Friday, July 17, 2015

The course of the fall

The course of the fall

Father recently spoke about something new.

At the time when the Fall took place, Adam was not yet at the stage of growth were he could feel stimulation from the opposite sex. He only thought of Eve as his little sister.

God created all things before He created humans. Also, the purpose of all things was centered upon Adam and Eve. All things designed so that they could not feel the love of God directly. They were to feel God’s love by being consumed by human beings, then becoming the cells. Only then they could feel the love of God.

God was letting Adam and Eve from all things. He thought about how to teach Adam to love at the level that was higher than that of animals when he made love to Eve after perfecting himself. Adam watched the process of mating, giving birth to offspring, and raising the babies of different creatures from small insects to large animals. Adam learned from nature how the creatures cared for each other and made love to each other.

So Adam went around searching for creatures making love so he could learn how to make love through his observations. Adam and Eve did not have another school. Nature and all things themselves were the school for Adam and Eve.

As apple trees blossom in the spring, grow their fruit during the summer, and bear ripe fruit in the autumn while giving out a pleasant scene. Adam and Eve, when they perfected themselves, were supposed to be ripe and their body temperature would rise just by looking at each other. Then they would have understand that they were meant for each other. In other words, God created Adam and Eve so that they would make love to each other. They were to make love in a way that was of the highest level.

So, Adam being a man, kept going to different places. However, Eve got tired of following Adam and she complained, “Adam, let’s take a beak! I’m tired, I can’t continue!” then she sat under a shady tree and waited until Adam returned.

Then Adam played with snakes or frogs and threw them at Eve like a mischievous child. Eve’s face turned blue as she said, “Eh, nasty. No!” However, Adam only did that because he was bored since Eve did not follow him. Adam did this to get Eve to continue following him.

Eve still did not follow him so what was Adam supposed to do? He had to keep studying so he kept on going to different places. So there she was in the shade, waiting for her older brother to come back. She dozed off at one point and that’s when Lucifer, who was waiting for the right moment to approach Eve, come over to Eve and played with her, talking to her sweetly.

Adam acted like a mischievous child toward Eve but Lucifer was kinder and treated Eve better than Adam did. So Eve felt attracted to Lucifer. Not only that, Lucifer was smarter than Adam was. He knew about many things, so eve probably even respected him. Eve was no match for Lucifer who was determined to seduce her.

I asked father one day. “Then, wasn’t there any way for Eve to repel the archangel’s seduction?” Father answered, “Yes, God could not do anything even though He knew about the archangel plan since Adam and Eve were still in the realm of the indirect dominion. However, Eve could have avoided falling if she had reported to God or Adam when the archangel seduced her.”

While describing how the Fall took place, Father asked us, “Hey, so Adam and Eve were naked. How do you think the archangel was: naked or dressed? Can you answer this?” We answered, he was naked.” Father said, “Yes, that’s right.” Then Father asked, “It say in the Principle that the archangel was male, right? Then do you think the archangel had a penis or not?” We answered, “He must had one!”

So, what happened when Eve and Lucifer fell? Father described it very vividly. The naked Lucifer and Eve were sitting facing each other. Father said, “Normally, Lucifer hugged Eve from the side but he was hugging Eve from the front on that day. So, if Lucifer thrust his penis strongly then don’t you think his penis would have gone in? Eve was defenseless.

Eve was surprised. It is only when Lucifer’s sexual organ penetrated her organ that she realized, “This is bad. This is what God told us to not even look at, touch, or eat.” She had a sexual organ but she did not even know how to use it.

What did Lucifer say would happen if they ate the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil? He said their eyes would open. And that’s what happened. Eve realized her mistake. “Oh, the archangel who was so nice to me is actually my servant; He is not supposed to be my partner. My partner is supposed to be Adam who I thought was only my older brother!” then she went after Adam.

Eve went to Adam and begged him to eat the fruit together with her. At first, Adam did not give in to her demand. What are you talking about? God told us not to eat it, do you remember? He said we should not look, touch, or eat it. Adam refused. However, Eve was persistent.

Adam finally gave in to her persistent demand: “Oh, do as you wish.” Then Adam and Eve commit the physical fall.

Do you think Adam was happy when he fell? No. He thought “No! No!” at first but he fell anxiety and horror feeling.

Father explained that if Adam had not fallen, but had pushed Eve away, Eve could have being restored from her fallen position. Adam fell once but what did Adam have? He had God’s lineage, the seed of life. That was lost to Satan’s side. That could not be restored so easily. Since original sin is passed down through the lineage, it cannot be rid of so easily. That is why God had to find the chosen people and the Messiah.

How hard did God have to work in order to send the Messiah? God was so grief-stricken and angry that He even thought “Should I just create a second archangel and second Adam and Eve and just kill the rest?” He had the power so why didn’t He do it? It was because He couldn’t eliminate the Principle of human responsibility that should have prevented them from eating the fruit.

So Father said, “There was a possibility for the second archangel and Adam and Eve to fall again. Because of that, God had to commence the Restoration Providence with the fallen Adam and Eve.

Since the human fall happened centering on the body in such a brief moment, we, who do not know the Restoration Providence, must not lower our guard but instead, follow the Messiah. Only can we through the process of restoration.

Eve realized that Adam was her partner only after falling spiritually by the archangel’s seduction. Then she nagged Adam to fall physically.

The physical fall of Adam and Eve became the beginning of conflicting love, which lead their mind and body to separate. This is the problem. The biggest problem is that Adam and Eve forsook God and fell completely centering on themselves.

What caused the archangel to seduce Eve to fall was his selfish desire and his failure to love God, Adam, and Eve. What caused Eve to seduce Adam to fall was her self-centeredness judgment which led her to think “Maybe I can be forgiven by God and return to him” if she fell with Adam even though God did not permit it. Both the Physical Fall and the Spiritual fall happened through self-centeredness.

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