Friday, July 31, 2020

The Unification Church needs to be broken up

The Unification Church needs to be broken up

Sermon by Mrs. Erikawa on March 27, 2016

[Brief Summary]

These are True Father’s Words From May 14, 2005

“The Unification Church needs to be broken up.  If I break it apart, new buds will sprout and it will survive.  If I break it up new buds will sprout in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations for many decades without rotting.  The most important book that will remain at that time will be this book, the Pyeong Hwa Hoon Gyeong (Peace Messages).”

Mrs. Erikawa

The Pyeong Hwa Hoon Gyeong contains 15 of True Father’s public declarations and messages from the spiritual world. The introduction reads as follows: “The fifteen messages of peace contained in this volume represent the essential teachings of the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon... They serve as a guidebook for our eternal lives, and they form the basis for bringing about a world of everlasting peace.”

When True Father was alive I was so busy trying to fulfill the mission he gave me that I did not have time to see the entire picture of what True Father was doing.  It is only now, that I understand how seriously Father was fighting a life-and-death battle to carry out the providence to establish God’s Kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, on the earth. 

2001 January 13

True Father offered the Ceremony for the Coronation of God’s Kingship when Father liberated God. Father then declared that Foundation Day would be held 12 years later on January 13, 2013.  12 years represented 3 years each for the formation stage (2001 – 2004), growth stage (2005-2008) and perfection stage (2009-2012).  Father said that Foundation Day is when God’s nation (Kingdom of God) would substantially start on earth.


After 34 years in the USA (33 years of Jesus’ life plus 1 year) True Father returned to Korea.  He said that he had given the golden years of his life to America.  He was 85 years old at that time and said that his life course was God’s life course and that one day represented one year.  True Father made a special condition at Yeosu going out to sea every day for 85 consecutive days.  That was truly a miracle because it is impossible for an 85-year old man to go out to sea every day for 85 days in a row.

May 5

On the foundation of that condition of jeongseong, True Father declared An Shi Il.  What is An Shi Il?  It represents the end of the era of Satan’s dominion before the coming of Heaven, and the beginning of the age after the coming of Heaven on earth.  True Father declared that Yeosu was the Original Garden of Eden


At the top of the formation stage, True Father established the Cosmic Federation for World Peace to build the foundation to establish God’s nation.


This year was the top of the growth stage

What happened in that year?

March 17

Hyo Jin Nim suddenly passed to the spirit world. Father appeared dauntless at the Seunghwa ceremony, but afterwards he grieved so much for Hyo Jin Nim in Hawaii.  Father began to suffer more difficulty with his legs in walking. Up until this year True Father had spoken of the Pacific Rim Era, but after Hyo Jin Nim’s passing, Father shifted the providence to Las Vegas, the Sodom and Gomorrah, hell on earth.  Father was working in Yeosu (representing Heaven, the Garden of Eden) and Las Vegas (hell) to restore everything within his lifetime.

April 9

True Parents celebrated True Parents’ Day in Hawaii.  At that time the Unification church had entered candidates in the election for all the 299 members of the Korean National Assembly.  Rev. Hwan Son Jo reported very confidently that he thought at least 10 or 20 of the church candidates would be elected.  But it turned out to be a total defeat – no one was elected and the entire Korean church felt devastated. True Father said a revolution was needed in the UC.

April 18:

True Father appointed Hyung Jin Moon as the International President of the UC.  True Father told him to offer “jeongsong” (devotion).  Hyung Jin Nim got up at 2:30am every day and made many conditions of jeongsong.  A few years earlier, Kook Jin Moon had gone to Korea to begin to clean up the businesses.

True Father set up Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim to bring the revolution to light the faith of members again.

May 14

True Father gave the speech above where he said he needed to break up the UC.  He said that if he left the UC alone it would rot, but by breaking it up new buds would sprout. Together with his words, True Father provided a way to revive the church through Hyung Jin King and Kook Jin Nin    

May 31

Mrs. Erikawa was called from America by Father to work in Korea.  She was shocked to see the devastated faith of members in Korea after Hyo Jin Nim’s passing and defeat in the election.  Father gave her the mission to mobilize the 7,000 Japanese sisters Blessed to Korean husbands.  Father said the Japanese sisters went to Korea not just as wives, but as missionaries who should become like locomotives on the frontline of the providence.  I worked with Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim in Korea, but whatever we tried the members seemed spiritually dead, like a heavy rain had fallen and they couldn’t revive.

July 19

True Father’s helicopter accident.  It was an unprecedented miracle that all 16 people aboard the helicopter survived the accident.  In this way, True Father was fighting a life-and-death battle to make the conditions to establish God’s Kingdom.


True Father declared that Korea is God’s Fatherland.


True Father suddenly passed to spirit world before accomplishing the Foundation Day that he had so anxiously been working to establish.

True Father always said that even if he dies that his words would remain forever. When Father said he had  to break up the UC, he said that the words that would remain at that time would be the “Peace Messages”.

In a speech in 1986 Father said that the purpose of the church is to build God’s nation.  God’s original ideal of creation is to build one world based on God’s nation.  The church’s goal isn’t to build the church but the build the nation.  Hyung Jin King is also teaching that the gospel is to build the Kingdom of God, not to build the church.

True Father also said in another speech that the age of the church will pass away.  What humankind wants is not a church.  The church is necessary in the fallen realm in order to go the way of restoration.  When we welcome a new age, the age of the church will end.  The UC is not to do church activity, but should reform the society.  This is the path you should go. The church is the Holy of Holies that connects Heaven and Earth.  It is the spiritual pillar that determines the prosperity or demise of the nation.  It is the source of spiritual life that supports our daily life.

I met Mr. Kamiyama twice this year.  He wanted to meet me because he said the situation of the Unification group is so depressing now.  His greatest concern was how to liberate True Father of his “han” and tears due to the state of the church and world.  The second issue he was concerned about was that True Father’s words were disappearing from the Family Fed. We need to protect Father’s words.  The third point was that we are the spiritual pillars, but we aren’t doing our responsibility therefore the True Family and the world is suffering. So we agreed that we have to repent and do something to liberate True Father who must be suffering in the spirit world.

