Friday, July 17, 2015

What we must do in the last days

What we must do in the last days

Since many decades ago, Father has had a great interest in China. It was because Korea was the Adam nation, Japan the Eve nation, and the China the archangel nation. Father said that God’s Providence can only be fulfilled when the archangel nation returned to God.

Father said many times “I have to quickly normalize the diplomatic relations between Korea and China.” Mao answered to Kim Il-Sung’s call for help and send 300,000 Chinese soldiers to kill many Korean people. Normalization of the diplomatic relations between these nations was difficult because there was such strong enmity between them. Father worried about this a lot.

Then one day, twenty years ago, a Chinese jet was on its way to North Korea it made and emergency landing in Kang won province of South Korea. China was greatly worried that their jet had ended up in the enemy state, and that they wouldn’t get their plane back. Also nobody knew what would happen to the pilots. However, the South Korean government treated these pilots well. They gave the pilots good food, took them on tours, gave them a lots of gift and returned the jets safely. The Chinese government was immensely surprised. They began to feel that Korean people had good hearts.

That served as one of the forces that led to normalization of diplomatic relationships between the two nations. At that time, Father told us that if we offer sincere Jeon Seong to fulfill the Will, something will happen, such as an accident, that leads to advancement of the Providence.

Then there was 9/11 in America in 2001. I was working in Washington D.C, and when I turned on TV. I saw the news about the burning World trade Center towers melting like rice candies after planes crashed into them, almost 3,000 people died that day and many of their bodies could not be recovered.

Muslims think that Bush and the American government contemptuously discriminated against them. At the same time, America was sponsoring a few nations that were hostile towards the nations in Middle East. All these factors fueled their hatred, which led to the suicide-attack. They called it a holy war, a Jihad.

In addition. There was an instance where white American beat up and killed a few Muslim youth in return to the violence committed by their people. Americans, who weren’t even able to find the copses of their families and loved ones, put pictures of their dear ones near the site of attack and lit candles in their memory.

Why did such thing happened? I would like to give my own interpretation based on Father’s words to which I have been listening. Since long ago, Father has worried about the Arabic nations, or the Islamic nation. The religious names may be different but Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all believe in the same God. These three religions also share a common root – Abraham. However, now these people have become sworn enemies and are killing each other.

The biggest problem is the way in which Moslem witness to people. Muslims do not witness like Christians whose motto is “Love your enemy, sacrifice yourself.” Their Bible is the Quran. They welcome those who accept Quran but smite with swords those who do not. So Muslims are similar to communist. They employ similar methods. Father was thinking, “I must embrace these people. How could I do it?” and then the terrorist attack happened.

I had an epiphany regarding the attack. It must have been that President Bush and other national leaders did not follow Father’s will that such attack happened. Father went to America and told the people “Help unfortunate people, live for the sake of African Americans, Native Americans and poor people.” Father always instructed and taught them to be like that but the leaders did not follow Father’s direction. That is why Muslims began to harbor such hatred against these people and ultimately led to the attack.

Since the attack, we begin to put more effort in peace activities involving various people. One month after 9/11 attack, Father gathered thousands of leaders in New York and Washington from these three major religions and spoke to them. He solemnly told them “You must not use violence “but also comforted their heart by saying “you must have been terribly hurt to do such a thing”

Father understood their position and scorned them; many Muslims cried. Many countries treat them like the enemy but Rev. Moon understood their predicament. Muslims leaders began to come forward to Father after that point.

Father send many peace ambassador to the Middle East. Those particular peace ambassadors worked very hard not only in the Arab world but also in Israel. We do not have any enemy. The reason is that Father is the king of peace who brings enemies together. So everyone welcomes whoever come bearing father’s name.

So I believed that the attack happened for a reason. We do not have anything to worry about in this perspective. People pf the world commit despicable things like murder, but we all knows them to be a sort of indemnity that advances god’s Providence. Father also said:

“The Will, will be fulfilled without sacrifice only when people believe me and listen to my word. But they end up paying a great sacrifice because they don’t listen and they oppose me. God’s Providence has a schedule for completion therefore God has to force people to sacrifice in order to meet that schedule. That is why my heart aches so much.”

