Friday, July 17, 2015

Shimjeong and salvation

Shimjeong and salvation

The moment Adam and Eve engaged in unprincipled love, in other words, the moment when they wondered if they should make love or not, their mind and body became separated.

We normally say that Adam and Eve fell when they were immature. However, what kind of immaturity was it? It was the immaturity of shim Jeong.

Would Eve have fallen if she understood how sad God would become if the archangel seduced her? Eve could not feel the shim Jeong of God. Our distance between God is great when our shim Jeong is still immature. That is why Adam and Eve fell. That is also why they could not perfect their conscience. Father taught us that shim Jeong can sprout from the ground of perfected conscience, but Adam and Eve failed to enter this stage.

None of the religion can advance beyond the growing period of the completion stage. All religions, including Christianity, work to wake up our conscience. For example, they teach people to “do this, do that.” They help people to live according to their conscience. However, Satan keeps attacking religion which tries to guide our conscience.

Father taught us about shim Jeong. Our church is a religion of Shim Jeong.

How is a religion of Shimjeong different from a religion of conscience? The religion of Shimjeong goes one-step beyond a religion of conscience and lives in attendance to God. It means that because the religion of Shimjeong becomes united in Shimjeong with God, in other words, achieves the perfection of Shimjeong, thus, Satan cannot have a base to accuse it. These are Father’s words.

I asked father, “What is Shimjeong? Father stayed silent for a moment and then replied, “Shimjeong is internal love.” When we divide love into its internal and external aspects, internal love is love before any expression of it is made. In other words, it is like the root of love. Therefore, when sungsang love is expressed in hyungsang love, it is manifested into a more concrete action of love.

What is first love? It is the love we felt for the first time. Then where did the first love of Eve go? It was given to the servant, Lucifer. The first love of Eve was stolen by the spiritual fall she committed with the archangel. Her first love that was supposed to be given to Adam was destroyed.

Therefore, the elimination of original sin means the restoration of the heartistic lineage which Satan cannot invade (Father’s speech, 13, P.198). The “restoration of the heartistic lineage” means the restoration of the Spiritual Fall, and it also means the restoration of the Physical Fall.

Father said that all Blessed Families has to enter the Parent’s lineage at one point in its generation. Only then the whole tribe, from the root ancestor, can receive complete salvation.

I once said to Father:

“How much better things would have turned out if God had married the archangel first so that he didn’t have to seduce Eve?” Father replied, “There is order in love as well, God’s son and daughter must marry first before the servant can get married!” Father went on to explain that God was going to bless the archangel after blessing Adam and Eve.

Perfection of science possible only through spirit world cooperation

God has placed angels in the sun, moon, and the stars in the universe. There was a sci-fi movie where there are life forms on Mars a planet similar in condition to Earth and they invaded Earth, right?

So I asked Father what are the flying saucers. Father said they are angels. Flying saucers came down to earth and seen by humans, but they never stayed for too long. They only appeared in front of people briefly. Father said that angels are placed in the universe for human beings. Space science cannot be perfected in the physical realm. The scientist who study the space claim that they can perfect the science because they do not know about God’s purpose of creation. While we are wearing this physical body, there is nowhere for us to live outside of this pouch of oxygen. Earth is the only place that has air. Is there air on other planets? No. without air, humans cannot survive.

It is designed so that our spirit bodies are to travel through the universe that is grand and unchanging. We human beings perfect our spirit selves, and escape from our physical bodies at one point and go to the spirit world. In the spirit world, we are at the sun, if we just think about being in the sun. If we just think about being in the moon, we can go to the moon. What Father is anticipating with joy is the journey space with his spirit self after he shed his physical body. He said he wants to go to the space and see everything after shedding his physical body.

As such, space science cannot be perfected in the physical realm. It is impossible while we wear the physical body. One day in Alaska, Father sprinkled the cold sea water at us and told us to look at the distant horizon. “Look at this vast ocean. In the future, ocean science will develop more than space science.” Father said that we can touch the ocean water but the entirety of space is too far from our physical body.

Father told us “God still hasn’t revealed two places on earth.” One is the ocean, and the other is the jungles of Africa. According to Father, these two places can only be developed when the cooperation between the spirit world and science is made. The spirit world must tell us what is where in what longitude and latitude so go there and develop, then the science travels to location and development is made possible.

