Friday, July 17, 2015

Adam's Family

Father loves Cain first
What I am to tell you is what I’ve heard often from Father. This is not in the Divine Principle.
The fact that Cain killed Abel is important in Adam’s family. Adam’s family failed because of this.
Father always thinks deeply about the way Cain could have refrained from killing Abel, and united with him to fulfill God’s Will, and Father practices the way himself. Father’s close family members or direct children are Abel and we, who are not his direct children, are Cain. However, Father does not have time to be with his own children but he always spends a lot of time with members or leaders who are Cain.
When I was in East Garden, I could see that Father ate all three meals a day with us and had meetings wit us all day long. His children were left behind. Father ate nicely prepared meals with side dishes with us in the dining room but the children had to go past a small kitchen and quickly eat whatever there was and go to school. I always felt sorry for them.
One day, Hyo Jin Nim was walking by the place where Father and we were having a meeting. When Father saw him, he said, “Hyo Jin, I’m sorry. There was something I really wanted to tell you, but I could not. I’m sorry,” I thought in my heart, “Does he really not have enough time to tell him a sentence when they live together under one roof?”
I soon realized that he really does not have even a little time to do that. Father wakes up before any of his children wake up and goes to bed after all of his children go to bed. There were many days when Father could not even see his children’s faces. Before he goes to bed, he sometimes opens the door to his children’s room, however, it is too dark and he cannot caress his children, so he just says “Good night,” and gives a short prayer. Father spends many of his days like that.
We see that Father loves Cain first in his life. The heart of Cain who receives father’s love will be moved, and Cain, whose heart has being moved, will come to serve Abel. People in the past were not able to do this. Father always talks about the need of this.
“My parents and siblings could have followed me only if I had told the Principle to them, but I couldn’t utter a word to them about it”
Why couldn’t he say anything about it? Father said that his mouth would freeze whenever he tried to talk about the Principle. God stopped him from speaking. Father said “the Cain world must be restore first before we can restore the Abel world. This is the order of restoration. I tell you to restore your tribes because we have such a law of Cain and Abel. I am telling you to relive the sorrowful heart of the Teacher who wasn’t able to restore his own tribe.”
What we must learn from Adam’s family is how we are going to be kind to the Cain side people and treat them in a way that doesn’t make them complain. If Abel sympathized with his brother Cain when he saw that God refused to take Cain’s offering, Cain would not have killed Abel. If God’s providence is to be completed, the Abel side of a person must harbor the nature that can bring the Cain side people into natural subjugation.
That is what we must learn. However, father said, “This is the other way around in Japan”.” Since the old times, Japan had the spirit of Bushido and superiors order their subordinates to commit suicide when they are disobedient. So the pastors act similarly and treat their members in a very authoritarian manner, saying “I am your Abel!. Obey me!”
When I went to Japan, I could see that this was really hurting the heats of Japanese members. Many Japanese members were struggling because of the Cain and Abel relationship. Father talks a lot about this relationship in hopes of allowing the Japanese members to properly realize this and learn that Abel people must be able to bring Cain people into natural subjugation.
People around Adam’s family
This is something I found out asking Father directly.
One member asked me “Who were these people that supposedly existed at the time when Cain killed Abel? Were they the early humans (ape)?”
The early humans (ape) are a type of being that lies between human and monkeys.
I was serving Father one day in Boston while he was fishing for tuna. I was suddenly reminded of the question about Adam’s family so I asked Father “Father! Who were the people who lived at the time when Cain killed Abel? Are they apes? At this time, Father answered that God did not create apes.
Adam lived to become 930 years old. Father said that Adam gave birth to many children before he gave birth to Cain and Abel. Cain and Abel were selected to be providential people among those children and their names were recorded in the Bible.
Unless you were a providential figure, your name was not even recorded in the Bible. The people who were recorded to have existed at the time of Cain and Abel were their close relatives. Cain was afraid that they would kill him because he killed Abel, and begged to God, ‘every one that findeth me shall slay me.’ Then God left a mark on Cain – Gen. 4:14-15
Tree of providence
Father once drew a diagram of a large tree of providence on a blackboard. Father wanted to explain to us where we as individuals belong on this tree of providence. The reason for the drawing was that Father wanted us to clearly find our position as a member or as a leader.
This part is the root. Father said, “I am Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, now and later.” Also, Father said “I will harvest the fruit as I was the one who began it. I am the root, the stem, and the fruit.” The fruits are his results and outcome.
Then where we are on this tree? We one of the smaller branches. The responsibility of these branches is to keep hanging onto this tree of providence.
How will they hang on? Father says that the only method is through obedience. We must harbor not self-awareness. There is common mistake made by pastors. When Father gives a direction, they act stubbornly in order to make results. Father is saying that he will sow the seeds and reap the fruits so just do as he tells them to do.