The Unification Church members who have entered the Last days are with no worries because they know this in entirety. Father told us that the members of Unification Church will be the richest people in the world. People of the world lose hope and commit suicide but we never have that situation. When these calamitous Last Days pass, there will come the age of Father, he said. Everything will be revealed when the age of Father comes. Therefore , the world may frown and scream for their lives, but we always remain smiling.

Father said, “Guys, you know, my heart feels that this is extremely urgent. I can vividly hear the cries of those who pass onto the spirit world and fall to the pit of hell.” When we went to Hoon Dok Hae in Han Nam Dong, Father used to ask us “Do you hear their voices too?” we had no choice but to answer, No, we can’t hear.

When a landslide happen, many houses become swallowed by the dirt. Father peered into the future and told us that people will come to join the church just like landslide. Father see things spiritually. Father then asked us “Do you see that too?” But we couldn’t see it.

People are becoming confused in the whirlpool of political, economic, and social problems, and they are becoming less and less trusting of one another. They will then come to our church, saying “Let’s go to True Parents! That is the only path of survival.” However, they can’t come to Father directly so they will come to your home and you must tell them “We will all must learn the principle. Let us do Hoon Dok Hae with True Parents’ words.” Educate them in this manner.

That is why we have so many Hoon Dok home churches. Father taught us that we must teach the Principle in the home churches. However, we must open our mouths when we teach people. When many people come to our homes, we should host parties and have rallies, but we need to have our mouths open when we eat. We must not close our moths. People of the world have no choice but to lose hope and cry, but our members will always be full of hope and vitality.

We must continue to receive Father’s words and teach the Principle and read True Parents’ words even after Father goes to spirit world. Then as Father said “Everything that is invested with your full heart will all be returned.” Everything we have invested will come back to us.

Will not lecturers who teach the Principle to the world will appear first? Those who gave good lecturers will have nothing to envy in the world. When Father saw Christians constructing big churches Father said ”Do you know why they build such big buildings? It’s because they will invite you to their buildings so that you can lecture about the Principle.”

Listening to Father’s words, I felt a sense of satisfaction. Our churches doesn’t have a lot of large buildings, however, when I looked at the building of the Catholic church or the Presbyterian church, I felt as if my stomach was becoming full, thinking “this is where I will give lectures in the future” So we must study hard to become good lecturers during this opportunity that we now have. We must remember that the Last Days are what God has prepared for us.

Jesus laid the foundation for spiritual salvation through the cross

There are two important aspects regarding “The Messiah, His Advent and the Purpose of his Second coming.”

One is the problem of salvation through the cross, and spiritual salvation, and the other is the family of John the Baptist and the family of Jesus.

Korea is a host for many Protestant and Catholic churches. When we look at some of the many apartment complexes here, we see a multitude of red cross here and there as if they are competing against each other. However, the cross was considered a mere tool for Roma, used to execute members.

This why the thief to the left and right of Jesus were also put to the cross even though they were not the Messiah. Therefore, the cross itself does not hold much meaning. Rather, it is an eyesore when we view it as the tool that murdered the Messiah; who came to Earth as the Parents of humanity.

That is why the correct things to do is to remove the cross from church. This is the reason that there is no cross in the Unification Church. I heard that many Christian pastors in America, who follow the words of Father, have already taken down their crosses on top of their churches and buried them in the ground.

According to Father’s words, the cross itself does not have a direct relationship in human salvation. The cross is nothing but a symbol that we must resent and condemn. However, Christians make gold and silver necklaces in the shape of the cross and even kiss them. Christians do such things because they don’t understand. We must now understand salvation through the cross completely.