Also, Father said that if science is to be developed to that level, it is only possible when they serve the lord.

The path of true love that blessed families must walk

Fallen humans must receive the Blessing of God in order to advance from the position of the archangel to the restored archangel, to the restored Adam, and then to the position of perfected Adam.

In the world, spouses fight and many of them end up divorcing. Father told us that the reason why spouses of the world do not last long even though they love each other lies here. However, Blessed Families overcome such obstacles because they are brought together centering on God and True Parents.

A few days after father blessed me to my husband, Father told me, “Jil Ja, come here.” Then he said, “Do you love Teacher? You must love your husband now as you have loved Teacher. The bones inside your husband are Teacher, and the flesh is your husband, I exist inside of your husband’s body.”

Then he said, “The unseen bones inside of your body are Mother, and the flesh which you can see is you. Therefore, Mother is inside of you as well. Therefore, when you make love, it is as if Parents are making love, too. If Parents open the door and enter the room when you and your husband are making love, do not hide or stop but continue.” Then he further told me that I should say, “Welcome, Parents. We are making love in your attendance.” When Parents enter the room while we are making love.

When waking up in the middle of the night, the husband would see his wife. Then, before calling out to her “honey!.” He should first acknowledge True Parents by saying “True Parents!” and then begin to touch his wife. The children who are given birth by parents who make love with such a state of mind resemble their parents not only physically but their inner character resembles that of True Parents. We can see this from our second-generation children. Father looks at them and can tell immediately if the children’s parents loved heaven more or loved each other more.

Then why must we do this? It is because it is the restoration of the Spiritual Fall.

The archangel Satan embraced Eve before Adam embraced her. In other words, she lost her first love to the archangel who was a servant. The loss of the first love meant that the problem of Shimjeong arose.

If we have to restore the first love that Satan took away, we must first love True Parents and then love ourselves next. It is only right that we must love our spouses upon the foundation that have loved our parents first, isn’t it? It is only natural. This is how we, Blessed Families, are different from other families of the world. Other families only love each other. Since the love of such a family is horizontal, it is not connected to eternal life.

Did the Blessed Families come together because they liked each other? In other words, the husband belong to Parents, and the wife belong to Parents, too. When we first erect the vertical love centering on God and True Parents, that love is connected on the horizontal level, and then it is further connected to the physical body. The heart of parents and children is to become united with Parents.

What do you think? Isn’t that right? We are truly fortunate to have being able to join the Unification Church in this age. We can give birth to better children, because we are connected by vertical love.

Father told us never to look down on our husband or wife only because he or she is not perfect. As we live our life in attendance to True Parents, we would be looking down on True Father if we look down on our husband.

Deeply loving your spouse and living in attendance to True Parents means that husband and wife serve and love each other as if they are father and Mother. How happy will God become when He sees such a loving family?

Second generation children do not have much selfishness. Father said that even though second generation children are born without original sin, the spirits of new born children will be clean beginning in the third generation children since the spiritual body of first and second generation members are stained and blotchy with the sins of our ancestors like dirty clothes. Second generation children live in an environment where the Fall can take place at any time, so they must be careful.

The reason why first generation members received the Blessing and lived apart for three years is that only then they could indemnify the sins of their respective ancestors. Father told us that it takes three years for us to completely indemnify our ancestor’s sins.

Father once told us, “As the parent, why would I want to force my children to stay separated for three years? It is because they will suffer a lot of hardships if they live without the three years period of separation after receiving the Blessing.” We must understand that the three years period of separation exist for indemnification.

If Blessed Families build their horizontal love after clearly establishing the vertical love by loving God and True Parents first during this three years separation period, then they become aware of how they must practice love.

When people receive the Blessing, at first they do not even know how to practice love. If a Blessed couple live together without the separation period, they are heavily bombarded on the spiritual level and they end up hating and leaving each other. True Parents who knew this gave us the three years separation period because they love their children. We must realize the infinite love of True Parents in the deepest level of our heat. These days, we have received the grace of having this separation period reduced a lot upon the foundation of True Parents victory.

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