Of course, Mr. Kamiyama is with the third son (Hyun Jin Moon) and I am with the 2nd King (Hyung Jin Moon).  We talked about this as well.  When the time comes maybe I can share about this.  But the point was that we need to bring the True Family together.  We are the spiritual pillars that determine the rise or fall of the nation.  We felt this reality when we were church leaders in Japan. If we don’t fulfill our responsibility the world will suffer.  Look at the terrorist attacks around the world and in Brussels.  North Korea declared war on President Park of South Korea.  War could break out at any time on the Korean peninsula.

True Father’s Words from 1960

“If the church divides into two or three God will leave it. That is the principle of Heaven. God’s grace will be with the families.  They won’t go to church anymore, but will get on their knees to pray to God at home. Just wait and see if this happens or not.”

Isn’t this our situation now?  The Family Fed is not the central church any more.  They made a new theology that they are teaching to the “Top Gun” future leaders and the Peace Academy students who are the top, future leaders of the Family Fed.  The table of contents of their new theology has 19 headings.  The title of Chapter 3 is “True Mother is God” and Chapter 7 is “True Mother is the Messiah”.  This is way beyond Mother’s declaration on July 1, 2014 when she stated that she was the only begotten daughter.  Everyone was shocked at that time, but kept their mouths shut.  On October 17, Mother explained in more detail about the only begotten daughter; again, everyone kept silent.  Now the Family Fed. ise openly lifting up mother as the messiah.

The Messiah has God’s love, life, lineage and seed.  Without the seed a woman is an empty field.  True Father had to restore mother from the fallen world.  Mother was victorious to a certain level, unfortunately she flipped on Foundation Day.  True Father fought a life-and-death battle to establish a victorious foundation for God’ nation on earth and went to the spirit world.  Because of the situation today, we rose up to support Father. 

On July 4 True Father spoke to me from the spirit world.  He told me that the heavenly fortune had left the UC and that if I don’t take the heavenly fortune that the nation will fall.  So I accepted this responsibility. Initially, I wanted to save mother no matter how difficult or how much persecution I may receive. But now I see that as Father said, we need  to break up the UC.  It is already happening.  Father is doing it from the spirit world.  There are several experiences I had that made me see that the UC really needs to be broken up.

For example, the 16 young graduates from the Peace Academy were sent out to their new leadership positions around the world.  The son of a dedicated Sanctuary Church family is among these new leaders sent out by the Family Fed.  The parents were worried that if their son became a leader teaching this new theology that he would be committing a great sin.  They stopped him from going and talked with him for 1½ days.  They asked Mrs. Erikawa if she could talk with him.  So I went to meet them, but when I got there he was gone.  I don’t know if the son ran away or was kidnapped, but he is being controlled by the Family Fed from behind.  He took only his passport and important papers and left.  The parents said that he later called and asked them to send his personal belongings, but they told him that he should come home and get them himself.  They told me that their son may have received an education, but he was not ready yet to be a leader over others.  It would be better if he started from the bottom.

In another case, there is a Family Fed church in a rural area with 18 families, but 16 of them began supporting the Sanctuary Church.  They received heavy persecution being visited many times by Family Fed. leaders.  Usually nobody comes to visit them, so Mrs. Erikawa went to encourage them.  But the Family Fed. found out and sent negative messages telling all the families not to meet her.  Even so, 8 steadfast families came to her meeting.  It’s a very peaceful place with several islands.  I was really surprised. I asked them what was their biggest concern.  They said it was their sons’ Blessing.  These are previously married couples that are part of the 30,000 or 360,000 couple Blessing. I asked how old their sons were. The sons were all in their 40’s.  The families have been in the UC for 20 to 30 years and are now in their 70s and 80s.  The parents had paid the Blessing fees and made donations to the church, but their sons were still not Blessed during all these years.  Only after they started associating with the Sanctuary Church did the Family Fed. start visiting them.

Hyung Jin King calls the UC the Family Fraud.  It is not only a fraud, but they are criminals violating people’s human rights. All the members are in debt from the donations they gave to the UC.  Because they joined the UC they didn’t want their sons to have a regular marriage. But since the sons weren’t blessed, the parents don’t have anyone to take after the family business or home.  They were ignored by the UC and no one took care of them.  I am responsible as well because I was part of the UC without knowing what was happening.  But now I felt I have to solve the problems of each of these families and find brides for their sons.

John chapter 13 depicts the scene of the last supper where Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Jesus said,

“If I then, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.”

True Father is really a person of true love.  Father is never proud of himself.  At times Father would use honorific speech in addressing us.  We were shocked.  In the Cheon Seong Gyeong True Father says that he can’t sleep or eat when he thinks of members who are sacrificing themselves for God’s will.  True Father is really our parent.  Father likes sweet potatoes, at the meal he would pass his food to us.  I witnessed that many times.  Whenever we met Father, he was always concerned about us and asked if we had enough to eat.  Just as Jesus told his disciples to do as he did, Father was showing us the life of living for others. 

John 14:23 “If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.  He who does not love me does not keep my words; and the word which you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent me.”

We love Father’s word. We came out of the Family Fraud. Because we want to keep Father’s word.  We are the new buds coming out of the rotten church that Father tried to break apart.  We should keep Father’s words and follow Father to build God’s Kingdom. 

John 13:34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another, by this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

If we say this in Father’s words it would be: let us practice true love, living for the sake of others, then True Father will be here; God will be dwelling here.  People will recognize that this is the Kingdom of Heaven.  You may not have had many experiences with True Father, but he was really a person of true love.  Father always had empathy for us, he never ordered us from above.  True Father always wanted to give more.  160,000 Japanese women directly received True Father’s words and teaching to save Japan that was crumbling.