But why does the concept of salvation through the cross exist? How did Jesus, who was crucified on the cross, die after at least fulfilling spiritual salvation? To summarize, this was because Jesus did not condemn the Roman soldiers who stabbed him with their spears but rather forgave them. Jesus tearfully prayed to God, “Father, they do not know what they do, they do not know that their actions today will return to their offspring as great difficulties, please forgive them.”

According to Father’s words, Jesus did not offer the prayer because he was happy. What was there to be happy about? He could not fulfill the mission that he came to fulfill. He was greatly grieved and appalled.

The reason why Jesus offered such prayer was that he understood since he was going to the spirit world without fulfilling God’s will, there would be a second person coming to Earth as the Messiah. Also, Jesus knew that he had to create a stepping stone upon which the new Messiah could come. However, the stepping stone in this Earth upon which the second coming of the Messiah could happen was not going to be made if Jesus went to the spirit world hating his enemies. The world could receive the second coming only if Jesus loved the enemies. So Jesus offered the prayer which struck Satan at the heart.

I once heard a testimony of Hoon Mo Nim about Satan and Dae Mo Nim. Dae Mo Nim spent her entire life serving True Parent, raised and offered True Mother to True Father. Dae Mo Nim considered that now that True Parents had arrived and there would be Blessed Families, there won’t be any sin anymore. People will not sin anymore. However, even Blessed Families continued sinning, and some even went to commit sexual sin. I was beside Dae Mo Nim and watched her praying day and night.

So she prayed, “Heavenly Father, please take me to the spirit world quickly.” According to Father, Dae Mo Nim could have lived three years longer before she went to the spirit world.

When Dae Mo Nim went to the spirit world, the archangel Lucifer was traveling everywhere to make people do bad things, and the evil ancestor spirits who are being controlled by Satan kept coming down to us to make people sin. This is why Dae Mo Nim made a strong determination to bring the archangel back to God. When Dae Mo Nim approached the archangel and tried to take him to God , he said “No, I can’t go, I’m scared.” However, the archangel was forced to go to God by Dae Mo Nim.

When Lucifer came, God saw him and said “Hey, you are here” not even remembering him as the fallen Satan. God rather said “You came! Welcome!! I knew you would come one day so I made a position for you. Please come. You’ve gone through much suffering because you took someone else position, right? Come to think of it.”

I asked Hoon Mo Nim, “Hoon Mo Nim, then what happened to Satan afterwards? Hoon Mo Nim answered that Satan become very quite. Therefore Dae Mo Nim has done truly great work. Therefore the miracles in Cheong Pyeong are happening because of Dae Mo Nim’s great contribution and spiritual power upon Father’s victorious foundation.

God cannot hate Satan. This due to the fact that God is well aware of the motivation that led him to become Satan, and even Satan must return to the beloved servant that he once was. The reason Satan accuse people is because he has a grudge and he complain, unwilling to return to God. Therefore, God cannot do anything if Satan accuses. It’s as if He become incompetent, and the Messiah is the only one who can stop Satan’s accusation.

After learning about the concept of Satan, I’ve realized that the scariest Satan is none other than ourselves. There is the original archangel Lucifer, who is the Satan, and there are many spirits who do the bidding of Satan, but we must realize that we ourselves are the scariest Satan. We have inherited original sin from our parents and our ancestors, and if we go deep into the meaning of original sin, selfishness and self-centeredness are at the core.

Father once told us in Han Nam Dong about harboring hatred against others: “if you may blame others, saying “you hate me, you ignore me, I hate you” that is because you have the elements of hatred and arrogance in you”

Father told us that “if you didn’t hate others, then you would see everyone as good people. However, you can’t help but to see others in that way because you see them from your own standard.” In other words, if we put a pair of yellow glasses, the world will be covered in yellow, and it would be covered in red with a pair of red glasses. That why Father told us “Don’t judge from your own perspective.” He also said that when we realize that the scariest Satan is none other than the self-centeredness in ourselves, we will pity Satan instead of hating him, and we will also develop a sense of sympathy for Satan.

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