When fruits are being reaped, it is important to do as we are told. Father says that it is alright even if you cannot show any results. If Father tells you to do something else while you are already working on something after upholding Father’s direction, then we must have no second thought about stopping whatever we were doing and beginning the new work that Father told us to do.
Even though there is still only little providential result, we must follow the command. This is a matter of condition. It is important to set the standard of how much we are one in shim Jeong of True Parents. We are creating conditions, which Satan cannot accuse, and this is the most important things we must do. God can exert His infinite power if we create conditions that cannot be accused by Satan.
We must be obedient to Father’s command and must not criticize them even a little bit. Do not criticize True Parents, do not complain, and do not worry. These three things are what Satan’s like the most and these are the conditions that allow Satan to accuse. The reason why we say do not criticize the works of father, do not complain, and do not worry is that Father is moving the spirit world. We must therefore be unconditionally obedient.
There are many married couples who are about to receive the blessing who complain and try not to go through the indemnity stick ceremony. They say “Why must we beat our husband or wives so cruelly with an indemnity stick?” they complain without even knowing the true meaning of the indemnity stick.
They say they have already worked so hard to bring their husbands, who don’t want to receive the blessing anyway, and why must then now beat them with indemnity stick. They criticize; “why do we do a barbaric exercise?” father said, “People say the most ignorant things when they do not even know how Satan can be taken out of their bodies.” Then he continued, “They must do it because I am the only one who knows that.”
Then why do we use the Holy Salt and what is the law of Holy Separation? Holy Salt was first made during True parents’ Holy Marriage. We now use it after it is multiplied by seven.
Using the Holy Salt means that we are continuing the Shim Jeong of Father. Father deals with everything in the matter of Shim Jeong. It is because Adam and Eve fell at the stage of imperfection, in other words, the stage of imperfection of Shim Jeong. Father has attained the complete oneness with God with respect to Shim Jeong. Therefore, if we follow Father absolutely and become one in Shim Jeong with him, Satan will be taken away from us when we naturally become one in Shim Jeong with God.
In conclusion, we must be well aware that everything Father does is closely connected to the spirit world. As father is the one who moves the spirit world, it may seem like his commands are illogical and unreasonable in this world but those who serve true Parents must make the right judgment.
There are also people who left the church among my own 36-couple group. Many of them were the type of people who considered themselves smart. They use their own judgment and say ‘Father shouldn’t do this ….’ They criticize a few things and in the end conclude that they cannot follow Father’s providence. That is why it is written in the Bible, ‘To obey is better than sacrifice.’ – Samuel 15:22. Please remember this and do not make any mistakes in your journey of following the path of Will.
I once received a very interesting revelation in my dream.
After we were expelled from Ewha Woman’s University, we became an unwelcomed bunch. Professor Young Un Kim or Mrs. Won Bok Choi were at least kicked out from the university still holding the titles as Professors so they could find other jobs and were treated with respect. However, people called me ‘surengi’ because my physical father was from North Korea. I didn’t know what it means at first but I looked around to realize that it meant ‘a silkworm fed with mulberry that cannot produce any silk’.’ So people often called us “Oh, those Surengis”. We were truly an unwelcomed bunch at that time. Our pride was hurt and we worried about our future. We started worrying.
When my worry become great, Father appeared in my dream one night. The fourteen students including myself who were expelled from the school were sitting in a circle around Father at a particular mountain. Father, realizing my worries, spoke to me “I do no want money or knowledge from you, you have the innocence and love that is the purest in the world. You do not know how to criticize Father’s works. You do not even have a shadow of criticism toward the Teacher. You believe all that I do, you accept everything, and you have the heart of absolute obedience. Please know that that heart of obedience is more precious than anything in the world.”
After that dream, I started to think ‘I was right.’ It does not matter if we are not professors or ministers as long as we have the heart of absolute obedience towards Father,’
Then Father gave the name of ‘Myeong Won Hoes (Association of Illuminating Circle)’ to the members expelled from the school. It meant ‘You must expand in a round circle to illuminate this world brightly with your love.’
The members of Myeong Won Hoe became wrinkled grandmothers now but Father says we always look young in his eyes. If I wear something even just a bit bright, Father says, “You still have the looks from when you were a college student” it’s being already 50 years since the incident but Father still remembers as such.
I want to tell you Father’s Words that he gave to the members of Myeong Won Hoe.
“The root of your faith does not shake and your life, therefore, isn’t wasted away. That is why you always look young.”
Isn’t it very poetic? Father is talking about the spiritual perspective. I was 23 when I first saw Father and Father was 36. Father was single at that time. I treated him like my older brother, like my Father. Such days now remain inside me as beautiful memories.
In such a way, Father see things with his spiritual eyes. Even though I am an old and wrinkled grandmother, Father still tell us “You guys always look young.” It is said, that when we shed our physical bodies and go to the spirit world, our appearance will be 23. I become happy whenever I think about how I will return to the spirit world and look 23.

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