I believe True Father is now breaking up the UC.  We need to support True Father centering on Hyung Jin King.  There is a special prayer group that has been praying for more than 10 years.  Each one came to Sanctuary Church by God or True Father’s guidance.  This prayer group received the following message from God on March 23:

“God and True Father are working like a hurricane in the spirit world.  People who follow Jesus, the Messiah, God will receive a message from the spirit world and will come to the Sanctuary Church.”

The prayer group then asked what they should do. They received the answer that they should just testify to God, True Father and Hyung Jin Moon; they should prepare to be a witness for them.

Also, in a recent meeting, Koon Jin Moon said that he felt that because the UC became so corrupted that True Father gave UC to Satan and in exchange is taking back the evangelical Christians who Satan had taken.  The evangelical Christians have faith in God and have been waiting for the return of Christ.  God is giving them another chance.

There will be the (first stage) 4,300 couple Blessing this year on August 17.  It may seem like an impossible goal, but even 2,100 (the goal for the last Blessing) seemed impossible.  But if the 3,000 people restored to the Sanctuary Church work with God, it will be possible.  We are like the 3,000 that were restored by the apostles after Jesus resurrection and then went out witnessing.  God and True Father are working like a hurricane from the spirit world.

Let us practice a life of true love, not a fake life, sharing each other’s burdens helping each other to create a new Sanctuary Church.

Closing prayer by Mrs. Erikawa.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Guidance given to American members

