Friday, July 17, 2015

Father’s attitude in offering Jeong Seong

Leaders and Jeong Seong

Leaders of unification church must be competent in both ministry and business

Father said that humanity would find no way to survive without Korean people now. Father tells Koreans to take the top position wherever they go. Does this not mean that they should become the president or the king? Father told us that there would be no peace unless Korean people take the top position in every nation in the world. After traveling to many countries, I have come to feel that such a time will surely come very soon.

Korean people are generally kind. They also forget easily. They tend to easily forget even when they have been treated terribly by others. We’ve come to know that God also is actually very forgetful. God scorns human beings when they do wrong but God easily forgets when they repent and beg for forgiveness. If God were not forgetful, He could not have been able to act as God because he would be so angry and filled with pain.

Father said that this is the way in which parents would forgive their children even if they do wrong, but as children repent and beg for forgiveness later, the parent would no longer be angry and forgive them.

Korean people have a long history of being invaded many times by neighboring nations. It would be terrible if Korean people were not forgetful. You can’t advance forward unless you let go of the past. God trained Korean people to forget the past, and they naturally developed that. Then Koreans came to know God’s heart more than any people in the world.

Japanese people are generally vengeful and they are proud about taking revenge. Chinese people do not reveal what’s in their heart. It’s difficult to know if they like it or hate it. I think such nature has been embedded in people because of their long history of internal conflicts between different clans. Once they begin to think something is bad, then they will not forget it easily and remember it for a long time.

Father knows about the kindness of Korean people and he wants the sons and daughters of Korea act as a pastors.

During my time as a pastor, I realized that this pastoral work is similar to farmers sowing rice seed in their seed beds. When these rice seeds grow a bit, we transplant the seedlings. Pastoral work is like planting the rice. Your places of ministry become our homelands and we are dispersed to the fields that suit us the best. When the pastoral work is over, we go to academic field or financial field just as rice stalks are planted.

In our own world, pastors will become most successful in the future. Father said that Cain killed Abel out of embarrassment because God would accept only Abel’s offerings and not his. When we look at our church, those who work in business organizations are the Cain.

Father said that he has to pay those who are in the business organizations as compensation for their work. This will allow them to sustain their livelihood and not complain. However, those who work as pastors are the Abel and the priest.

Everyone in the world will become Unification Church members when Father becomes victorious and when the Will is fulfilled. When such time comes, priest would be able to live well off only with their members’ tithing. Father then made a promise that he will pay three times what the Cain people in the business organization are being paid. Father will keep his promise.

Among the different tribes of Israelites, the Levites did not own any land but they lived well just with their tithing. The Levites were the priest tribe among the twelve tribes, were they not? If we nurture our inner-self and raise it high, the world will be filled with people and money. Such a time will come very soon. We must bite our tongue and endure until such time comes. The course of the pastor is the right path for our life of faith.

Father however operates a lot of business organizations. He sent many members to these organizations. Father sends the members to these places and always worries. So he changes the personnel assignments constantly. Father assigns pastors to executive position in such organization and assigns executive to be pastors.

Father want us to experience both fields and develop capacity in both fields. We are trained so that when we meet new people, we quickly realize whether we should treat this person from the position of a pastor or from the position of a businessman.

The former president of Seil Tour System, Mr. Kim Il Hwan is a very good example of this. He used to be a pastor. He was not a businessperson. However, Father appointed him as the president of Seil Tour System all of sudden.. he must have been very surprised.

When he heard the news of his new appointment as the president of Seil Tour System, Mr. Kim contacted Father, “Father, why do you want to make me the president? I cannot do it. Please let me just work as a pastor.” He desperately pleaded, Father said, “No. I was looking for the new president of Seil Tour System and your name kept appearing in my mind. That is why I have appointed you. Say no more.” Father refused his plea. Mr. Kim now not only is a well-established businessman who has been taking care of the company but also he guides his employees in the path of faith.

Father allows people to experience both fields: pastoral and business. We must therefore excel in different area. This is just as when Father made determination to excel in both pastoral fields and economic fields when he first accepted the calling of God.

Father’s attitude in offering Jeong Seong

Father escaped North Korea during the Korean War and went south to Busan. He went though much tribulation in Busan and later moved to Daegu.

Daegu is a city of great faith that was almost comparable to Pyongyang in North Kora. Father went to Daegu with a few of his disciples and lowered the anchor in Daegu to restore Christians. Many people received revelations and began to follow Father.

Father first converted Ms. Kang Hyeon Shil in Busan and sent her to Daegu in advance for pioneer activity. She was a Christian evangelist who graduated from Kora Theological Seminary. She went to Daegu and converted many elderly female Christians. I heard she received a lot of persecution because of that. Those elderly members’ sons or sons-in-law were often times pastors or of high position in their church. The elderly members received a lot of persecution because they were in such an environment.

