Friday, July 17, 2015

John the Baptist failed to serve Jesus

John the Baptist failed to serve Jesus

John the Baptist knew that Jesus was born of his father and Mary. This information is not revealed in the Exposition of Divine Principle. Father told Hyo Won You, “Don’t write about anything that is not in the Principle unless I give you permission.”

We received a lot of persecution in the early days because what we said about John the Baptist. Korea is predominantly Presbyterian whereas America is Methodist. In the Methodist church, the highest respect is reserved for John the Baptist. He is the saint among the saints. The Methodist church takes the saying of John the Baptist, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” As that, he was only being humble.

We interpret this differently. We interpret that John the Baptist failed to do his responsibility, so Christians become angry. They will become even more angry if they hear that the younger sister of John the Baptist was supposed to be the wife of Jesus. They will be enraged if they hear that the father of John the Baptist, Zechariah, is the father of Jesus.

John the Baptist was born six months before Jesus. He is, therefore, the older brother of Jesus. The Jewish people considered John the Baptist great because he lived an ascetic life, eating locusts and wild honey. However, after close inspection, John the Baptist realized that Jesus was born between his father and his aunt, Mary. In this way, John the Baptist could not truly believe and serve Jesus who was proclaiming himself as the Messiah.

Even thought she was in the position to become Adam’s wife, Eve was in the position of Adam’s younger sister. However, the archangel, who was in the position of a servant, stole Eve. Therefore, Jesus, who was in the position to take the opposite course in the restoration through indemnity, had to steal the sister from John the Baptist who was in the position of the archangel. Christians will jump up and down in anger when they hear this.

Zechariah become mute when he first heard from an angel that his wife was pregnant with John the Baptist. He doubted the angel’s words because his wife was too old. Do you think the younger sister of John the Baptist was born? The younger sister of John the Baptist did not play any role in the providence, and we cannot even find a trace of her name in the Bible. Jesus knew the course that he had to take and begged his mother three times in his life, at 17, 27, and 30 years old to be wedded with the younger sister of John the Baptist. However, Mary turned down the play her son’s plea completely.

Mary was a single woman when she became pregnant. Therefore, Jesus was a bastard and was in a low position. That is why the Jewish people even today scoff when somebody tells them that Jesus was the Messiah.

I went to the land of Jewish people, and they had what is called the Wailing Wall. It is the western position of the holy temple that King Solomon constructed, and the Jewish people with their head-shaped black hats were reciting the Law of Moses. When I approached them and asked, “Do you think Jesus was the Messiah?” they answered “No!” They say that they respect Jesus as a prophet, but nobody could be the Messiah since Elijah has not appeared from the sky yet.

Mary gave birth to Jesus after receiving the revelation, and Jesus was able to survive with the protection of Joseph, and therefore he was a righteous person. The Jewish law at the time stated that unmarried women who become pregnant must be stoned to death. However, Mary was saved because Joseph told people that the baby was his. Mary, who knew the law of Jews, must have been very scared.

Jesus was the half-brother of John the Baptist. The younger sister of John the Baptist had the same father as Jesus. Mary was aware of everything. If she had allowed Jesus to marry his half-sister, it would once again break Jewish law. Mary opposed Jesus being wedded to the younger sister of John the Baptist, and Mary is now beating her chest, lamenting that she did not allow the marriage of Jesus.

Jesus and Mary were abandoned by Zechariah’s family. The three-years public course of Jesus was his journey to find his wife, and he was killed without being able to fulfill his mission. Father taught us that if John the Baptist younger sister believed Jesus to be her husband and followed him whenever he went, then heaven could have protected them, preventing the crucifixion of Jesus.

Father said that Jesus was murdered because he could not set the condition with which heaven could protect him. The crucial reason for the crucifixion of Jesus lay in John the Baptist. Jesus was the Able family and John the Baptist was the Cain family. However, because the Abel family and Cain family failed to unite, the tribes couldn’t unite, the races couldn’t unite and Jesus was crucified in the end.

I can tell you this now, because Father has already proclaimed these things. Father said that “The exposition of Divine Principle that I told Mr. Hyo Won You to write was only a portion of the Principle that I knew.” The reason Father could not reveal the entire Principle was because of the opposition from Christians and theologians. Father said that he will write the Original Divine Principle when the time comes. I recall Father saying this.

These days, I see that the contents of the principle are coming out more and more. I told Father once, “Father once said that you will write the Wolli Wonbon again, but I think many of the contents of the Wolli Wonbon have already come out in Mother’s speeches that she’d given on her tour.” Father sat still after saying, “Yes, I think what you are saying is also right.” Just like this, new words are being revealed as the time comes.

The roots of the unification church faith

We cannot give perfect Principle lectures with only The Exposition of the Divine Principle. We must listen to Father’s words often and read the collected speeches of Father from the first volume if we want to give good Principle lectures. Father used to talk a lot about the circumstances and the heart of Jesus from the first volume of Father collected speeches- Father’s words in 1956 – until he had the holy marriage with Mother.

When Dr. Bo Hi Park joined the church, he was the first person to use a recording device to start recording Father’s words. Father’s words were normally written down as notes before recording devices. Father used to talk about the excruciatingly painful heart of Jesus, connecting the hearts of God, Father, and Jesus, and speaking until his entire body was covered in his own sweat and tears.

I also told my youngest son “you have to start reading from the first volume of Father’s speech collection” and he began reading. After he started reading Father’s speech collection, he told me that he now feels like he can realize the base of the faith of the Unification church.

We cannot use only the Principle in our ministry. We also cannot use only the words that we receive daily. We can convey the inspiration of God only when we lecture centering on the Principle and Father’s words.. in other words, we must first thoroughly study the Principle, and then read from the first volume of Father’s speech collection which is the root of the faith of Unification Church. We have to turn heaven’s lonely, sorrowful, and painful heart into our own root of faith and assimilate the words that Father has given us today.

Give lectures through reading the Principle means that lectures are discouraged from combining their own words into their lectures. In other words, we should speak according to the words, and nothing else. We can easily find Father’s words regarding certain points in the Principle as we read the Principle through. We can engraft the Principle in people’s heart if we add Father’s words just a little in the Principle, and anyone will be able to accept the Principle.

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