Guidance given to American members at a Home Church Meeting
Gil Ja Sa Eu, June 16, 1987
As you know, Father recently gave a special direction for the mobilization of all the Korean blessed wives. This providence is connected with America because Father said 7,000 people will be going to Korea from all over the world. This event is very important and has a significant purpose.
The day may come very soon when many of you will go to Korea, so I want to explain a little bit about the background of Korean Christianity.
Why Christianity Spread
Christianity first came to Korea more than 100 years ago. Most of the early missionaries came from Europe through China. Many were severely persecuted, and even beheaded, because they tried to abolish the ancient tradition of ancestor worship, which is common in the Orient.
The day that one's ancestors departed is always celebrated in Korea, and most families spend a lot of money making elaborate offering tables for them. But the Christian ministers said that ancestor worship was like worshiping Satan and that you only needed to worship God and Jesus to get to heaven. That aroused tremendous hostility, which led to their execution. In Korea you can visit a historic mountain where many Catholic priests and Protestant missionaries were beheaded.
However, despite the persecution, Christianity started to take root among the people. At that time the Korean people were living under a severe feudal system. Only a very small percentage of the people were in the wealthy, ruling class, while the majority were miserably poor. Especially the children of the noblemen's concubines were very much despised.
Though they might have been talented, they had almost no chance of improving their social status. Generally, there was a lot of resentment, frustration, and despair among the majority of the people.
Christianity helped the common people grasp the idea that all men are equal under one Heavenly Father. This idea of equality encouraged them, and that's one of the major reasons why Christianity spread.
Around 1905, at the beginning of the 40-year occupation of Korea by Japan, many of the most patriotic Koreans started to leave their homeland because they could not tolerate being under Japan's domination.
Those that remained were very desperate and had nothing to support them except their strong faith in God and Jesus. Therefore, during the occupation, Christianity began to spread even faster in Korea.
For most Korean people, Japan is an unforgivable enemy. I personally hated the Japanese people. However, Father has explained that, because Adam was dominated by Eve in a non-principled way at the time of the fall, in the Last Days the same situation must reappear on a global level in order to indemnify the fallen act. Korea, as Adam, received the evil dominion of Japan, as Eve, for 40 years. This is not any coincidental situation; it's a providential situation. Only after the 40-year period was over could Korea take proper dominion over the Eve country in order to prepare a foundation for True Father and the salvation of mankind.
True Mother as a new bride at age 18.
Refusal and Compromise
Just prior to the end of World War II, the Japanese leaders, considering their hopeless military situation, realized that Japan was losing the war. Their only hope was to try to win by spiritual power. So they forced not only the Japanese people but all the people that Japan dominated, specifically the Koreans, to bow down to the Japanese emperor who was seen as a god to be worshiped. Korea is located west of Japan, so all Koreans had to bow toward the east, toward the residence of the imperial family in Tokyo. Every church and every house in Korea had to have a Shinto altar, where they were to bow down and worship.
For Christians, this was just unbearable; it was even harder than dying. They had only one God and one Jesus to serve and worship, and could not conceive of bowing down to any other authority. Japan was already the enemy in their heart, so how could they worship the imperial family -- the god of Japan? Many devout Christians refused to obey. Therefore, great numbers of them were arrested and put into prison; very few of them survived. Some fled to Manchuria, China, or to the United States and kept up a movement for independence based on their Christian foundation. Father has said that the Christians who didn't compromise and who persevered in their faith to the end -- those who went to jail or went into exile -- were clearly the Abel Christians.
However, there were other Christians who thought, "Since we cannot survive without compromising with Japanese policy, why don't we just cooperate with what they say and bow to the east? This is just external ritual. Internally, God knows our heart" This was the Cain group of Christians.
Kim Seung Do's Group
As you may have heard, some very important revelations came to the leader of one of the spiritual groups prepared from among the Abel-type Christians to pave the way for the Lord of the Second Coming. That devout and sacrificial leader, Kim Seung Do, was praying desperately one night, and Jesus revealed to her the answers to some of her most pressing questions: one, that the fruit Adam and Eve ate that caused them to fall was an illicit love relationship; second, that Jesus did not come to die, but was murdered against the will of God; and third, that Jesus will not come back to Israel but to the poor and miserable nation of Korea, and not on the clouds but as a human being.
When Kim Seung Do heard this, she was convinced it was true, but when she tried to tell others, the Christian ministers said, "Where in the Bible are such things written? This is heresy! You must be possessed" She was severely persecuted.
When I joined the Unification Church, I was one of the five professors and 14 students expelled from Ehwa University. During our "trial" one of the deans summoned me and asked, 'Aren't you one of the ones who danced naked in the Unification Church?" I had no idea why the dean was asking such a question, because of course I had never heard or witnessed such a thing. Later I found out why they believed this rumor.
Because Kim Seung Do's group prayed so deeply, devoutly, and unselfishly, many people in that group received that they were being restored to the position of Adam and Eve before the fall. Therefore they felt totally purified, with no sin. They said, "We are like Adam and Eve, who were naked and unashamed!" So one time out of great joy they took off all their clothes and danced naked. This event spread all over Korea and, despite its very remote relationship to the Unification Church, it became one cause for the persecution of our church from other Christians.
Christianity after The War
Because the Cain group -- the Christians who compromised with Japan -- did not go to jail and did not lose their property, they could afford to send their children to Japan or the United States to study. They were well educated, and most of them survived. After the war ended, a military government was established by the United States. America needed assistance to adequately govern Korea, so they used those educated Korean Christians who had learned English abroad. Thus, because the Cain-type Christian groups were becoming influential through their activities in the government, Korea was driven more and more towards the Cain position. Actually, God had wanted the new Korean government to be based on the unity between Father and the Abel Christians; then the Korean government would truly represent Abel's position. But, since the Abel Christians failed to unite with Father, this never came to pass.
Today, out of 40 million Korean people, about 10 million are Christians, and Christianity is still spreading. I believe the reason other Christians continue to persecute the Unification Church is because most of them are the descendants of the Cain-type Christians. Most of them are not offering themselves purely for the sake of God and His will, but in a sense, are using God and their faith for their own selfish benefit. Unification theology has a lot of points that contradict this way. That's why they are afraid to accept the Principle. So even though there are a lot of revivals going on in Korean Christianity, there's not much truly God-centered faith among Christians there. Their degree of purity and devotion for the sake of God's will is nothing compared with the devotion of the members of the Unification Church, a church which to other Christians looks externally very miserable and small.
At this occasion I'd like to confess that I do not come from a glorious, Abel-type background. My grandfather was a well-respected Presbyterian elder, and in the secular sense he was good Christian. He owned a lot of land and was very wealthy. At first he was strongly against the Japanese occupation, and he donated a lot to the resistance groups. But when the persecution increased, he finally gave in to the Japanese. He said, "We can't just lose everything. We have to protect our family's future So his four children got a very good education, and they all went to college. One became a prosecutor, one became a judge, and one became a medical doctor. Other people looked up to our family, saying, "What a blessed family they are, and what brilliant children!" But actually, from the viewpoint of God, my family fell to Cain's territory, as opposed to those who kept a really genuine, pure heart and truly loved God to the end.
Humility and Service
So, coming from that family, I had an opportunity to receive a college education, and I gained a lot of knowledge. But when I met True Mother for the first time -- Mother was only 18 years old -- I totally surrendered to her. She didn't have any college education or secular experience, but her level of wisdom and love and the elevated atmosphere of purity surrounding her cannot be compared with anything you can learn from this world.
Mother's mother was in the group that descended from Kim Seung Do. The members of this spiritual group had dedicated their entire lives to God, but most of them were killed. That suffering prepared the way for one woman to become the true mother of the universe. All these sacrifices were made so God could find a true daughter. Therefore, Mother's wisdom and knowledge come directly from God. Even when she says simple things, they reflect the total image and wisdom of God, There's a huge gap between where she came from and where I came from; therefore, I must humble myself and keep serving her to the end. This is a truly great opportunity and privilege that we have -- to be able to serve True Mother.
I'm sure all of us here are aiming for self-perfection and have a great desire to be totally restored. When I reflect on my 32 years of life in the Unification Church, there are three things I'm always reminding myself to do in order to keep going to the end. First, always repent; secondly, have appreciation and gratitude no matter what the difficulty or hardship; and thirdly, keep serving God and brothers and sisters and all mankind. Father often gives me responsibility that I feel I cannot bear. Father's expectation is totally beyond my imagined capacity. So I must continually humble myself and desperately pray that I can truly respond to Father's expectation.
I'm concerned, because many of you are starting your families and having children, and, especially in the United States, some blessed couples tend to be too dominated by such practical considerations as: "How can I make enough to feed my family? How can I send my children to good schools?" Many blessed couples who have two or three children are trying to seek better ways to support their families. But seen from God's viewpoint and God's heart, the front line, where you have to really struggle to serve God's providence, is Abel's territory. Father's heart always directly goes directly to that Abel territory.
If you try to avoid the front-line mission, looking for the easy way centering on your family alone and neglecting God's providence, you will naturally fall deeper and deeper into Cain's territory.
So, no matter how difficult it may be, if we can keep pushing ourselves toward making front-line effort, that's where the infinite blessing of God is, the place where God can directly visit us.
Total Obedience
As I watched the response of the blessed wives who were mobilized, I was very moved. Most Koreans today are still far from wealthy. If a person has three meals a day, he's doing pretty well; living conditions are still that severe. But when Father mobilized all the wives, no one complained or rebelled this time; they completely obeyed Father's request. Seeing this, I realized how much and how often we disbelieved what Father said in the past. We had the desire to trust in Father, but it was always so difficult to believe in his predictions when we were persecuted so much. We were treated even worse than lepers by society. In such circumstances, just to believe that the future world would be as Father said was so difficult. As Rev. Won Pil Kim has said, those who have been following Father for 10 years have been giving Father headaches for 10 years, and those who have been following Father for 30 years have given him headaches for 30 years. So the longer we have followed Father, actually, the more problems we have made for him!
Even though for 30 years we have not really been trusting enough in Father's words, by now we have constantly witnessed that whatever Father predicted has come true, so we all need to repent. I believe we have finally reached the point where we have to take what Father says seriously, because he never gives any instruction without a serious purpose behind it. Each blessed wife realized that this may be her last chance to indemnify her past disbelief or lack of faith in Father. So this time, everyone totally united, totally obeyed Father. Nobody brought up any practical difficulties or questions as to why they couldn't immediately follow.
Twenty-five years ago, Father told me, "You will go to the United States." I always felt, "How can that ever happen when I can't speak any English?" Father would share his vision of the future and I used to think, "Oh, that will happen after I go to the spirit world." I didn't really believe what Father was saying, and not too many other leaders really believed what Father said in those days. But now that that vision has become more real, we really have to repent.
Living Saints
The blessed wives' older children will stay with their fathers because they have to go to school, but the younger ones will go with their mothers. I said to Father, "If a mother has two or three small children, she cannot do much work, practically speaking." But Father said, "It's not so important what they actually do, but the fact that they are going. That condition in itself is the important thing When the people of Korea see that these families are totally mobilized and that the wives don't plan to go back to their husbands for one year and seven months, I believe they will be moved. They will say, "Only Rev. Moon can unify the entire nation and the entire Korean peninsula, North and South. No other group of people would ever do such a thing for the sake of their country"
The wives were asked to go to either their hometown or their husband's hometown. If neither was desirable, they could go to any town where they had worked and achieved good results. So, on June 1, all the wives went first to the district center nearest the town where they would be working. On average, there were 30 wives in each district. Most were from the 6,000 Couple Blessing, and each mother had, on average, two small children. So about 30 mothers and 60 babies converged at each main center. It was kind of hectic, but everyone gathered seriously, without too much chatting among themselves. The only noise you heard was the sound of many children crying and playing.
Then each district leader encouraged the wives. "Don't stay in the center too long. Just go to your hometown quickly and I'll visit you later and give you instructions'.' They all quickly prepared and headed for their destinations with total obedience. One of the mothers reported to me her impression of this scene. She was so moved by the loyalty and faith and dedication of all the wives that she was in tears, feeling as if she were seeing "a group of living saints"
Of course, many members have been feeling the desperate, intense situation of Korea, both practically and in terms of God's providence, so everyone is feeling much more compelled to completely follow Father's instructions now.
Only One Focal Point
Everyone in North Korea calls Kim Il Sung "Aboji" Even though he is a false father, 20 million North Koreans are united around him, yet in South Korea, as you can see every day in the news, the people are totally divided.
Among the 40 million South Koreans, there are 40 million different opinions. For the South to win over the North in the elections, against whatever competition they may have, South Koreans have to unite, whether they like it or not. There is only one focal point that they can unite around, and that is Rev. Moon. Only centered on Rev. Moon does Korea have a chance to unite.
Father has said that the foundation of the world is based upon the restoration of three archangels. In the last 40 years, he restored the foundation of these three archangels -- the church, the Victory Over Communism (VOC) movement, and the academic world. Because of our strong groundwork in these three areas, when the wives go out they won't suffer as much as in the past, because now we have, for example, 7 million VOC members. Many parents and relatives of members are already members themselves. They already know Rev. Moon is a great man. Therefore, even if their daughters bring two or three children back home with them, they will want to help feed and take care of them. So this mobilization won't be as difficult as previous ones.
Why were the blessed wives mobilized? At the fall, Eve was the first to come under the control of the archangel; therefore, Eve has to go first to the front line to restore the dominion over the archangel. That is why, in the Last Days, women have to be mobilized first on the front line of restoration.
Seven thousand members are going to Korea soon to be part of a national campaign for promoting God-centered unification. This is actually Korea's destiny. Only after the South Koreans achieve total unification among themselves can they win against North Korea. Therefore, the blessed wives took Father's call as their moment of destiny. Without any complaint, without any questioning, they headed directly toward their chosen destination, to work and prepare for the 7,000 members to join them and help restore the Korean peninsula.

