Friday, January 31, 2020

Guidance given to American members

Guidance given to American members at a Home Church Meeting
Gil Ja Sa Eu, June 16, 1987
As you know, Father recently gave a special direction for the mobilization of all the Korean blessed wives. This providence is connected with America because Father said 7,000 people will be going to Korea from all over the world. This event is very important and has a significant purpose.
The day may come very soon when many of you will go to Korea, so I want to explain a little bit about the background of Korean Christianity.
Why Christianity Spread
Christianity first came to Korea more than 100 years ago. Most of the early missionaries came from Europe through China. Many were severely persecuted, and even beheaded, because they tried to abolish the ancient tradition of ancestor worship, which is common in the Orient.
The day that one's ancestors departed is always celebrated in Korea, and most families spend a lot of money making elaborate offering tables for them. But the Christian ministers said that ancestor worship was like worshiping Satan and that you only needed to worship God and Jesus to get to heaven. That aroused tremendous hostility, which led to their execution. In Korea you can visit a historic mountain where many Catholic priests and Protestant missionaries were beheaded.
However, despite the persecution, Christianity started to take root among the people. At that time the Korean people were living under a severe feudal system. Only a very small percentage of the people were in the wealthy, ruling class, while the majority were miserably poor. Especially the children of the noblemen's concubines were very much despised.
Though they might have been talented, they had almost no chance of improving their social status. Generally, there was a lot of resentment, frustration, and despair among the majority of the people.
Christianity helped the common people grasp the idea that all men are equal under one Heavenly Father. This idea of equality encouraged them, and that's one of the major reasons why Christianity spread.
Around 1905, at the beginning of the 40-year occupation of Korea by Japan, many of the most patriotic Koreans started to leave their homeland because they could not tolerate being under Japan's domination.
Those that remained were very desperate and had nothing to support them except their strong faith in God and Jesus. Therefore, during the occupation, Christianity began to spread even faster in Korea.
For most Korean people, Japan is an unforgivable enemy. I personally hated the Japanese people. However, Father has explained that, because Adam was dominated by Eve in a non-principled way at the time of the fall, in the Last Days the same situation must reappear on a global level in order to indemnify the fallen act. Korea, as Adam, received the evil dominion of Japan, as Eve, for 40 years. This is not any coincidental situation; it's a providential situation. Only after the 40-year period was over could Korea take proper dominion over the Eve country in order to prepare a foundation for True Father and the salvation of mankind.
True Mother as a new bride at age 18.
Refusal and Compromise
Just prior to the end of World War II, the Japanese leaders, considering their hopeless military situation, realized that Japan was losing the war. Their only hope was to try to win by spiritual power. So they forced not only the Japanese people but all the people that Japan dominated, specifically the Koreans, to bow down to the Japanese emperor who was seen as a god to be worshiped. Korea is located west of Japan, so all Koreans had to bow toward the east, toward the residence of the imperial family in Tokyo. Every church and every house in Korea had to have a Shinto altar, where they were to bow down and worship.
For Christians, this was just unbearable; it was even harder than dying. They had only one God and one Jesus to serve and worship, and could not conceive of bowing down to any other authority. Japan was already the enemy in their heart, so how could they worship the imperial family -- the god of Japan? Many devout Christians refused to obey. Therefore, great numbers of them were arrested and put into prison; very few of them survived. Some fled to Manchuria, China, or to the United States and kept up a movement for independence based on their Christian foundation. Father has said that the Christians who didn't compromise and who persevered in their faith to the end -- those who went to jail or went into exile -- were clearly the Abel Christians.
However, there were other Christians who thought, "Since we cannot survive without compromising with Japanese policy, why don't we just cooperate with what they say and bow to the east? This is just external ritual. Internally, God knows our heart" This was the Cain group of Christians.
Kim Seung Do's Group
As you may have heard, some very important revelations came to the leader of one of the spiritual groups prepared from among the Abel-type Christians to pave the way for the Lord of the Second Coming. That devout and sacrificial leader, Kim Seung Do, was praying desperately one night, and Jesus revealed to her the answers to some of her most pressing questions: one, that the fruit Adam and Eve ate that caused them to fall was an illicit love relationship; second, that Jesus did not come to die, but was murdered against the will of God; and third, that Jesus will not come back to Israel but to the poor and miserable nation of Korea, and not on the clouds but as a human being.
When Kim Seung Do heard this, she was convinced it was true, but when she tried to tell others, the Christian ministers said, "Where in the Bible are such things written? This is heresy! You must be possessed" She was severely persecuted.
When I joined the Unification Church, I was one of the five professors and 14 students expelled from Ehwa University. During our "trial" one of the deans summoned me and asked, 'Aren't you one of the ones who danced naked in the Unification Church?" I had no idea why the dean was asking such a question, because of course I had never heard or witnessed such a thing. Later I found out why they believed this rumor.