Here is a story from that time. One of the elderly female members who diligently came to our church used to live in a two-story house. She was however locked up in the second floor of the house because her son and her daughter-in-law prevented her from visiting Father. They gave her a bucket to use as a toilet and send food upstairs. Father kept visiting her, because he missed her. Father did not make any promise to her that he would be outside the window whenever she looked out, but he sometimes hid in the corner of the street to get a glimpse of her when she looked out the window.

So when Father was arrested and dragged to the police station, the grandmothers would go together and cry a lot. This is when Father moved many times in one month. He sometimes moved almost twenty-three, twenty-four times a month, always daily. When he searched for a place to move, he always picked a place with a backdoor in order to avoid the police if they were to appear suddenly. The grandmothers would still follow Father even in such difficult environment so Father gave these Daegu grandmothers the title, “My friends of suffering.”

Father then finally came to Seoul. Father came to Seoul for the reason of restoring the students who were attending Ehwa University and Yeonsei University both founded by Christians, and raise them as future Leaders. Father came to Seoul with such great hope.

During the time when Mr. Eu Hyo Won was still alive, I often saw the grandmothers from Daegu coming to Seoul once or twice a year. Among them was Mrs. Bang who had a hunched back. Before these elderly grandmothers, many of whom were more than 80 years old, could come to Seoul out of their longing to see Father, they would have to save a long time to have the money to purchase their train tickets. It was because their sons and daughters-in-law would not give them money. They did not want them to give the money away to the Unification Church.

In any case, the grandmothers would save bits of allowances in their skirt to purchase a train ticket to Seoul and buy a few bags of candy when they came. Our church was struggling so much at the time so even a few bags of candy were wonderful treats, but they were too humble to present to Father. the grandmothers would still give Father one bag of candy and they would also give a bag of candy to our house because my husband was the president of the church.

It was however oblivious about our church’s struggle at the time. Father would be speaking to a few of us in the living room when we got a call that the Daegu grandmothers have just arrived at Seoul station and they would be here in few minutes. Then Father would be waiting in excitement. He would say “She’s coming, right? Is she coming too? That person’s mother is also coming?” Father then would try to memorize the grandmother’s names before they arrived. Father did that because he longed to see them badly too.

Father would speak a few more things and then tell the young people to go to Seoul Station and escort the grandmothers back to the church. Father would sit still in the living room, waiting for the grandmothers to arrive. As soon as the grandmothers came, they would start crying inside the wooden floor room. Their hearts of longing for Father would burst open automatically. So their faces would become filled with tears and they would fall on the floor while offering Kyeong bae to Father.

Father eagerly waited for the grandmothers to come but when they actually came and offered Kyeong bae in tears, he rotated himself so he was seated facing the side. He did not respond to their Kyeong bae and his face become hardened, he did not even acknowledge their arrival.

Father was thirty-six years old and the grandmothers were well over twice his age, so I felt I would welcome the grandmothers with glee, “Oh, welcome, welcome!” if I were Father.

Father would sit still for a while as the Daegu grandmothers would cry their hearts out. So I really couldn’t understand that. It was very different from the normal way of greeting.

Father later explained about what he was doing back then. He said that his heart would fill with tears when the Daegu grandmothers came because he yearned to see them so much. This was because not only did he remembers all the difficult times he had spent with these grandmothers, but also because he remembered he relied on these grandmothers during the times he desperately attempted to save the city of Daegu.

However, the grandmothers from Daegu spent a lot of Jeonseong in order to prepare for a whole year just to purchase the ticket to Seoul to come to the Headquarters Church in Cheongpa-don, and Father was afraid of receiving their Kyeong bae. Father said that he normally received the Kyeong bae of members and returned it to heaven, but at that time, he wanted God to receive the Kyeong bae of his daughters directly. Father never explained about this when the Daegu grandmothers used to visit us so how could we have known about this?

The church president in America dances out of joy when Father comes. When he reports to Father that the American church was able to reap many results thanks to Father. Father would say, “No matter how much result you were able to get, I still have the heart of repentance since we were not able to fully meet God’s expectation.” Then Father lower his head and say “Praise God.” Instead of putting him on the back. Witnessing such scenes many times, I was able to realize how greatly Father loves God.

Father has come to this earth and made many results while enduring so much pain. Heaven is always with Father but he is still is a man of great humility who feels that he is much too inadequate to receive the greatest respect and trust and return it to Heaven.

Father even once said, “As you all are spiritual beings as well, you will not follow me if I receive all the love and glory.” He also said, “I will never stop loving God more than you do and be more united with God’s Shimjeong. This is the reason you feel, ‘Oh! I can certainly be closer to God if I follow this teacher!’ Your original mind is aware of this. That is why you like me. You follow me because you feel that you can obtain eternal life through me and you can go to God through me. If I was a self-centered leader instead, you would become tired of me and stop following me.”

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