A Testimony to God's Word

A Testimony to God's Word
In Regard to Divine Principle
Gil Ja Sa Eu
September 11, 2013
As I am writing this book, A Testimony to God's Word in Regard to Divine Principle, in compliance with Father's direction, I will start with an excerpt from Father's Words.
"The Word is the record of the tradition by which Teacher gained total victory over Satan. This tradition must be embedded within our everyday lives for us to bring about the Realm of Liberation for Heaven and Earth. You must spread the Word for which Teacher had to risk his life. Since the Word is the Word from Heaven, Teacher can work the miracle of resurrection centering on the Word even in the spirit world. So the Word is not something that simply flows by us and is gone. It can be compared to Teacher's final testament to his descendants. One day, Teacher will pass away. When he does, he must leave behind the Word. You must realize how rational the Word is, how principled it is, and how it has the power to grasp people's hearts." 4/16/99
"The Word spoken by Teacher is filled with energy, and people are drawn to it. They continue to follow the Word, even when they are told not to. The Word spoken by Teacher is the eternal textbook. Teacher teaches through revelation, so miraculous things happen. Therefore Satan cannot lay his hands on it. We must guide people to read the Principle." 2/9/02
I joined the church in 1955. At that time, there was an incident in which certain students and professors of Ehwa Woman's University and Yeonsei University were harshly persecuted to the point of being expelled from the school or fired. I was among the students expelled from Ehwa Woman's University during this incident.
It was Teacher's [Sun Myung Moon's] Word, his Jeong Seong and his love that made it impossible for me to leave the Unification Church even after finding myself in this difficult situation. The profound and mysterious Word as spoken by Father penetrated into my heart. Moreover, an amazing spiritual power completely captivated me and led me to follow the Word even in the most difficult situation.
We were young then, and the Principle and the Word spoken to us by Father were like nothing else in the world. We could not hope to fully comprehend his teachings. Just as my maternal grandmother used to feed me raw chestnuts as a child by first chewing them herself to make them more tender, Father would explain the Principle and the Word in a way that made it easier for us to digest. Father answered all the questions put to him by naïve and childish students.
Father did not have the time to fully explain the Word in detail to everyone in the world. For this reason, he instructed me to spread his Word throughout the world without holding anything back, just as he had once done for us early members.