Because Kim Seung Do's group prayed so deeply, devoutly, and unselfishly, many people in that group received that they were being restored to the position of Adam and Eve before the fall. Therefore they felt totally purified, with no sin. They said, "We are like Adam and Eve, who were naked and unashamed!" So one time out of great joy they took off all their clothes and danced naked. This event spread all over Korea and, despite its very remote relationship to the Unification Church, it became one cause for the persecution of our church from other Christians.
Christianity after The War
Because the Cain group -- the Christians who compromised with Japan -- did not go to jail and did not lose their property, they could afford to send their children to Japan or the United States to study. They were well educated, and most of them survived. After the war ended, a military government was established by the United States. America needed assistance to adequately govern Korea, so they used those educated Korean Christians who had learned English abroad. Thus, because the Cain-type Christian groups were becoming influential through their activities in the government, Korea was driven more and more towards the Cain position. Actually, God had wanted the new Korean government to be based on the unity between Father and the Abel Christians; then the Korean government would truly represent Abel's position. But, since the Abel Christians failed to unite with Father, this never came to pass.
Today, out of 40 million Korean people, about 10 million are Christians, and Christianity is still spreading. I believe the reason other Christians continue to persecute the Unification Church is because most of them are the descendants of the Cain-type Christians. Most of them are not offering themselves purely for the sake of God and His will, but in a sense, are using God and their faith for their own selfish benefit. Unification theology has a lot of points that contradict this way. That's why they are afraid to accept the Principle. So even though there are a lot of revivals going on in Korean Christianity, there's not much truly God-centered faith among Christians there. Their degree of purity and devotion for the sake of God's will is nothing compared with the devotion of the members of the Unification Church, a church which to other Christians looks externally very miserable and small.
At this occasion I'd like to confess that I do not come from a glorious, Abel-type background. My grandfather was a well-respected Presbyterian elder, and in the secular sense he was good Christian. He owned a lot of land and was very wealthy. At first he was strongly against the Japanese occupation, and he donated a lot to the resistance groups. But when the persecution increased, he finally gave in to the Japanese. He said, "We can't just lose everything. We have to protect our family's future So his four children got a very good education, and they all went to college. One became a prosecutor, one became a judge, and one became a medical doctor. Other people looked up to our family, saying, "What a blessed family they are, and what brilliant children!" But actually, from the viewpoint of God, my family fell to Cain's territory, as opposed to those who kept a really genuine, pure heart and truly loved God to the end.
Humility and Service
So, coming from that family, I had an opportunity to receive a college education, and I gained a lot of knowledge. But when I met True Mother for the first time -- Mother was only 18 years old -- I totally surrendered to her. She didn't have any college education or secular experience, but her level of wisdom and love and the elevated atmosphere of purity surrounding her cannot be compared with anything you can learn from this world.
Mother's mother was in the group that descended from Kim Seung Do. The members of this spiritual group had dedicated their entire lives to God, but most of them were killed. That suffering prepared the way for one woman to become the true mother of the universe. All these sacrifices were made so God could find a true daughter. Therefore, Mother's wisdom and knowledge come directly from God. Even when she says simple things, they reflect the total image and wisdom of God, There's a huge gap between where she came from and where I came from; therefore, I must humble myself and keep serving her to the end. This is a truly great opportunity and privilege that we have -- to be able to serve True Mother.
I'm sure all of us here are aiming for self-perfection and have a great desire to be totally restored. When I reflect on my 32 years of life in the Unification Church, there are three things I'm always reminding myself to do in order to keep going to the end. First, always repent; secondly, have appreciation and gratitude no matter what the difficulty or hardship; and thirdly, keep serving God and brothers and sisters and all mankind. Father often gives me responsibility that I feel I cannot bear. Father's expectation is totally beyond my imagined capacity. So I must continually humble myself and desperately pray that I can truly respond to Father's expectation.
I'm concerned, because many of you are starting your families and having children, and, especially in the United States, some blessed couples tend to be too dominated by such practical considerations as: "How can I make enough to feed my family? How can I send my children to good schools?" Many blessed couples who have two or three children are trying to seek better ways to support their families. But seen from God's viewpoint and God's heart, the front line, where you have to really struggle to serve God's providence, is Abel's territory. Father's heart always directly goes directly to that Abel territory.
If you try to avoid the front-line mission, looking for the easy way centering on your family alone and neglecting God's providence, you will naturally fall deeper and deeper into Cain's territory.
So, no matter how difficult it may be, if we can keep pushing ourselves toward making front-line effort, that's where the infinite blessing of God is, the place where God can directly visit us.
