifice for others and love one another. You are very fortunate to be so young and be able to listen to Rev. Moon’s teachings for long time. I feel very sorry myself as I do not have much time as you do with life.” I witnessed these people shedding tears and rejoicing. Father brought Gorbachev into complete subjugation lke this.

Father then meet Kim Il Sung. Kim Il Sung also thought that Father was his enemy. However, after meeting father, Kim Il Sung actually said “I thought of you as one of the strongest enemy I have. However, I was able to conclude that you are not my enemy after learning about your life. I’ve come to realize that you are truly a person who gives endlessly and sacrifices for the whole Earth. Therefore, I respect you.” Then he also added, “If we work for the unity of this nation, we can do it quickly, if the Korean government follows you. I also will follow you without condition.”

Father was very happy when he came back from his meeting with Kim Il Sung. Father said happily, “Kim Il Sung knew what he was talking about. He saw what kind of person I was so he was a smart person. If Kim Il Sung stands in front of his people and say “People, listen! This is the True Parents, let us all follow him! Then the whole country can be restored in one day!”

Communists are a murderous group. So Communists incessantly made attempts for True Parents’ lives. However, Father was able to bring Mother to the stage when such Communists came to Father’s embrace.

Then what kind of person is our True Mother? Father’s life is important too but Father cannot be True Parents if Mother if Mother is murdered by communists. The humanity would then have no way to be saved. So Father always puts Mother in the back while advancing the providence. However, since communists, who were after Father’s life, were brought to complete subjugation, Father was able to put Mother in the front.

Since the original humanity was devastated because of Eve’s active role in seducing Adam to the fall, Mother, who came as the perfected Eve, has to walk in front of Father and help Father become successful, thereby restoring the wrong doings of Eve through indemnity. Father had a reason to put Mother in the front. So Father wrote a calligraphy that read ‘Coming of the Global Age of Women’ and opened the age of women with Mother.

How much Jeong Seong did father offer until he was able to put mother forth to the world?

In the World War Two, America, England, and France, formed God’s side and the Satan’s side was formed by Germany, Japan, and Italy. These six countries become seven when we add Korea. Father said the names of the three nations on God’s side once when he woke up in the morning, once before each of his meals, and before he went to bed. He said them five times a day and he did this for forty years. How much does that come out to be? When we calculate, it become 73,000 times.

Father then said, “The names of these nations are so attached to my mouth now that if I fall unconscious and regain my consciousness, I will automatically say the names of these nations. If I am to undergo an operation and wake up from the anesthesia, the first thing I will say will be these names.” Father also said “I put so much Jeong Seong before I was able to put Mother forth.”

During that time, Father said, “Do you know what Jeong Seong is? Jeong Seong means repeating the same thing over and over again everyday like a fool, even if no result appears, that is Jeonseong.” Father said that he prays in advance for the things that will happen after 10 years, 1,000 years, and 10,000 years.

When you poor water in a bowl, you can fill it up to the brim. If you continue to poor, the water will begin to spill. Father said “Even though your Jeonseong will show no result, you must keep on praying until it reaches the breaking point.”

Father established the Women’s Federation for World Peace in 1992, and appointed Mother as its chairperson. Then he advanced the providence of restoring the Parent ship through Mother’s mouth. Mother said, “Rev. Moon has walked such and such life course to walk the path of Messiah, of True Parents as she spearheaded assemblies to proclaim about True Parents in front of the world. I want to introduce an excerpt from Mother’s speech.

“The mission of the Messiah, the Savior is to teach the way to end the history of sin which begun from the humanity’s loss of the path of True Parents, True Spouses, and True Children.

I hereby proclaim to the whole world through this occasion that Rev. Moon has pioneered the course of the Messiah True Parents throughout all his life. As you must be well aware, Rev. Moon has pioneered the future for the humanity through discovering the original sin committed by the human ancestors. (From her 1992 speech)”

Mother told me back then “As someone who has watched the miserable life of Father, I felt like my heart was about to burst open when I proclaimed Father as the True Parents and the Messiah of humanity.” She also said “It was very difficult for me to contain my emotion, stopping myself from breaking into tears.”

Mother is the person who knows Father more than anyone else. Mother was able to restore the parent ship through proclaiming Father as the Messiah and the True Parents of humanity. That is why Mother is an important person.

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