Interview with Mrs. Gil Ja Sa Eu

Interview with Mrs. Gil Ja Sa Eu
June 24, 2011
Peace TV posted interviews with some of the 36 Blessed couples commemorating the Golden Anniversary of their Blessing. The following is some part of the interview with Mrs. Gil Ja Sa Eu, whose husband is Rev. Hyo Won Eu.
"Three couples (Rev. Won Pil Kim, Rev. Young Hwi Kim and Rev. Hyo Won Eu) were Blessed five days after True Parents' Holy Wedding Ceremony. In the following year, 33 couples were Blessed and we together with them are called the 36 couples. One thing I can never forget in my life is my expulsion from my college due to the commitment of my faith with True Parents. At that time Father gave us, who joined the church with such determination, very precious words:
Since your faith is not shaken, no life energy is not consumed, and therefore you always look young.
Since then, every time I faced difficulties, I recalled those words and thought "I cannot fall down until my college is restored to God," and I could carry through until now.
My husband and I have an age gap and so humanistically speaking we would not have been able to be married, but I had been impressed by my husband's utmost love towards God's will and his honest faith in attending to True Parents, and I accepted the Blessing with him.
In my life course, there were lots of difficulties, but because of my determination when I joined the church, I could come through until now. Father always said we must be good role models for the other members when he called all members for mobilization, and although we lived together for 10 years after the Blessing, in reality I was with him only for 5 years. So I have to admit that I did not have enough of a tender period with him. Our family was responsible for Hee Jin Nim, who passed away when he was on his way to witnessing activities. So I understand my husband, following Hee Jin Nim, needed to go to the spirit world to protect him. We have three sons and I always told them 'Never be sad thinking you do not have your father with you. Be proud of your father who followed Hee Jin Nim to protect him in the spirit world.'
14 students were expelled from the college in those days and some of them left the church. Father always remembers us and I always keep in my heart Father's words I mentioned before. Though my physical body has been weaker, I am determined to continue to attend to True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind."

Friday, July 17, 2015

The three orderly stages of the growing period

The three orderly stages of the growing period

Father moves heavenly fortune by knowing the providential time.

Why does the Principle say Adam and Eve fell at the completion level of the growing stage? This is not something Father just made up. Just one clue can be found in the bible. It is the three sacrificial offerings of Abraham. Abraham’s three offerings represented all things in the cosmos.

God told Abraham, “Offer me two doves and two sheep. However, offer me only one cow.” Why did He do this? It was because Adam and Eve grew in a horizontal relationship during the formation and growth period, but they did not have the same horizontal relationship in the completion stage. This is why God told Abraham to offer only one cow, which symbolized the completion stage.

So the conclusion here is that Adam and Eve fell while they were in the completion level of the growth stage, and it was possible for Satan to invade up to this level. However, Satan could not invade the completion stage.

We can also know this by observing the way father advanced the providence in realty. On August 20, 1986, Father said, “Communism has been declining since 1960, and 70 was its last year, Satan cannot go beyond number 7.” He spoke again at a time when Communism had expanded its influence over the globe, saying “Communism will only go down, it will end.”

Each of the three stages of the Growing Period, Formation, Growth and Perfection, represent 33 percent of the whole. The portion up to the completion level of the Growth stage, where Adam and Eve fell, would be 66,7 percent, which is approximately 70 percent. That is why Father said Communism would began to decline 70 years after the Bolshevik revolution.

Communism ended just as Father predicted. Signs of its demise slowly begin to appear 60 years after the Bolshevik revolution. By the time 70 years had passed, it was clearly in decline. Even top figures of Communism, like Michael Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung bowed their heads to Father. It was because the time had come. That is why Father said, “I am a human just like anyone else, but I can do things you cannot.”

Judging from this, Father know the correct time in the providence. That is why he can predict what kind of time will come and what king of age will dawn. Nobody knows when this time will come.

What does it mean to move heavenly fortune? 

In other words, he moves the spirit world according to his will. Who made the Cheong Pyeong miracle happen? It was Father. Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim were able to move the ancestors and the whole spirit world upon the victorious foundation prepared by Father in the physical world. Father moves heavenly fortune in this way. In other words, he moves the spirit world.

Father once told us that moving the spirit world can be compared to trying to control a storm. When faced with a storm, human beings cannot stop it. Father moves heavenly fortune by moving the spirit world, and no leader in the world can defeat Father, because they are facing a storm.

You probably gave Holy Wine to many people. What do the people of the world think about this? Most of them will say, “What are they doing?” Still Father make us do things that people outside our church do not understand. It is because such actions can move the spirit world and bring heavenly fortune. Helping people drink the Holy Wine become a condition.

We also do not know everything. So what is absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience? Even though we do not understand, if we follow Father’s direction, we will be a part of Father’s work and we will be following Father when he moves heavenly fortune.

Growth and perfection of the spirit self

Our spirit self grows in three stages. Each stages of the growth of the spirit self has a name. The names are form spirit, life spirit and divine spirit. Here divine spirit means luminescent spirit.

Before we receive the Holy Blessing, while we were still attending university, Father would come to our campus. Father told us then, “if you marry a man in this world, you will give birth to a child whose spirit self is half human and half animal. He told us that half-human and half animal actually exist in the spirit world.

Before a human spirit takes form, it is at the level of an animal. Ok Soon Shin, a lady now in the spirit world whose spiritual eyes were open, told us that humans may walk on two feet with their physical body, but the spirit selves of those who have not gone through resurrection walk on all fours like animals. She told us that since we have accepted the word and have been resurrected, our spirit selves have taken on proper form.

Then, when we enter the formation stage, our spirit selves take from. Our spirit self develops in exact resemblance to our physical body. So our physical body is like the frame for our spirit body.

Father told us that when he goes to the spirit world, he will become a bright divine spirit emanating light. We will also shine brightly in the spirit world. The intensity of our light will depend on how much we lived our life sincerely while loving God, humankind and nature. Those who lived such a sincere life will have a bright spirit self.

Spirit world is filled with countless spirit selves who have separated from their physical body, and Father says he will notice the brightest spirit selves first.

Father once told us that when such a bright person leaves the physical world and enters the spirit world, Father will go welcome his child even before his child find Father. It will be as if the person’s father is embracing him, and saying, “my beloved son! Daughter! I was not able to be close to you when we were in the physical world, but you have lived your life very sincerely while loving God, people and all things. Know let us live together forever.