Total Obedience
As I watched the response of the blessed wives who were mobilized, I was very moved. Most Koreans today are still far from wealthy. If a person has three meals a day, he's doing pretty well; living conditions are still that severe. But when Father mobilized all the wives, no one complained or rebelled this time; they completely obeyed Father's request. Seeing this, I realized how much and how often we disbelieved what Father said in the past. We had the desire to trust in Father, but it was always so difficult to believe in his predictions when we were persecuted so much. We were treated even worse than lepers by society. In such circumstances, just to believe that the future world would be as Father said was so difficult. As Rev. Won Pil Kim has said, those who have been following Father for 10 years have been giving Father headaches for 10 years, and those who have been following Father for 30 years have given him headaches for 30 years. So the longer we have followed Father, actually, the more problems we have made for him!
Even though for 30 years we have not really been trusting enough in Father's words, by now we have constantly witnessed that whatever Father predicted has come true, so we all need to repent. I believe we have finally reached the point where we have to take what Father says seriously, because he never gives any instruction without a serious purpose behind it. Each blessed wife realized that this may be her last chance to indemnify her past disbelief or lack of faith in Father. So this time, everyone totally united, totally obeyed Father. Nobody brought up any practical difficulties or questions as to why they couldn't immediately follow.
Twenty-five years ago, Father told me, "You will go to the United States." I always felt, "How can that ever happen when I can't speak any English?" Father would share his vision of the future and I used to think, "Oh, that will happen after I go to the spirit world." I didn't really believe what Father was saying, and not too many other leaders really believed what Father said in those days. But now that that vision has become more real, we really have to repent.
Living Saints
The blessed wives' older children will stay with their fathers because they have to go to school, but the younger ones will go with their mothers. I said to Father, "If a mother has two or three small children, she cannot do much work, practically speaking." But Father said, "It's not so important what they actually do, but the fact that they are going. That condition in itself is the important thing When the people of Korea see that these families are totally mobilized and that the wives don't plan to go back to their husbands for one year and seven months, I believe they will be moved. They will say, "Only Rev. Moon can unify the entire nation and the entire Korean peninsula, North and South. No other group of people would ever do such a thing for the sake of their country"
The wives were asked to go to either their hometown or their husband's hometown. If neither was desirable, they could go to any town where they had worked and achieved good results. So, on June 1, all the wives went first to the district center nearest the town where they would be working. On average, there were 30 wives in each district. Most were from the 6,000 Couple Blessing, and each mother had, on average, two small children. So about 30 mothers and 60 babies converged at each main center. It was kind of hectic, but everyone gathered seriously, without too much chatting among themselves. The only noise you heard was the sound of many children crying and playing.
Then each district leader encouraged the wives. "Don't stay in the center too long. Just go to your hometown quickly and I'll visit you later and give you instructions'.' They all quickly prepared and headed for their destinations with total obedience. One of the mothers reported to me her impression of this scene. She was so moved by the loyalty and faith and dedication of all the wives that she was in tears, feeling as if she were seeing "a group of living saints"
Of course, many members have been feeling the desperate, intense situation of Korea, both practically and in terms of God's providence, so everyone is feeling much more compelled to completely follow Father's instructions now.
Only One Focal Point
Everyone in North Korea calls Kim Il Sung "Aboji" Even though he is a false father, 20 million North Koreans are united around him, yet in South Korea, as you can see every day in the news, the people are totally divided.
Among the 40 million South Koreans, there are 40 million different opinions. For the South to win over the North in the elections, against whatever competition they may have, South Koreans have to unite, whether they like it or not. There is only one focal point that they can unite around, and that is Rev. Moon. Only centered on Rev. Moon does Korea have a chance to unite.
Father has said that the foundation of the world is based upon the restoration of three archangels. In the last 40 years, he restored the foundation of these three archangels -- the church, the Victory Over Communism (VOC) movement, and the academic world. Because of our strong groundwork in these three areas, when the wives go out they won't suffer as much as in the past, because now we have, for example, 7 million VOC members. Many parents and relatives of members are already members themselves. They already know Rev. Moon is a great man. Therefore, even if their daughters bring two or three children back home with them, they will want to help feed and take care of them. So this mobilization won't be as difficult as previous ones.
Why were the blessed wives mobilized? At the fall, Eve was the first to come under the control of the archangel; therefore, Eve has to go first to the front line to restore the dominion over the archangel. That is why, in the Last Days, women have to be mobilized first on the front line of restoration.
Seven thousand members are going to Korea soon to be part of a national campaign for promoting God-centered unification. This is actually Korea's destiny. Only after the South Koreans achieve total unification among themselves can they win against North Korea. Therefore, the blessed wives took Father's call as their moment of destiny. Without any complaint, without any questioning, they headed directly toward their chosen destination, to work and prepare for the 7,000 members to join them and help restore the Korean peninsula.

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