Friday, July 17, 2015

The Providence to restore kingship

The providence of True Parents

The Providence to restore kingship began in 2000

On June 13, 1998, Father blessed four great saints and 33 murderers.

What kind of meaning this blessing have? Through blessing the greatest of saints in the spiritual world and the murders in the bottom depths of hell, such as Stalin, as the same time, Father demolished the barriers between heaven and hell. Since the barrier between heaven and hell was gone, Father could freely traverse not only heaven but also hell. Father said that he equalized heaven and hell.

Father said that God’s sorrowful heart was relieved when he blessed the thirty-three murderers even more than when he blessed the four great saints. God’s wish is to eliminate hell completely. Only when hell is eliminated and Satan’s foothold is gone can Satan return to God. Father spoke these amazing words while giving the blessing.

“There is no sin committed by humans that cannot be forgiven.” He said.

Father say that he has the power to forgive any kind of sin. How wonderful is that? Whenever I heard things like that, I felt ‘Ah, God and Messiah both are not set out to punish people’s sins but find a way to forgive them by completely stripping them of Satan’s accusation.’ I felt that this is the love of True Parents.

Father says this sometimes: “What would be the parents’ heart when they see their children being dragged down to the guillotine? The parents will do anything in their power if it mean they can save their child. It is not the parent’s heart? God is the same. God is the parents. Even though human beings are born of Satan’s lineage, God wants to help human beings to escape Satan’s lineage, escape Satan’s accusation, forgive them, and welcome them back to his embrace as his sons and daughters.”

Father has entered the state where he can now do anything if it is God’s providence. Satan can never accuse Father anymore. That was March 21, 1999.

In Brazil, South America, there is a large river called the ‘Pantanal.’ Then there is a hotel called Americano. During his stay in that hotel, Father said often times that Satan came to him and said “Father, I now have nothing to accuse with the work you do.” Satan was brought to complete subjugation.

Then what was father supposed to do after the year 2000? He has to restore kingship.

Father has to restore kingship now that he restored elder sonship and parent ship. Father told us that the completion of the restoration of these three things is Godism, Heavenly Father-ism.

This Godism and Heavenly Father-ism would have materialized naturally had Adam and Eve not fallen. Adam and Eve would have stood in the position of eldest son in front of God, and become parents once they had given birth to children, and then finally become king as they began to rule the world. Father said that that is the completion of Godism and Heavenly Father-ism.

As Adam and Eve fell and failed to fulfill their kingship, Father had to fulfill this in his lifetime. Then the kingship must be restored; but this is not restored just through words. A world where its people serve God on this Earth and where it is ruled by God’s kingship must be established. We must serve True Parents who represent God, who does not have a form, as the king of all kings. Then we ourselves must become little kings. We ourselves must become little messiahs. Everyone must participate in this restoration of kingship.

So what did Father do in 2001? Father held the ‘Coronation Ceremony for God’s Kingship.’ There is no words, which can fully describe the importance of this event. When we give a cheer of Eog-mansei, the first cheer we give is ‘Eog-mansei for victorious establishment of God’s kingship.’

What is the reason we say this? Before ‘The Coronation Ceremony for God’s kingship,’ God’s authority on Earth was not of God’s authority but of a ministry of Education, a president, or a prime minister who represent the king. The fact that the victory of ‘The Coronation Ceremony for God’s Kingship’ was established means that God was then able to rule the world directly. The Coronation Ceremony for God’s kingship was held in 2001, and The True Parents have been crowned as ‘True Parents the King of Peace’ on June 13, 2006 the day when they entered Cheon Jeong Gung Palace. Father originally had planned to restore the kingship.

We must attend True Parents until the day True Parents fulfill God’s will. This is a precious thing, for which we must be truly grateful.

Father originally had planned to restore the kingship in 2000, but the Coronation Ceremony for God’s was held in 2001. Later on June 13, 2006, True Parents were donned as the True Parents the King of Peace through the True Parents’ Coronation and Entrance Ceremony for Cheon Jeong Gun Palace. Then the Age of Cheon Il Guk finally dawned with the Foundation day on January 13,2013.

Father said that those blessed members who received the blessing while Father was alive must tour the world. People around the world will come but they cannot get blessed directly by Father after he goes to the spirit world. Then these people will become envious of us and follow the ones who received their blessing while Father was on the Earth.

If all those who received their blessing directly from Father go to the spirit world and only one blessed family is left and lives in a deserted island to hide from the world, people will line up there. Then they will incessantly ask to that family, “You received the blessing from True Parents, right? What kind of people were True parents? What did you learn from True Parents?”

Father also asked once “Do you even realize how great it is that you received the blessing while I was alive?”

Father final providence from 1945 to 2013 is advancing in the same stage as the entire parallel periods.

Father does not hold a view of life that is negative or pessimist. Father does not become disappointed in any circumstance. Whatever may come his way, Father says, “Hey there is hope in it. If I overcome this obstacle, there will be good things waiting for me.” He thinks in a positive way. Father was able to endure all the hardships because he had an optimistic view of life.

Father said that he looked into the central figures who took part in advancing the providence in the past and thought, ‘How will I avoid making the same mistake? How will I prevent the sons and daughters of the Unification Church that I lead from repeating the same mistakes?’ ‘Therefore, we can’t help but to obey what Father says as we get to know Father’s teaching. This is a path that you cannot walk if you try to know where you are going. Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, Absolute Obedience.’ What do they mean? They mean that we must walk this course in ignorance.

People did not know that the fall of Adam and Eve happened in an instant. Father said that people will not be able to walk this course of restoration if they knew how and where they were going. Satan accuses if True parents tell them. “Hey, even I would be able to do that if someone just told me.” True Parents have to complete everything first and explain later. If they teach first, then Satan finds a condition to accuse. Therefore, we must follow Father no matter what even though we may not know the reason at the time.

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