That is why God is fair. Even if we were not able to attend Father closely in the physical world, we can live with him when we go to the spirit world. This will be the great inspiration to all those who never had a chance to attend Father closely in the physical world.

The perfection of the spirit self is the perfection of the personality, character and love.

At the second verse of the Family Pledge we can find the expression “ saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in heaven and earth..” I asked Father what a saint was. Father told me that there are three kinds of people: ordinary people, evil people, and saints.

Evil people do bad things to people, even those who do good things for them. Ordinary people are just normal. They will be good to you if you are good to them and bad to you if you are bad to them. Saints will only do good for others, regardless of whether others do good or evil toward them. I asked, “Father, then how a saint is different from the divine sons and daughters?” Father answered, “You can become a saint by obeying the laws of the earth, but divine sons and daughters must also obey the laws of the spirit world.”

Father said, “How have I lived my life? In one sentence, I have walked the path of loving my enemies, living for their sake and loving them.” In other words, growth of the spirit self means the perfection of love and the perfection of character. Therefore, to fulfill the duties of divine sons and daughters means that you must practice something of a higher dimension than saints must.

The 16th century Korean patriot Adm, Yi Sun Shin, sacrificed his life for our country. And is a hero in the eyes of the Korean people. He could not go to the best place in spirit world, however. This is because he hated Japanese people when he died. Adm, Yi wanted to kill more Japanese soldiers, even as he lay dying... that is why he could not go to the best place in the spirit world. Also, when he was shot, he yelled, “you Japanese bastard”. Since he was unable to love Japanese people on the earth before he died, he could become a hero but not a divine son. We must not hate anyone.

Principle of Creation, God exist without form

God exist without form
When we read the Divine Principle, there is a sentence that says, “How can we know the divine nature of the invisible God?” Father told us that, during his research about God, he thought a lot why God is invisible.
Apparently, we cannot see God’s form even after we go to the spirit world. Why is that? Father gave us two reasons. The first chapter in the Cheon Seong Gyeong deals with “True God” and many points regarding this are dealt with in details.
First, God would find himself in a very difficult position if He had a form. “no God is mine” etc. …
This is the reason it is better for us to not be able to see God. God as a manifestation of his form creates humans and all the creation. Therefore there is nowhere God does not exist.
The second reason is that if God had a body we could see, like our own, the size would become a problem. How large would God’s body have to be, when there are creations such as lofty mountains and deep oceans”.
Father told us, “Don’t try to see God. That what will happen to you if you try to see God, so don’t try that anymore.” It was revealed later that Father also thought, “I’m grateful that God does not have a form.
God's dual characteristics
God exist as the harmony of Sungsang and Hyungsang and is the Yang type of existence. Therefore, God had to create the Yin type of world.
Give and take action
After researching about the principle by which God created the universe, Father discovered that everything is in reciprocal relationships and that this was the principle of give and take action between subject and object partners.
For everything you give, you will receive. If a subject partner gives something to its object partner but the object partner does not return anything, that object will be destroyed. True love is something that is given infinitely. You invest and invest without looking back. You do not keep an account of what you give. Father was a person of such kind of love.
Purpose of creation
God created humans and all things. God created in two parts: the spiritual body and the physical body. That is why humans now have the spirit self, which is like God’s spirituality.
Also, God blew His spirit into that physical body. This spirit is to grow and become complete before it can have dominion over the spirit world. Humans have a spiritual self and physical self in order to have dominion, on God’s behalf, and as God’s children, over the worlds both visible and invisible.
God made humans as his object partner, as we are unaware of the existence of our mind unless it receives stimulation, God created the substantial body, which can be seen. Since He cannot feel love alone, He wanted to dwell in that body. Didn’t we learn that God was to dwell in Adam and Eve once they were perfected? Then Adam and Eve would live while attending God. Adam and Eve would be God’s home.
Three object purpose
Father told us “Three Object Purpose, it’s difficult to understand, right? In terms of love, this is the unity of love.
For example, the grandfather in a family is in the position of God, then, in the position of unity of love, there is his grandchild , if his grandchild one day asks his grandfather, “Grandpa, give me a piggyback ride”  then regardless of how high God-like a position the grandfather is in, he will still say “yes of course” and give his grandchild a piggyback ride. In that moment the, the grandfather yield to his grandchild request. Here, the grandchild become the subject partner and the grand father become the object partner.
When we look at the relationship between husband and wife, the wife’s original position is that of the object partner and husband’s position is that of the subject partner. However, when the wife ask her husband, “honey I have muscle cramps in my back, please give me a massage”. Then the husband will surely give a massage to his lovely wife, at this moment, because the wife moved her husband according to her will, because the husband did what his wife asked him to do, the wife goes to the position of subject partner and the husband the object partner.
When the husband goes somewhere, the wife follows him unconditionally. She does not even ask a question but follows her husband like a magnet. Then their children will go the same direction because their parents are going there. Then who will follow them? God will follow them joyfully. When we practice Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, and Absolute Obedience, we who are in the object partner’s position, will go to the subject partner’s position and God will follow us.
The four positions foundation
The four positions in the Four Position Foundation are equal in value; no one position is higher than the others are, they are equally same, they are united. In other words, they become one in body. This is how when God is in the subject position, the other three positions become three object partners.
This realization of Three Object Purpose in Four Position Foundation is unity through love.
When the husband and the wife are completely united, they don’t have a reason to fight. Also, as God appears through Four Position Foundation, it become very lonely if even one of these position is absent. It is because God’s love realizes the unity by fulfilling the Three Object Purpose through Four Position Foundation.
Father loved God more than anyone did
Father told us that there were three questions God would ask each of us when we go to the spirit world. These questions are asked to everyone without exception.
  1. First question, how much did you love God while you were in the physical world?
  2. Second, how much did you love people?
  3. Third, how much did you love creation?
He told us that God always asks these questions. This is why Father has been telling us to love God, love human beings, and love creation while we are in the physical world.
First question, how much did you love God while you were in the physical world?
I saw ho Father loved God, I am unable to know about all the love Father gave to God, but I want to tell you some of the things that I witnessed while attending him closely.
Father sometimes says, “I am crazy about God, I am crazy about the Principle. There is nothing I do that deviates from the desires of God and the Principle.” What does it mean to be crazy? It means that a person has no awareness of himself. Father was someone who always asked, “What is God’s will? What does God want? Such desire only got stronger as time passed.
When Father would sit quietly, it seemed like Father had nothing. He seemed to be in a state devoid of thought. He sometimes hummed quietly and looked like he was waiting someone. I sometimes saw Father trying to catch the frequency of God’s will like a rotating antenna, always keeping himself empty. Then, when he would start something, he would move with great speed, like lightening.
Members have asked me, what kind of person was Father. How can you describe him in just one word?
This is a truly a difficult question to answer. I answered it this way:
“He had nothing and he had everything”. I do not think I can give a better answer than that. Also, Father was like the bridge that allowed people to cross the river to escape from Satan and come to God.
A bridge connects two side of a river. However, should ther be an obstacle in the middle of the bridge, that obstacle will hinder people and cars from crossing. Therefore, bridges must be kept clean and free of obstacles, Father was like that.
Father was also like a tunnel that lets people pass through a mountain with great ease. Cars can swiftly drive through a tunnel when the tunnel is clear of obstacles.

Therefore, Father has the role of a mediator, like a bridge or a tunnel, who connects one side – human beings - to the other side – God. Meanwhile, he keeps no trace of himself in his own consciousness.
Father often said a person must become more humble as his position rises and he takes responsibility. He must be like a fetus in the womb. A fetus in its mother’s womb does not have any freedom. A fetus receives nutrients through the umbilical cord connected to the mother. If the mother lies down, the baby lies down, too. When she gets up, the baby gets up, too and following the mother whenever she goes.
Big and small position that we find ourselves in do not belong to us. Instead of being ours, they belong to True Parents. This is why you must stand in the position of defending what belongs to True Parents.
As we rise in the organization, our position do not belong to us. Heaven has given us the position, so that we may take good care of it. Leader also have to pray continuously, do Hoon Dok Hae, become role models for others, and live for the sake of the members. If you can stick to these rules, you will do well no matter what position you are entrusted with.
Then your heart will be empty, and you will always ask God, “Father, you have put me in this position, what do you want me to do? What shall I do?”
Father once told me, “You must be a happy person.” So I asked him, “why, Father?” then He answered, “you can control your own schedule when you go on s speaking tour, you have that freedom, I don’t.” We may think that Father is the freest person of all, but Father actually has no freedom. He does not have freedom, because he always seeks the will of God and strives to become one with the will.
Father is very sensitive to all aspects of the environment, from the weather to the direction of the wind. Father once said, “I am in a state of complete unity of mind and body.” Father said, this state means there is no concept of separation between mind and body. God’s feelings are within him, because his mind is one with God and he acts according to his mind without a second thought.
When we cannot make up our mind about something, it is evidence of our disunity between mind and body.
That is why Father thinks that things that happen to his body are very important. For example, there was an instance when Father remained in his bed until it was almost time for him to leave for an appointment. Those of us attending him became anxious. We told him, “Father, it’s almost time to go.” Then Father said, “I know that, but don’t go. My legs don’t want to go. I think I should go later.”
When we consider these things, we can understand that Father is someone who is always ready to follow God’s will at any time. In other words, Father is like this, because he is in a state of complete absence of self.
Second question, how much did you love people?
People are object partners of love and teachers of love.
Father taught us there are two ideal ways to interact with people
The first way, he said is to treat everyone, be the children or the elderly, as people sent by God. He would look at people and say: “I will do the best I can for these people. How I will make them happy and joyful?” He would keep thinking about how he would do this. Eventually he would find a way to be good to them.
It is similar to the way we human seek the best ways to make our children happy.
Father said the second way is to think that there must be something, he can learn from each person. Father would treat each person with humility, thinking that he must learn something from that person. He would consider that God must have sent this person to Father to teach Father something. When he thought this way with great sincerity, there was always something that he could learn. Father said it was because every human being is born with one of the twelve character types of God.
Father told us he feels immense joy when he serves a person as his teacher. He said he could live every day and every moment like the first day of school, excited to learn new things and without any sense of boredom.
The richest people are those who strive to live for the for the sake of others, and the poorest are those who may have a lot of wealth but still try to devise plans to use people. Father said that such person, although he may have mountains of material goods, will never feel satisfied because of his greed.
So we have to think seriously about how we will love people and live for the sake of others. We must learn that father treated each person preciously. 
Third question, how much did you love creation?
The level of father’s love for nature.
To learn the answer to this question, I closely watched how Father loves all created things.
First, Father carefully organized everything that he used. He keep his room so tidy that one night when the electricity went out for three hours, he had no problems moving around and finding everything he needed in the dark. It was because he new where everything was, since he kept everything in its proper place. He could still find any item and later return it to its place. That how organized he was.
Father talks to nature like this. Father said that truly loving all things in the world and making them our friends let us experience what it would have been like for Adam and Eve, had they achieved dominion over all creation.
One day, Father went with other church members to the house of a member who raised quails. This person was famous for rising many quails. Father looked at the cage where hundreds of quails were being kept. Then he asked me while quietly observing the cage, “Gil Ja, when do you think quails are the happiest?” I said, “Well, it must be when a male and a female quail make love.” Father told me, though, “No, since all things are created by God for human beings, they are the happiest when they see human’s looks at them with love in their hearts.”
So it is important for you to love all things before you go to the spirit world.
Father also told us to conserve all things. Once Father was training second-generation blessed children to catch tuna. He noticed that they took long sheets of toilet paper with them when going to the toilet. Father told them that if they waste toilet paper like this, their descendants would be beggars.
This is how much Father conserved things. He would say all things become joyful and follow humans only when we practice conservation of things.
Let us keep this in our mind and not waste things.

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